LMAO, even a fucking torch company disavows you retards.
You became a complete toxic waste, literally everyone hates you, fucking outcasts.
RIP Alt Reich. Good riddance.
LMAO, even a fucking torch company disavows you retards.
You became a complete toxic waste, literally everyone hates you, fucking outcasts.
RIP Alt Reich. Good riddance.
Other urls found in this thread:
>our tiki torches are not racist
>pls believe us
I love how everyone is in this for tolerance points. such a fucking twisted and insane world we live in, I really can't wait for world war 3 to coat the entire fucking world in nuclear fire. humanity was a fucking mistake.
Yes, that's exatly what you should feel, you fucking loser, you simply don't belong to this world. Now go and kill yourself.
They will be financed by the day of rope
I wonder how many social justice warriors buy tiki torches.
Meanwhile back in reality, recruitment is exploding. You've given us tons of free publicity and I've got more Stormer Book Club applicants than I can process.
Feels good to be on the winning side for once.
>implying I'm aligned with either side
american identity politics have literally ruined the world. americans are a broken people, all of you are so sick in the fucking head, completely mentally ill. It doesn't matter if you're right or left, those are just pointless terms for 2 sides of the same coin. you go fucking kill yourself, fucking disgusting subhuman.
>Push people to kill themselves
>Whine when they take you with them
Its only just begun
nice. keep up the good work.
Mosquito genocide
>stormer book club
How does it feel to be a complete faggot?
This. It's insane how little conviction people have. They just go for the easy win - go along to get along. And if that means waving a rainbow flag and sending their children into the arms of pedophiles, by god they're going to do it.
This world is hard for white nationalists right now. It's easy for chubby leftists with no real convictions that aren't defined by the media. Hard lives yield hard men. Easy lives yield... well, you guys. You're fucking soft. You have no will. You have no convictions nor the means to achieve your goals even if you tried. The tables will turn soon enough.
a dodge challenger is too good for sodomites like you
you get the stone
>Disvowing your only consumer base.
Not a very smart move.
Everyone hates you, go cry on a barrel of a shotgun
>We aren't associated with supplying torches for the protest in Charlottesville, but we don't mind having profited from it
Dude even the NHL got outraged cause some of /our guys/ had red wings stickers on their shields and they bent the knee to leftists. But when BLM is out there rioting with other sports gear on no one says a word
They couldn't not do this as a business. Also look at how they don't call it a racist/nazi/white supremacy march like it's being portrayed as. Tiki supports gsssing jews for sure
I can promise you at our next rallies you will see us with another random product. We will co-op the entirety of consumerism, one product at a time. This time next year you will only be able to buy dildos and lube or your a nazi, alt-right supporter.
I'm not a conspiracyfag, but check this out:
>“The ACLU of Virginia stands for the right to free expression for all, not just those whose opinions are in the mainstream or with whom the government agrees,” said Claire Guthrie Gastañaga, executive director of the Virginia ACLU. “The city’s action is unconstitutional in that it denies Mr. Kessler and his supporters the ability to fully express their views in the location most closely associated with their message while leaving in place permits granted other organizations with opposing views.”
>“Tolerance is a double-edged sword. It has to go both ways. This governmental exercise in intolerance and censorship of speech that may be distasteful to the majority of the populace is exactly what the First Amendment was intended to prevent,” said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute.
>“Ironically, it was these very same tactics that local governments attempted to use to silence First Amendment activists such as Martin Luther King Jr. and his followers and shut down their protest activities. You either believe in free speech for everyone — no matter their viewpoints — or you don’t.”
Who the fuck let them disrupt? Why wasn't there more crowd control? There were political issues from the beginning about letting them be there, so why wouldn't there be political issues for letting them stay?
Honestly, I hate the retards on both sides. They both shout cringey shit and it's not something I could ever see myself being apart of. However I think either the city or the mayor (whoever gave the call to the police disperse the LEGAL protest) is going to get in some big fucking trouble for violating 1A. Unfortunately it's going to be forgotten about because of that one faggot who went full retard.
Take a look at these dems using it for political gain:
Something is fishy here.
Let's meme tiki torches into a white supremacist symbol.
At least now we know what brand of torches to avoid when enhancing our backyard gatherings.
Somehow I doubt that leftists were ever a significant customer demographic for backyard torches or that most of them even have backyards.
>help family and friends connect with each other
What a coincidence.
Their products DID help that car connect with antifa.
>tiki torches
>le great capitalist torches
How about making your own fucking torches from now on?
Whoa buddy, you're really mad. You wanna talk about it?
Did Dodge make a statement too? That their car was misused? Kek, you liberals are such low lives.
Poast more rare rally pics.
Dude it was a conspiracy. The mayor's thoughts:
>we cant block these people legally
>so lets let them show
>lets tell antifa everything about what they are going to do, and let them know the cops are on their side
>lets have the cops declare unlawful gathering and literally push the altright people into antifa
>political profit
>if the altright get hurt they deserved it, if my side gets hurt, it will be the greatest thing ever and I might be the next president
No, faggots worshipping losers statues with tiki torches are mad. I just think they should kill themselves before passing on their Retarded genes
>you merely adopted the tiki.
>I didn't see a mosquito until I was already a man
Trumpfag victim complex is so sad, it's a conspiracy against them everytime
How many of these threads are you going to make? You've been doing this all day.
Too late queer boy. I got one kid and plan to make many more.
This, can we do fidget spinners and harry potter books next?
You fucked up idiot. Im not a trump fag. You people need to update your scripts man.
