
Video shows car being hit by protestors before he drives away in self defense

the entire narrative is about to fall apart


You're reaching. Really fucking hard. He was gunning it down that road. Every dent in that car happened after he decided to ram some communists

He was a fucking idiot. He erased a lot of progress. We need to IQ test these retards. Anyone carrying a Nazi flag gets cut out. Fucking edgelord untermensch fucks blowing up tangible political goals with their faggot larps. Fuck rallies. Online game worked in the last election and will work again

You can attack a car, but odds are you will lose. I mean, what if the guy panicked, and was actually worried about his life and his car? Funny how American news agencies aren't showing this video.

weird, is that why the brake lights come on?

leftists need to burn. you'll be first.

He was already heading towards the crowd when that one guy hit the car. Also, why would he even drive onto that road in the first place? You could clearly see traffic was blocked by the mass of people.

The whole thing was clearly deliberate.

Wow, you literally couldn't be more obvious right now.

>Inb4 but muh civil war is coming guys race war now!
I agree. Nazi larpers get the fuck off the trump movement. They do nothing but piss on our progress with their faggotry.

whatever you need to believe to sleep at night, fatso

It's hard to prove the case. He stopped and decided to speed forward. The protesters attacking the car afterwards doesn't negate the fact he collided into several people and cars.

I support holding a right-wing rally and punching Nazis that show up. They are faggots who are too retarded understand Trump's vision to make America great for ALL Americans.

>self defense
Maybe, but that video shows fuck all

antifa dindu nuffin!

>The whole thing was clearly deliberate.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the evidence shows the exact opposite.

what progress exactly? leftists have only become louder and more brazen since trump was elected. meanwhile your republicuck congress refuses to acquiesce and tech corporations are going through hurdles censoring and suppressing any speech slightly right of center.

Spamming this vid again hey, with the same link, how many of these threads have you made now ?

Yes, but to liberal protesters everything that happens everywhere is the fault of white people. Even getting run over by a car you are beating up with baseball bats.

How you liking those travel bans?

Unless you have evidence of what was happening higher up on the street and what happened to him before he got into his car / as he got into his car, fuck off with this faggot shit. I want real evidence not larping schizophrenics.

Fewer than the ones by your side claiming that the alt-right is finished.

He's already charged with murder. It's done. Muslims win again, get over it

KEK. Muslims winning.

Inbred IQ keeps you grinding yourselves into nothing.

t. retards

This was not 'self-defense'. It was a deliberate attack. Why else would he even head towards that crowd of people to begin with? The road was clearly blocked.

Never paying for the wall, Chet. Enjoy your 1.6 billion chain link fence.

Kek you're saying this in the homeland of right wing retards. They will never learn.

Your life means nothing nor this website

>"He was gunning it down that road"
>Man is able to slowly step in and hit car with bat

>Why would anybody drive on streets?
>I'm ignoring that he was blocked from behind because I have the attention span of a dindu

But what about the car on the grassy knoll?

>blacks and hispanics killed on the daily
>no one cares
>one white girl dies
>entire nation mourns
i guess white lives DO matter

Nice meme lad. Your arrogance and confidence in your own superiority will be your downfall as it has always been.

You guys are sure creative in your interpretations of such videos. It's good you have such a vivid imagination I guess.

He obviously was trying to drive through the street. You know, where cars belong and where it's illegal to block unless you have a permit

Came here to say this.
Leftist narrative destroyed.

Violent subhumans got what they deserved.

>your side
You don't know what 'my side' is, don't complain just because I call you out spamming the board for (You)s
You're promoting that vid as hur dur amazing new evidence, when actually it's the first vid that came out, do you think we're stupid or something ? you post like a clickbait buzzfeed story.

Yes I agree. That truck in France that squashed 80 people was also an accident because idiots were on the road.

Traitors get the bullet first, Jimbo

The street was blocked, traffic was not moving. He would have seen that before heading down the road.

If he was blocked from behind how'd he get onto the road in the first place, retard?

Hey, it's the first time i saw this vid, buddy. He's just spreading the truth.

ROFL. If you think more footage will help (((your))) argument, then by all means post it.

Nobody is stopping you.

hes going to walk

>Video shows car being hit by protestors before he drives away in self defense
>before he drives away in self defense
Must be nice having an 80 IQ.

Yeah, he ruined his own life intentionally and only managed to kill one person. Op is the one who is reaching.

You dumb fuck.

>and the leftists say that we are the ones who don't accept facts
top wew

He was expecting them to move out of the way. Then he got attacked by the violent mob and panicked.

> inbreeding is just a meme

go one akmed, have fun shagging your cousin

HMM. Mobs move around? Clearly you have the most wise insight of a dindu.


Means enough that we can drive mate.

Why were the other 2 cars going down the same road? Were they also attacking the crowd? Stupid faggot.

Was he expecting the two parked cars to move out of the way, too?

He's getting a manslaughter charge at minimum.

