Jordan Peterson - The Problem with the Alt-Right

Why can't Sup Forums see the forests for the trees? Why do you insist on tribal warfare instead of promoting the individual's ability to self-realize?

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Yeah man I'm sure all that hippy-dippy shit about self-realization will really reverse the west's demographic suicide.

*inhales blunt*

>instead of promoting the individual's ability to self-realize?
That sounds gay as fuck. Can't we just have a massive field battle with antifa?

How does the ability for individuals to self-realize solve the issues of multicultural and multiethnic societies?

He's spot on about how the left have themselves to blame for the rise in white identitarianism as well as the issues with reconciling the beliefs of an increased emphasis on the state and nationality itself whilst also not wanting a large government. But that has been said many times before by tonnes of other people

fuck this charlatan

The cult of the individual is laying waste to our civilization. If you want to know why the West is fractured, spiritless, virtueless, without foundation and ripe for the pickings by more cohesive and unified tribes of people look no further than the Enlightenment. Jordan Peterson is a fool on this issue.

Here's some advice Sup Forums

Take a note that he still believes lampshade meme when even Jews are saying that was fake.
>Why do you insist on tribal warfare instead of promoting the individual's ability to self-realize
But that is wrong, individuals self-realize in groups, the only one realization of groups that is not allowed is nationalism, it also the most strongest.

This is a fag lefty meme that is being passed around to explain why Antifa, women and other dysgenic people can't compete on a "level playing field." It's the same game the Jews have always played. Be subversive, Be unhonorable, be sneaky and underhanded with your tactics and win using any and all available means. And these groups of people, especially the women, will never give up using this tactic because it's the only option they have. They can't out argue you, they can't overpower you, they can't rally or motivate human beings like you, the only thing they can do is stab you in the back or slit your throat in your sleep. Never sleep on these people.

Peterson is a good man, but he's an idealist. Of course it would be preferable for individuals to self-realize and avoid tribal warfare, but if one side chooses war the other cannot simply decline it.

Dude simply isn't informed on the gravity of the situation. Fine by me as long as he doesn't dabble in things he isn't equipped to do

Not a whole lot of room for self-realization in a chaotic shithole failed society typically created by Africans and Mestizos, Jordan.

An individual can NEVER self realize. Such a notion is a prima facie absurdity as the individual carries in his very bones the history and spirit of his people (whether he sees this or not). A man without a tribe is an orphan.

This comic is ironic because leftists are the ones known for threatening to kill peoples families

Because it's not about the present, you mong.

The future of our countries relies on the amount of ethnic Euros we have in them.

We're thinking decades to centuries ahead.

>Why do you insist on tribal warfare instead of promoting the individual's ability to self-realize
this point here shows a fundamental misunderstanding of why is it we're fighting.
The ability of all white individuals to self-realize is being removed by others inflicting emotional warfare upon us.
Without pushback, we will cease to be.

>emotional warfare
I meant ethnic. just woke up, forgive me.

You gonna reply? No? They I go to sleep in 5 mins.

Of course you self realize through group facilitation but it becomes cyclically destructive when you base it on arbitrary things like race because ultimately no matter how much you think otherwise people within the same races dont all share the same vision and opinions

Thats why civic nationalism is best

>Thats why civic nationalism is best

Culture before race. I agree... this is why religion is such an important unifying principle.

individual merit can only be realized within a tribal civilization
without the tribal setting, the interests of weak foreigners will hold down the potential of others, like crabs in a bucket
communism, welfare, drains on society

>arbitrary things like race because ultimately no matter how much you think otherwise people within the same races dont all share the same vision and opinions
>Thats why civic nationalism is best
Neither does a fucking country with a constitution, just look at USA. Do you see unity? How come racially and ethnically homogeneous nations have more unity than countries like USA. Its almost like it is not arbitrary at all.

The individualist says we've missed the forest for the trees

You cant fucking make this shit up

There is also a reason why everyone is scared shitless when whites talk about race. On one breath you people say that races, nations can't organize themselves due to their differences and then start kwetching when they start organizing. Why are these people afraid if they think its not gonna even work?

The problem with the alt-right is a problem placed on it by the left.

This is the truth, the nihilistic "we are all individuals man, without any common goal" is just divide and conquer tactic used by outside groups.

why can't the left meme?

Yeah sorry no, identity politics are the only politics that can exist in a multicultural society. It's unfortunate but it's nature.

>pudgy virgin detected

The problem with white people: They like to think about things in the ivory tower while the third world masses take over the ground.

>broken home detected

race is the exact opposite of arbitrary
it's deeper than skin, it influences health and fitness, it influences behavior, race is the result of coordinated effort by groups of humans over generations
the differences between two Europeans can be mediated because both have simple common hopes for society, but different means of reaching them
not the case when you introduce lesser races who rabidly pursue authoritarian communism and policies that cater to their group(inevitably at the expense of other groups)
black panthers black lives matter affirmative action etc are inseparable from blackness in a multiracial society

We can just look into voting patterns of multicultural European nations.
Here is a map of Hungarian parliamentary elections. It correlates with nationality pretty hard if not perfectly.