Kek, abunch of our guys carrying harry potter books and talking about demographic replacement and the jews haha
Still have a victim complex like a trumpfag or a liberal
Another piece of white trash on welfare
Can we use tiki torches to ruin moana for everyone somehow please
I firmly believe that the Mayor, Governor, or Police Chief was trying to put political pressure on the police itself to disperse the crowd. Hopefully someone can sue so an investigation could be done to see who made what calls and why the police let it get out of hand, only to ban the dems' enemies.
I'm not convinced. They need to prove their tiki-torches aren't racist. Prove it!
really makes you think
The Dane is partially right.
Most Americans, even the ones on this board are fine to cry for patriotism to this "empire" that we've had built for us by our grandparents. American hegemony is great, but the political noise and racial mixing is completely, 100% sponsored by zog. Hell, even the supposed right-wingers in this country are fucking jews.
At the end of the day, when the kike bankers and /le based black men/ are running around subverting the last few good whites in this country, it's hard to see why this country is worth defending.
The flyers are the true white mans hockey team anyways.
There is literally evidence of political leaders trying to fuck with the rally members before the rally even took place.
the ACLU equated it to suppressing MLK rallies
What makes you think that they wouldn't be trying to shut the legal rally down the next day? Especially after the fucking retarded tiki torch shitshow the night before?
I hate all sides but free speech isn't applied to one side only. You have to allow it for all sides as long as they acquire a permit. That's why the KKK is allowed to stand on the steps of a college building in full robes waving the Confederate flag and be protected by the police. I don't agree with it, but they are granted the rights to do it. Same shit with commies
Hey, get aids and die. Please.
Do it for your family, faggot
>a faggot post
>a faggot flag
Like potterny
Has does it feel to do nothing, you dirty nigger?
Its like the concept of courage and honor have been completely erased in western society and among 99% of white people. Its REALLY hard to justify our continued existence when there really so few of us left who gave a god damn
That song "your welcome " but with white inventions like the internet and running water and things like ending slavery and wife burning
You're done for faggot
It's likely my kids will kill any you *might* have one day.
Rest easy knowing that
Tiki torches do genocide big nosed insects. Really makes ya think.
Ignore the shill
I wanted to say thanks user
You are making a difference
1000 people march in lockstep peacefully
>Wow the Alt Right is done gaiz r-right?
They might not be racist but they are most certainly appropriating the culture of native pacific islanders.
what you do not understand is that we don't care, we're already demoralised for a long time now
>what mattered was using your identity politics against you causing your whole political spectrum chimp out which took only 2 days, it's is going along beautifully.
You haven't a clue who you're fighting against.
Hey, the aidsflag has something to say. Let's all not care together as one.
A bit like having to vet 20 people.
I realised a while ago we were lost when old white women were listening to rap and teaching their grand daughters to twerk.
Social Media sped up degeneracy to such a degree its going to collapse the west within 20 years.
Over the weekend I saw a white guy in his teenage years (Obviously homeless) going through the bins of a gas station I was filling my car up.
I instantly felt bad for the guy and would have given him money if I had it on me. I said to the Indian lady behind the counter "Its shocking we have so many homeless people now" she took one look at the guy, laughed and said "he's a loser"
It was just another red pill to the future. These browns don't give a flying fuck about any of us.
What's the point of making statements like these? The next time a torch rally comes around and they'll get them from some other company.
Does leftypol even get traffic?
Besides oncoming of course
We are going to force European countries to ban tiki torches as a symbol of white supremacy
Does LeftyPol even get traffic?
Oncoming doesn't count
I thrive and excel when confronted with the 'hatred' of a senseless demonic horde
They literally wouldn't have made this statement if the Berkeley rioters had been using their torches while smashing people with bike locks.
Do you see the disparity?
because people will associate a tiki torch with nazi rally so they have to say it
lmfao they're actually tiki torches, I thought that was another meme
>The next time a torch rally comes around and they'll get them from some other company.
Sounds good to them. They might even get some brand exposure when some shit tier comedian does a bit about Tiki torches disavowing "nazis"
they would be too busy rioting to be walking around in a group with torches
The ACLU's efforts granted "Unite the Right" a legal injunction, and a federal court order for a permit to demonstrate in Lee Park. It was "revoked" by the mayor, and Virginia's governor. Now the ACLU is making a case against the city of Charlottesville, and the mayor - and will by accounts succeed in suing them - proving that American citizens had their civil rights violated. The city, state police, the governor and his national guard also did absolutely nothing to prevent or detain the roaming armed thugs forming illegal blockades on roads during a state of emergency, which proves incompetence at best, and ultimately proves malicious intent on the part of at least the mayor.
I guess this is what it's like to be "on the right side of history".
They'll say that until the moment the tides turn. In a few years they'll be begging to be the title sponsor.
>it's a miata
The same exact thing happened in Berkeley where the mayor manufactured the whole process, and had the chief of police made it so the demonstration had to be led in small groups into armed throng of commies. Both the Charlottesville and Berkeley mayor are commie fags, and they view the "counter demonstrators" as their personal army. Democrat cities are actual anarcho-tyranny states, fucking fiefdoms filled to the brim with crime, savagery, suffering and organized malice.
It's time to rebrand them "Freedom Torches" like the Jews did with cigarettes during women's suffrage.
We need to meme this now!
my sides
Nobody fuckin cares about this shit except fags like rick the cuck wilson and his butt fucking cia nigger buddy mcmuffin. Pathetic sad losers who shill and spam this shit. Like literally everyone who voted trump immediately tuned it out as soon as the double standard and glaring media bias became clear (almost instantly)
> (OP)
>>our tiki torches are not racist
>>pls believe us
>TIKI Brand is not associated in any way with the events...
Associates itself with events.
Jew tier advertising right there, people.
I thought in Russia everyone became crazy, but this shit is really mad
ur bib is full of cum baby fucker
>You became a complete toxic waste, literally everyone hates you, fucking outcasts.
Here's a novel approach to your ignorant post: