If we want to save the right, we must get behind this jew. We must push him to be the new leader of the right.
Spencer and his neckbeard larping faggots have smeared us. This is the only way to win at this point.
If we want to save the right, we must get behind this jew. We must push him to be the new leader of the right.
Spencer and his neckbeard larping faggots have smeared us. This is the only way to win at this point.
Other urls found in this thread:
This man has no interest with this cesspool
I wish more people would see Ben as the face of conservatism. He's much smarter than most of the others, and a respectable guy. It could happen, he's the second most popular podcast on iTunes right now. But Ben hates "trolls" like Milo and Sup Forums.
There you go
Might as well write a check directly to israel. With jews you lose.
>The guy dividing the right and also saying the driver was a terrorist
Ben is right on a few things but this is fucking suicide.
Are you sensing a theme?
he alspo hates trump and is a neocon fucking shill. IF there ever was an oven worthy jew it's him.
He's calling out idiots and terrorists when he sees them, Ben isn't tribalistic.
These are good things
He praises Trump when Trump does something consistent with Ben's ideology. He doesn't praise him when he's sending out stupid tweets that don't help anything.
Trumps an idiot, neocons have a good argument. Do you even know what a neocon is?
But the driver was in a panic, literally there's images of him hitting the brake lights.
>We must push him to be the new leader of the right.
god damn it shapy your not leadership material. when you dad went to jail and you mom had to sell that mansion you had been living in you proceeded to smear shit on walls and tear shit up after the house was sold. your mom had to suck a lot of dick to pay for the cleaning bill which the court ordered your family to pay
hes right
He's a piece of shit
He loses to identity politics every time, basically a little smug Ted Cruz, whos only good at making facebook videos.
I agree the alt right has no chance without coopting the Jew And honestly they aren't that bad
I don't think you know what a neocon is, he is neither a globalist, nor corporate capitalist. Libertarian with a strong values system plus a backing for the military and religious values yes. The latter being part of your personal societal gathering (congregation on his part) and not to supersede getting the government out of your life, ie a ramping down of authoritarianism.
Though I know I should be all extremist because that's what people do on these boards that they LARP on here and beta in public, I however talk to people in public in the cesspool of elite liberalism about the negative impact being beholden to your government is for your personal well being.
fuck off nigel nigger
muh holocaust
" my grandparents are ashes in Europe "
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Pretty much
>Hey guys Ben here, leftists are ebil and want us ded!!! But dont chance the platform that has lost us the last two elections and most of the country!!
He needs to realize that demographics at least matter from a political standpoint, and all of his "true conservatism" means jack shit when power decides who wins
>the only choice is a kike
A false Idol. Not the leader we need or want.
this thread.jpg
Okay okay sorry Republicans. Why should any American right wingrer listen to you guys now? After years and year sof losing thre culture war, losing the poltical war losign the rhetorical war losing on all fronts to the left and progressives whilst them dominate your insittutions the only shred of success the right has had was due to the alt-right and younger generations and their command of the internet and support of Trump. WHY SHOULD ANYONE LISTEN TO YOU or your little neocon daddies whos ideas have utterly failed for the past 40 years? Libertarianism is an utter joke politically. Conservatism has conserveted absolitely nothing. Government continues to grow and the right is not in-control of it. Glboalism chugs on and Europe gets fucked because of your stupid foreign interventions. Can you old school conservs just die already and leave the alt-right alone.
Hi OP how long have you been using Sup Forums?
>If we want to save the right, we must get behind this jew. We must push him to be the new leader of the right.
Shapiro is right on most things and would make a good front man for the new right. He is intelligent, coherent and doesn't come off like a mad man
I have never understood this obsession to connect republicans and conservatives to a non existent alt right movement. You do understand the alt-right is a meme don't you?
Shapiro got destroyed in a debate with CENK UYGHUR. How can anyone still take Shapiro seriously?
>push him to be the new leader of the right
No fucking way I'll ever risk to get backstabbed by a fucking kike.