If he gets off it will make election night look like an average day on plebbit

If we aren't superior, then why are you so pissed?

Why exactly was his vehicle being struck when he was driving at normal speed?
Is it because he was white? Is that not a hate crime?

>Was he expecting the two parked cars to move out of the way, too?

Do you think he has xray vision to see through a mob of people?

How could he know the parked cars were there?

Did you see those moving in the footage?

I didn't. I saw him swerve to avoid people hitting his car.

He will walk. IF he doesn't, the whites will repeat the event all over again. This time they won't be the peaceful ones.

>He will walk.
He won't.
>IF he doesn't, the whites will repeat the event all over again
Go ahead. All it does is hurt your cause.

Ok well let's just give every election from here on to the Democrats. I'm sure every fash ubermensch here would love that!

Every rally in the past 6 months

>right organizes peaceful rally
>left shows up and breaks shit
>left hits people with bike locks
>left scares speakers off campus
>left posts threats on social media
>msm ignores it

This time someone died and all of a sudden the media pretends to care because it advances their narrative. Like clockwork.

Just like Trump winning would somehow make everyone lose?

Here's how I see it. Every white person with any sense watches the video and sees self defense. Black people were NEVER going to see it that way. They rob homes, get shot, and play the victim. So in my mind, the best possible outcome has happened: whites are collectively beginning to realize the media lies to them.

The Shill Jews, such as yourself are out in full force as a result.

I have never wanted a specific car with a specific bumper sticker in my entire life until now

>MSM: Why are white supremacist Trump supporters so violent?

The sight of him publicly showing off his assets and white privilege was so distressing to the blacks, that they had to "physically resist their ownemotional trauma" by beating his car. They had to defended themselves from their own feelings.

>Every white person with any sense watches the video and sees self defense
That's rich.

>The Shill Jews, such as yourself are out in full force as a result.
Oh no, someone on Sup Forums disagreed with me. They must be a SHILL!


Does your Jew nose grow longer from using that flag?

You mean the truck that broke through the police cordon?

why did the other people drive down that road? Maybe to get to a destination? His destination was Valhalla.

Only on weekdays.

it's driving pretty slow when it gets hit with the stick.


Wow, imagine being the guy who hit the car with the baseball bat, knowing that you likely triggered the guy to kill a load of people. Those long nights of regret will come.

The chimpout will be glorious when he gets acquited.

yeah it's not really going that fast, it's not going at tickover but it's not gunning it. there's a huge difference in speed when he reverses.

I strongly believe OP is a false flag by reddit to make Sup Forums look bad

>having conscience

>My fucking sides

You're about as subtle a pair of rubbing hands.

damn, did that poor widdle white guy's car get hit by a paper-thin flag? oh the horror!

>to make Sup Forums look bad

Do you even fucking know where you are?

Burden of proof is on prosecutor not the defendant you dumb nigger. We see a guy hitting the back of the car and the guy freaks out. All the defendant has to say is he feared for his life due to the man who hit the back of his car.

>oh the horror!
Nice projection.

Leftists are the ones freaking out about what happened.

Let's just say that you're right. Do you really fucking think the people placed in the jury will even believe this video as evidence of his innocence? Someone innocent died and that's all it really takes for someone to be guilty of something.

hahahah fucking liberals on suicide watch, my boy will probably get 1 year max and be free 4 months in.

He was already driving towards the crowd dipshit

Thats literally a second before he is about to plow into the crowd

You mean to say that the crowd was already blocking his way, right?

>Leftists are the ones freaking out about what happened.
Understandably so, considering it was vehicular homicide.

Take it up with this guy: He's the one ridiculing such reactions.


>People become immobilized when their legs touch a street

Jesus fucking christ do we not have a SINGLE fucking editfag that can take this video. Break down the important points. Zoom in and slowmo the details and show exactly when the car was struck and the drivers reaction?

Big media and leftists are running rampant with EVIL WHITE NAZI MURDER KILLER TERRORIST because they have a vague video and are applying their narrative.

We need to dumb this shit down to legos and point out in big blinking red neon lights where what and why this happen and who is truly at fault.

I understand the sentiment, but there are a lot of weak willed Republicans and traitorous Liberals who will bash you. White Nationalists will always be hated for supporting the 14 words. I've found though that the more the opposition whines, the weaker they are. People want a white nation but they are too weak to fight for it. It's like wanting bacon but being too squeamish to kill the pig.

as were the other cars in front of him magoo

>He was already heading towards the crowd

Holy SHIT a CAR was DRIVING down a ROAD?!

identifying the niggers chasing the car. starts when?

He was driving down a random street. What, are white men not allowed to drive now??

>someone hit my bumper with a stick!
>I better plow into this mass of people, for self defense
I don't accept fucktarded leaps in logic, should you?

They closed in behind him after he passed. Stop pretending to be this dense.


I doubt he even saw the cars in front.

you can really hear the common core logic in the arguments coming from the antifa/commies

this is gonna be easier than I thought

Leftypol go home