It is so confusing to understand Qabalistic Jewish magick. Can I use this to give me sheckels or something?
Does anyone understand the Jewish Tree of life?
each one of those circles is called a sephiroth. as you can see there are 10 of them, and each one represents a different gradation or ratio of divinity. they are kind of thought of like dimensions of reality and each one of these dimensions has its own "traits" so to speak. in english the words mean:
The Crown - top one
the kingdom
etc. cant remember the rest off the top of my head.
they all exist simultaneously and each one has a specific ratio of divine presence. the jews believe that the world of the goyim is completely devoid of this divinity, therefore we are beasts to be harnessed and made to pull the plow. the world of the goyim is devoid of spirit and it total darkness and chaos. because jews believe that they are a part of this divinity, they believe that they are in fact on the level of gods also. this explains the pathology of the jew. israel means "to wrestle with god", so they believe themselves to be on the same level as a god and have the right to question and debate with him.
as far as qabalism goes, its complicated but not that complicated. each letter in hebrew also represents a number. when new words were constructed, it was done so using maths. for example:
the word tree might have a numerical value of say 35. in this example it would be composed of 3 letters, and say those values might be 10, 12 and 13. hebrew doesnt have vowels, so they basically just put together the letters, and that is why it sounds like it does when spoken verbally, because it isnt constructed on a phonetic basis but rather numerically, so it has that whole like "HHHHU-YA-MESHHH" sound and is very severe to the ear.
now when you take a word like tree, which might have a number value 35, that number value for that word was invented from other derivatives, say for example seed + water or something like that, and so the numbers match.
the way qabalah works is that it is a process of reading the ancient hebrew scriptures from a here-and-now perspective, and trying to tease out of it the words which have the numerical values the same as those you see on the page.
Thank you! It really makes sense how the Jews want to "wrestle with God". I've heard a while ago about some secret society religion where rules want to become their own Gods and inbreed within their bloodlines so their souls reincarnate to the same families or something weird like that.
so it can be thought of as a type of sorcery or some kind of divination, because they are trying to pull meaning out of the pages by comparing words with the same value to other words, just the same as gematria. so it is seen as a living document and each time you read it it becomes different. the stories of the bible arent actually stories in that way, they are encoded and they dont mean what you see on the page, they mean lots of other things depending on how you compare the numerical values of the words. you might replace the word "fear" with the word "praise" or some shit like that and pull a new meaning from it. the scripture is entirely allegorical in that way, its not actually meant to say what it says.
because of the tree of life, and concepts in judaism which states that each jew is a divine being, they dont actually believe in the concept of time as we do. they see all things serving the one purpose, or mitzvah.
no one understands the tree of life except for kikes, what the fuck are you trying to prove?
a mitzvah is very important. you hear jews say it when something good happens, they say ooyyyy its a mitzvah. a mitzvah is a "moment" but also it is a "moment performed in accordance with divine will". there are a limited number of mitzvahs, sort of like bitcoins. in each encounter in a jews life, it is an opportunity to perform a "mitzvah", which means that it must be performed in the perfect jewish way. this could relate to just about anything, from buying a car to fighting a war.
if they do not perform the mitzvah, then it is repeated again and again and passed onto another until a jew completes it. they see that they are all gods who must perform these mitzvahs in order for the sephiroth in the picture to come into alignment, and for gods divinity to descent to the kingdom. the crown sephiroth at the top and the kingdom sephiroth at the bottom must be aligned through performing these mitzvahs, so that they can become gods.
I dunno how any of this shit works. I tried researching it for some story/lore ideas on a project and all I got was articles and podcasts from fart sniffing new age sanfran faggots who dont seem to know either.
I cant read jew so that was no help.
thats why bible stories are weird and make not a whole lot of sense. it was written in babylon while the jews were exiled there, and they learned qabalistic magic from the babylonians.
there is a guy on youtube with curly hair, a jew who does a very good job explaining it. i only understand the very basic outlines and anyone who knew more would probably laugh at my description. it would be far easier to learn with diagrams, so im not surprised it makes no sense when you read it or hear about it
I want to use this withheld knowledge to my benefit and "illuminate" myself to fight dark forces.
While it is not my area of expertise Ape's library from /x/ has plenty of books on Kabbalah.
It's the same as chakras, but for filthy jews the root chakra is more important than the crown. As they feel closer to Satan than to God
Ill check and see if I can find the dude. And yea, it was real tough to follow.
it's just nonsense, don't waste brain energy on it
If you really want to "illuminate" yourself you should study astro-theology. When you finally understand that entire Jesus story can be told and understood with the zodiac then you will understand. You need to seek the ancient hermetic knowledge of Hermes.
don't even think about it, it's complete nonsense. Don't look at it, don't post it, don't say it and ESPECIALLY never research it. Take a nice nap instead :)
Qabalah and by extension all western esoteric tradition is Yahweh worship, from hermeticism to freemasonry to wicca. It is either pure made up kikery to fool the goy or outright demonic. Either way it is not the magic of Europe. Odin gave us the runes.
>YHWH worship
The church put people to death for studying the knowledge of hermes.
the channel is called kabbalahinfo. because they believe in a line of succession, you must be taught by a teacher who has a pedigree. its an entire priest-class in their society on par with royalty and only this knowledge can be taught by one who is in this line of succession. this guy from the channel is from the line of a guy called simeon ben-johai who was basically thought of as the foremost talmudic rabbi so his shit is legit. he explains it very very well, you wont have trouble getting your head around it. my description is only crude based on what i can remember from watching him and a few other sources.
it is basically number-magic and is very similar to meme magic or reading chicken entrails
The church put a lot of heretics to death. Doesn't mean they weren't all worshiping the Jew god. Whether they knew or not. The Jews love fooling the goy into bowing to yahweh
except its reading doubles and triples on steroids. they deconstruct the values over and over and over and have a whole language based on it.
Virtually all books on the subject of the Qabalah feature one or more forms of the map of consciousness known as the "Tree of Life." The Tree of Life objectively represents the physio-spiritual entirety of both the individual soul, or Microcosm "created in the image of Elohim," and the Divine Soul, or Macrocosm as the "Body of Celestial Man (Adam Kadmon)." Thus, the Hebrew word adam (lit. man), like the word purusha in Sanskrit, denotes both the individual person and the Supreme Persona of the Divine Self.
The three columns of the Tree and their respective Sefiroth are said to emanate from or be anchored in the substratum of the unmanifest, undifferentiated negatively existent roots. The Central Column emanates from the negatively existent roots through a single point in the uppermost Sefirah, called "Crown" in the Zohar and "Above" in the Sefer Yetzirah. In the initial event at the genesis of the universe, the unmanifest Light of the Endless enters the Tzimtzum (circular Contraction) through that point in the supernal World of Atziluth (Emanation), triggering a quantum fluctuation that generates the Big Bang and subsequent inflation of the universe. It then descends through the successive three worlds, thereby manifesting the complete Tree. The Central Column is called the "Line of Light" (Kav) in the Lurianic doctrine presented in the Etz Ha Chayyim.
What about the Qlipoth, the dark side?
the jew god is just the conglomeration of all the jews. they dont really believe in yahweh. YHWH is actually just an ancient equivalent of saying BTFO or ASAP, it means "mind your own business" or "nevermind who i am" in hebrew shorthand.
With the expansion of the Tree, the universe is created by the Celestial Head of Messiah called "The First," and sustained in the Tree as a balanced tension between Vast and Small Face.The extension of the Central Column is precipitated and sustained by the tension between the two Sefiroth Crown/Above and Foundation/Below, which emanate as a pair of opposites. The Central Column is said to be a "clear mirror." As the Central Column extends, the Column of the Right and the Column of the Left manifest as opposite reflections in the clear mirror of the Central Column. The remaining Sefiroth emanate as pairs of opposites in the two side columns, and the four qabalistic worlds manifest as self-consistent planes of existence.
The Tree provides the finite intellect with a frame of reference for all possible experiences. Each Sefirah is itself a complete Tree present in all planes of existence. The entire Tree, as well as each individual Sefirah, is therefore an open-ended ladder from the waking state all the way into the Light of the Endless (Ayn Sof Or). A great secret of the gates is that they are stationed in the Light of the Endless. Hence, by closing off both ends of any gate, consciousness automatically expands into the Light of the Endless. This is why the experience in the gates can be more unsettling than in the relatively stable and orderly Sefiroth.
The four Sefiroth of the Inner Court are also shown as corresponding to the four 'Celestial Heads' of Messiah of the Lord YHVH. These four Heads are functionally instrumental in creating, maintaining, and dissolving the manifest Small Face universe. In the Sifra Detzniyutha, the emanation and manifestation of the Sefiroth through the action of the Head of Messiah called "The First" (Reshith) is described as Small Face turning outward from Vast Face. On the contrary, when the Small Face Universe is dissolved by the action of the Head of Messiah called "The Last" (Acharit), the side columns collapse and the Sefiroth return to their unmanifest condition in the roots of the Tree. With the dissolution of the Small Face universe, the two "Faces" are said to return to the condition of "seeing Face-to-Face." The four Heads of Messiah and the nature of the messianic advent of the Lord YHVH will be discussed more fully in the web page "YHVH and the Nature of Messianic Appearance."
In addition to the four Sefiroth of the Inner Court, the Tree has six "Directional Sefiroth." In the Sefer Yetzirah, the six directional Sefiroth are aptly named "Above, Below, East, West, North and South." In the Zohar, they are respectively called "Crown, Foundation, Wisdom, Glory, Understanding, and Victory." In the Merkabah literature, four of the Directional Sefiroth are correlated with Chayot (Living Beings, sing. hyx, Chayah), and are also referred to as the "Legs of the Throne."
also important is "as above, so below". that means that they believe earth and the physical world is a correct analogue to the spirit world, they arent to be thought of as separate, merely avatars for one another. that is why they believe gentiles are demons and they are gods. they dont have a concept of the hereafter because to them this is the spirit world also, and during life they are able to fulfill whatever they desire and enjoy all the possible indulgences.
>can I use this for shekels.
For anything you will.
one may overlay many other systems and pantheons over the glyph of the tree. It functions like a codex. The central sphere can be linked with all of the sun divinities, has a certain angel, color, number and set of symbols. That's how western occultism works - it seeks to make connections until the realization of oneness is experienced. The opposite method can be seen at work in the eastern mysticisms where a stripping away of all that is not essential is the preferred path. There tree is also cosmological map, and a fractal - you are a tree of life.
pretty cool concept
Kabbalah was ripped off of the Babylonians.
Old Testament and Torah stories are ripped from even older times than the exile in Babylon. The Talmud comes for the time in Babylon.