Why do white Americans think they have ever accomplished anything? They are literally the dregs of Europe.
Why do white Americans think they have ever accomplished anything? They are literally the dregs of Europe
Probably because we're the greatest superpower on Earth and we've never "lost" a war
>what is america
typical europoor education
Vietnam, you cockwit
She's so fucking hot. I wish she would cuck me, it would be so sexy if I could watch her get pounded by a BBC.
Annnnnnnnnnnd dropped.
Vietnam wasn't an actual war. Hence why I put "lost" in paranthese friendo
What are you talking about faggot? They invented the airplane
#goals #thinspo
I'll respect the biggest hick in bumfuck nowhere Alabama over you any day, Raj.
This. Just as cucked as those who move to Mars to live on Elon Musk’s new world. A country of marks.
And also why do they call themselves “white”? Do these people even know their heritage?
And nuclear weapons.
By the way, it's 'aeroplane' in Britain.
Trap warning. That pic is Bailey Jay, isn't it?
Those are probably the least of your worries with this thot
Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of my country being the most powerful one in the world
here is how the thread goes with a bailey OP
who is she?
lololol BRAAAP
I have the murican spellcheck. I know how it's spelled
Line Trap chopped her tools off?
Operation Paperclip resulted in the A bomb, so no, russians and germans did.
the absolute state of pakistani education
We didn't use Vietnam dumbass. The conflict began to stop the spread of communism in this country. Which was an arguable success since it pushed back communist fags for a decade or so
Yeah she's going bald too. Well that, plus the whole feminine penis thing.
... That beat the largest super power at the time (you)
And you know, became the largest super power that compares to the Romans
Hope you get hit by a Dodge.
Suck a dick, brit. We're better than you and your shit island ever has been or will be. Now go crawl back to what ever chav infested, piss bucket pub you fuck your mom at and bask in the glory of the world's sole hegemonic superpower and rightful successor to the mighty Roman empire.
holy shit. can i get some sauce please? i know she's got tattoos which is quite degenerate, but she's got a 10/10 body and tits.
Bailey Jay aka Line Trap. She's a He.
probably every piece of technology you use was invented by Americans
They have a lot of minorities so it boosts their egos I guess
Operation Paperclip happened after the war was over what the fuck
ikr? muritards always say
>"muh freedom"
>"muh burgers"
but, once they got nothing more
>"muh nord european anglo genes and ancestors"
fuck outta here, burgertachi
She's not going bald she just has a male hairline so if she doesn't take it from the right angles it's really noticeable.
what's with this progressive plebbit influx.
he is a "he", you mental midget.
Kicked you out of your colony, didn't we? What's that say about your lineage?
More invented by the British kek
How did we (((lose))) that war
Why does this chick have male pattern baldness?
>kicked britains ass for independence
>back to back world war champs
british education folks
You cannot win an insurgency.
Where is its penis? Google says that's a trap.
Drive through bait.
Because 13 of your colonies decided you were faggots and dental hygiene is important so we grabbed some frenchfags and defeated your empire.
We did all this so you could shitpost from devices based on technology we came up with.
Well at least for another 8 months or so until your literally cucked country has to ask your naughty, frosted wheat mistress for permission to log on and talk shit.
I won't allow anyone on this board badmouth united statians on my watch. They're one of the few countries in the world where freedom of expression and ideological diversity are allowed as opposed to many "first world" European countries. Also, their women are hot.
That just highlights how much Europeans have accomplished.
Why do black Americans think they have ever accomplished anything? They are literally apes.
I think the country the invents it should get dictate how it's spelled. Especially when the language is shared. This is probably why you all have terrible teeth, saying aluminum like faggots all day just eats away at your enamel.
and you've accomplished, what exactly?
I seriously don't fap to stills, but she is fucking hot
Sauce on the emo chick pls?
>1 post by this id
>this is is tZ6KoJeW
You didn´t fight against anyone of respect son?
>he's going bald
Poor dude, because of porn he has to rely more on surgery than HRT, if he were on full dose HRT that hair would be going anywhere soon, it'd thicken up and look more feminine, only problem is his dick would shrivel up and never work again so the porn execs would dump him or he would have to exclusively get fucked in the arse in every video multiple times with no enjoyment but nobody watches that because fans of traps are closet homos who just want an excuse to look at big floppy dicks.
His hairline is a timebomb, once it's baldness he'll not be a man or woman, just this plastic creature with no family.
>defeated one of the most powerful empires to secure independence
>invented the airplane
>first to develop the atomic bombs
>earn superpower status
>doesn't know about tucking
too bad she got super fat to make her new implants look more natural
Because they have.
>he types this as he uses an American website, on the American invented internet, using computer technology invented by Americans
traps are gay at best
Nice try, Moshe. Trying to instill division between whites. Even your ID is "JeW".
the nazis and italians
i guess
and some dumb argentinian niggers
>be me
>clicked on thread just to find its a butterface
Fuck you Sup Forums
>newfags still falling for linetrap a fucking decade later
>Pulling out due to politics is a loss
me on the left
Still salty about the whole winning the revolution thingee?
You first, low test faggot weeb
>in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old
If it wasnt for White America you'd all be speaking Arabic and Somali right now
A kind of.
>investing millions of dollars on man and machines in order to put your dick in Vietnam
>Can't into gook hide and seek shit
>Going home with nothing but the conciousness of the death of civilians and your soldiers
>Vietnam got what it fighted for
>Not a defeat
As long as she still has her dick I can look past this tiny tattoos desu. There is nothing more satisfaying than creaming a dick after some chocklate hotpocketing if you know wha tI mean...
vietnam was a police action, not a war.
>you'd all be speaking Arabic and Somali right now
But they're still going to be speaking it soon
Be proud of youself, not of this country, this country is a joke, if you're white get out of here asaf
We brought niggers like you over here to pick our cotton.
*passes american airbase on his way to work*
Website built on jap chan code, now owned by a jap, run on jap hardware. 'Muh 'Murcian superiority...
We can only save you once; superhero code
One day we'll clean the slums. I have faith on it.
Actually I don't even know why I still believe on this country.
OP is a greasy Jew casting aspersions on Whites.
No reason.
Yeah, one od our most important allies. Why not invest in each others success?
know your place britbong
ok,but you can't deny that you guys sing yourselves to a godly state via media.
>"America is the greatest country in the world"-Americans.
>Why do white Americans think they have ever accomplished anything?
it has a benis
But you're not dropping (her) for the dick (she) has?
Tbh I hate America right now. I wish the nationalist movement were stronger. Should I just move to Europe and make babies there?
Clicked this thread to see ops pic
Am gay now