>not even mentally capable of acknowledge Gaza's killings
>Ben isn't tribalistic
This. Fuck all tribalism, it's the reason that stupid Charlottesville protest happened in the first place, regardless of who was at fault.
>Implying I'm not part of the new generation of classic conservatism.
Meme's and dreams, memes are the new propaganda that allows dumb people to express complex ideas that people with a low verbal IQ can never express.
Everyone hates the alt-right larpers, and if people go too far off the deep end in actual racism that has nothing to do with the hard scientific evidence of niggers committing crimes disproportionately and fags being mentally ill it risks everything.
Read some history, not just the night of the long knives, look at Brigate Rosse, and it was good those psychos where killing people and the people where turning against them.
So it emboldened the conservatists who then bombed the hell out of innocents, and not Italy is a socialist shit hole. History is very important don't act like a leftist only looking at your facts through rose tinted glasses. Also join the military, do yourself and your country a service.
Except for the fact that he is a jew
Nah, he baits and switches them. I don't think I've seen him lose a debate.
Starts with an emotional argument, gets them to bite into it and then cuts them down with logical arguments.
He did it to the brown buffalo just recently. Made Cenk seemed like a rambling bernie clone.
that's fine. i like ben for his debate style and arguments and i do like milo for his provockness
Just goggle this unprovable strawman.
>Join the Aussie military
I don't think you understand how bad things have gotten for white men my friend.
You are completely removed from relaity for the younger generation. Also fighting for your country just means being a glorified mercenerary for international finance. No thanks. There is no true reason.
You know why Milo only fucks black dudes?
Hes ashamed of seeing a shit covered dick plop out of his ass.
Exactly. Ben "says it as it is", and is honest enough to give Trump constructive criticism as opposed to brainlessly kissing his butt and defending his fuckups.
shapiro was my first red pill, no lie. he's ACCESSIBLE to normies!!
Holy shit!!!
what a brazen cuck sucker!
He just finished bashing:
Banon, Trump, Taylor, Vox Day in his twitter account...
equivocating the republicans with racist
grand standing are giving moral lectures... and now in here tries to gather support!!!
keep back stabbing!!!
some of these people will start to notice your treasonous ways
Proof that this is a shill thread
Dude, chunky got destroyed. Were we watching the same debate?
when are you faggots going to realize that the white race isn't in any danger and this white pride neo-nazi shit isn't doing anything but holding your party back
Because he can debate the crap out of pretty much anyone, and he seems like an honest, reasonable dude. Why not?
I really don't, sorry I won't like I don't keep up that much with SEA politics outside of China and the Philippians. I do know a lot of self worth, and self pride can be gained from serving your nation. Also if you love the core concept of the US, and are willing to sacrifice a good portion of your young life, and possibly the entirety of it USMC is always looking for people who want to become citizens, and work hard and dedicate yourself to becoming better.
Just a thought, as to losing the culture war, that's a made for TV meme in my opinion. I see most people have no issues outside of colleges and once they move on past retail or their part time job, people want to invest in something, and you can't invest in destroying the basis of culture, and the foundation that keeps everyone safe unless you do not have the ability to fail (see pre czar revolution Russia) or have no foundation of what makes a successful society, (see black people in the world today), though this is my opinion and I know it's easier to say da jooz did it, but I find that as imbecilic as the niggers who say he dinndu nuffin.
But what about muh identity politics
Ben Shapiro is actually pretty based. Who the hell cares if he's jewish? He's clearly not one of the "establishment jews" who's running the system or whatever. He's no Soros.
shut up faggot
>holding your party back
From what?
This man has the same amount of charisma as a damp rag. Besides he cares jack about preserving the white race and culture , you know the reasons why.
>Ben isn't tribalistic.
kill yourself for being such a dishonest jew
>Doesn't give a shit about the browning of America. >Any criticism of Israel is "anti-semetism".