>sorry guys nationalism means you must want big government

He should stick to telling people to clean their rooms. That seems to work pretty well for him.

>the shills are still here

That video is months old and virtually everyone has seen it. A thread died for this shit.

I will wait for your response since this is a topic I am interested in even if it is late

Damn, there are some real sad sacs in this thread, sort yourselves out.

Can you actually articulate your points?

>Why do you insist on tribal warfare instead of promoting the individual's ability to self-realize?
Because liberalism is the root cause of all of this.

This. Thanks op

the point is, you cant undue suicide

How exactly does he come to the conclusion that nationalism and being anti-government are contradictory? A government doesn't define a nation, it's people do.

>muh antisemitism
>muh CIAlt-right is ethnic nationalist

His entire response is trash, and hes an obvious subversive kike. Its been obvious for a long time now that his rhetoric is easily used by lemmings against people who simply think whites have a right to exist. Youre "ideologically possessed!" if you think you cant vote to stop white genocide. These people are braindead lemmings, as dead to the white race as any communism who went through university. Hes mind poison. Muh father, muh individualism. The Alt-right isnt National Socialist, but National Socialism isnt a purely collectivist ideology either. It sounds like he doesnt actually understand what the ideology actually entails, even with all his years supposedly looking into "authoritarianism". National Socialism is a mix of collectivism and individualism, its not even that far off our current society in that things that harm everyone else are already regulated.

There is no individual. That atomistic way of thinking *is* the problem of the modern world, from consumerism to the breakdown of family and community.

>"did jesus christ exist?"
>"I don't understand the question"

what a genius

The most important thing is when it was pointed out the Alt-Right are duginist shills, a man who hates whites and sides with Zimbabwe in his own words. Hates our society, were oppressive, ebil racists. Hes a fucking BOLSHEVIK

because it is the aggregate of many people losing their right to pursue happiness that defines social strife. Multiculturalism destroys society because multiculturalism eventually tears down individual rights.
To promote, protect, and enshrine individual freedom is to inoculate society from the harmful affects of any ideology.

Race/ethnicity very likely influences your MEMORY too. There have been plenty of studies to show that memory is stored in DNA and then passed on over generations. On a biological level, I will always feel more closeness to white people, and even more to middle-class white people etc. We recognise each other and share deeply buried memories. It's no surprise that long lost siblings often fall in love without realising that they're so closely related, because they instinctively feel close to one another.

Yea man, I am pretty sure that nationalist Poles living under Imperial Russian rule were pretty anti-government.

Secularism brings forth Liberalism brings forth degeneracy brings forth weakness (we are here) brings forth social collapse and infighting...
We are ripe for the pickings, that is unless we rein in the Liberal worm that has bored its way into the national psyche.

Well, it is not a precise question. You mean the Jesus as portrayed in the bible? A some jewish rabbi called Jesus? Some dude named Jesus? You might as well ask if budda existed.

its also ironic because its characterizing white males as superior revealing that leftists are true believers in white supremacy. They just oppose it out of self interest.

Fuck off you retard, no one believes your shit.

Is Dugin Jewish????

100% true.

I am 1000% certain that JBP knows the true root of all the worlds major (((problems))) but doesn't have the balls to say it, and who can blame him? It's utter suicide. You might think you would do it be has a kids and grand kids and all other shit to look at after.
I wouldn't sacrifice them to to name those we already to be doing what they are doing.

He is just some irrelevant fag that no one actually cares about. Some retards on Sup Forums harp on about him.

hurr nazism, hurr i'm so edgy, hurr muh white culture.

one thing in particular that is sickening, is the individuals will not feel any responsibility or ownership for their land and their people

they're as dependent on ((society)) as a day labourer, and see no problem with this. you could take the atom and place it anywhere - this would be fine, because only their individual skills count! so you also lose nothing if everything degrades, it wasn't yours, and it wouldn't have changed your compensation.

Fuck it I am going to bed


If you dont have the balls to say it you are a faggot cuck that is of no value. David Duke is probably the only real leader who isnt scared of naming the fucking enemy

>Why do you insist on tribal warfare instead of promoting the individual's ability to self-realize?
Because we're human, we're apes, we are not floating disembodied brains pondering existence in outer space, we have LIMITED RESOURCES.

you becoming the change you want to see will tho

Culture stems entirely from the racial character of a people. There's a reason niggers have never produced anything that looks remotely like western civilization.

Do you know why there is such a hardon for Putin on Sup Forums? It seems rather strange when he has so many close Jewish associates. Putin shills or an actual sentiment?

not every individual has the ability to self-realize, all men are NOT created equal. some people are fucking stupid. actually, MOST people are fucking stupid and are lost without a collective.

individuals lead, collectives follow. not every individual is made to lead. that's about all

He's right, fuck the alt-right, fuck racism.

If you don't stand for tolerance, peace, and love, then you are not a good human being.

>most people are cattle
sums up the russian thinking over the centuries

It's because faggots who have been struggling to find identity their entire life love to pretend they have """"""""slavic""""""""" blood or whatever stupid attempt at pulling from a reservoir of meaning they have no seat at because they're really empty as people and then in turn try and identify with an outsider from their own culture in the attempt to find strength outside of the thing that shuns them.

That's at least why USfags """like""" Putin and any Eastern European nation.

most people are cattle. The russians are just redpilled.

What being realistic? Fuck off wanker and stick that UN flag up your ass.

>LARP globalist flag randomly whining about jewtin and russians in a completely unrelated thread

i wonder who could be behind this butthurt?

Those things are only possible within stable, homogeneous and self-sustaining societies, these societies are fragile and need to be defended from those who wish to do damage to them.

You can only have just social welfare when welfare leaches are punished, you can only have law and order when criminals are punished, you can only have peace when you kill those who want to do you harm.

I sincerely doubt you or anyone in this thread would have the balls to name them if you had an equal and as treacherous a platform as JBP. I know for a fact I wouldn't out right name them but I would give bread crumbs for people and normies to put it together themselves.
"Read Solzhenitsyn" and naming the Marxists is a close as you can get without being sent to jail in this day and age.

>fuck racism.
Nice try, leaf.

>Why do you insist on tribal warfare instead of promoting the individual's ability to self-realize?
For the past 40 years people like Jordan B. Peterson have been getting their asses handed to them in the culture war.
Now you have large ethnic groups lobbying the government and corporations for favorable policies for themselves.
If you don't join up and do the same thing you'll get fucked in the ass.
This has been proven in history over and over again.

The ridiculous thing is that they latch on to one of the most pro-Jewish person
Being realistic about what? You want a bullet in your head once your productivity declines?

>when the other side is forming a huge gang that's going to come for you one day, you shouldn't form a gang of your own but instead focus on being a good individual.

I admire JBP greatly, but he has his eyes closed one what the left is doing now.

None of this demoralization is going to work

>Being realistic about what? You want a bullet in your head once your productivity declines?

being realistic regarding the fact that not every single person is capable of individual thought. i'm not saying they should be forcefully herded into collectives, they do that themselves. it's a natural process. said collectives simply need to be checked to ensure that they do not get out of control - that is where the individual comes in.

because half of Sup Forums are NaziLARPers, and are too stupid to see that they're being played for the fools that they are.

>inb4 "kike lmao i am so edgy"

Its amazing, within his lifetime his country went so far down the drain he'll be soon sent to jail for using the wrong pronouns and keeps insisting on the "don't organize" individualist strategy.
How fucking blind can this man be?

White identity is literally for 89IQ whites

Real white people should make something of themselves instead of basking in the glory of muh ancestors who went to the moon n sheit.

He has been beaten into submission user.

He should speak the language of the masses not hypo babble bullshittery


There's an entire continent of brain dead impoverished monkeys that rape and murder each other without respite, their nations are devoid of civilization.

Not all human lives are equal and Peterson hides his power level on the (((question))). You aren't a solzhenitsyn fanboy without being fully aware of where bolshevism came from.

Immensely intelligent and he's helped me figure out a great deal but I'm not throating the guy hard enough to be incapable of criticism and in all honesty he's a tremendous noncommittal pussy footer with regards to the politics of today. Positively foolish to be speaking of the political violence of the past as though we aren't already there when anyone who isn't a relatively sheltered academic (he is, if to a lesser extent than others) can see the fucking writing on the wall as y clear as day.

Bloodshed is inevitable, imminent, and unavoidable. No preaching of the horrors of communism will make people shy away from the violence that is necessary for their survival.

He does have those droopy battered dog eyes.

Most normal people are capable of thought.
Are you implying that most men are incapable of judging what is good for them?
Humans establish collectives or whatever, then there are people who exploit these collectives (psychopaths).
If you wish to call the psychopaths the true men (individuals) then that is your choice.

So what he actually says

>the main problem with the alt right is anti-semitism
>says alt-right hates lefties for wanting bigger government
>thinks the alt right are nationalists and thinks nationalists want bigger governments so takes a weak pot shot at how dumb alt-righters are for holding that hypocritical value he assigned them


Yes this is true

because, individuality is what the kike's specifically target. western europeans are individulistic and have principal based morality. kikes are collectivistic and morally particulaistic. the kikes have learned through many centuries of (((tradition))) just how far they can push the western european goyim without triggering a collectivistic response. in other words they keep us divided by exploiting our individualistic principles such as charity, justice etc. which most western europeans value more than their race or community.


The problem with most people with a high IQ is that they think everyone can be like them because, in their perspective, they are able to self-actualize.

Most people are sheep. They must be herded, and loved. Not abused and slaughtered.

jordan is our guy

he's thinking about suing someone for calling him an "alt-right sympathizer" online, for defamation.

Jordan Peterson says some interesting things but he's not right about everything. At the end of the day, just another spineless intellectual.