Fuck this kike and fuck OP
as soon as Jews stop killing whites because they are scared the whites might take revenge
Stop projecting your Jewish ways on us...
you fuckers are lucky that whites are running the western countries...
wait until your plans works and western countries become none-white... then you'll see how understanding the niggers and Muslims are towards debate and discussion
this is the map of countries that the Jews are... noticed a thing?
most of the white countries have more Jews..
when the density of whites goes down... the number of Jews goes down with it!!!
you fuckers keep destroying USA!!! who do you think will stand behind Israel??? you'll lose Levant and the western countries!
where do you wanna go?
south pole?
Yes, the kikes are paying people to call Ben a shilling kike, because they don't want someone as clear-minded as Ben (with the additional minority perk) to be representative of conservatism.
>Do your country of service
Why would i want to possibly die in a desert we shouldnt fucking be, just to come home and be called a bigot, while the citizenry chant out the doctrines of our enemies. This country is on a downhill slide, and its main constituents see no "duty" to uphold for foreign bankers.
Ben has all the right ideas. The white ethnostate will never be achieved and you know it. We need to spread the message of conservatism to as many groups as possible. The problem with minorities isn't that they are brown, it's that they are liberal.
A city full of black conservatives is better than a city of white liberals.
KKK members and Nazis are the reason why minorities are so hesitant to become right wing in the first place.
Our real enemy isn't minorities, it's leftists.
That mentality has lost the country, one ethnic group at a time. Your " blank slate american" experiment brought liberals, you dolt.
Not even joking, if the entire board somehow mass converted to Judaism, could we form our own sect? Then claim victim hood status on that basis?
The Alt-Jews
I hate to admit it, but when I listen to him speak, I dont really see anything wrong with his points of view. Granted, I dont think abortion should be illegal (because we need it because niggers and spics are the highest percentage of aborters). He hated Trump before, but he has wised up and is trying to be objective and non-derisive of Trump since the election.
Your way will never work retard, it will always crumble, the new generations of le based black conservatives will look at the whites and go "fuck those crackas they be enslavin' us and shit" and dems will cheer them on.
We just have to bide our time and wait until whites get shoahd in Europe by invading Turks or something.
Kekistani is now the ALT-JEWS. See why I just know I am with like minded people.
this is why the Jews should disavow Ben Shapiro
He is destroying USA (the only Israel Allie)
He is taking picture with yamaka in every possible moment to abuse the elderly Jews and back stabb them!
The Jews should ask themselves... why McMaster calls Israel "the occupied land"?
why Ben Shapiro tries to normalize violence against the Jews, by connecting the president of the USA to imaginary anti-jew crimes?
Republican retardation is what has given us liberals. Conservatives haven't known how to govern effectively for decades. If conservative leadership actually resulted in undeniable prosperity and benefits for people, they would win support. Unfortunately, Republican policies haven't benefited anyone lately. The Democrats are equally shitty, but they're willing to just throw money at shitskins to buy them off.
The way to defeat globalists both the neo-cons, and the neo-liberals is to vote for the actual conservatives, and do something with your life. If you want to be a citizen of this nation, it's a great way to get your foot in the door, if your father, or grandfather served it's a great way to be a part of a tradition you can be proud of regardless of what the greater motivations are. If you find the idea of the current government disgusting and bloated, having served honorably is one of the primary ways people without a rich family, or corporate backers get into government service (see politics) or if you are a liberal, many of them come from law school and wealthy families.
Don't fight the idiotic left with violence, let them strike first, and respond with equal force get them arrested, publicly shame them for their hypocrisy.
It's what Democrats and Jews do. Appealing to minorities and the "disenfranchised" is all they have, and they will push it as far as they can in order to retain power. Even if we could ease the racial tension for a period of time, the Democrat Leftists would come back and pander some more.
Ben is a Bush era neocon Isreal firster whose only good attributes are that he puts on a spectacle "btfo" sjws with logic, which is low hanging fruit anyway. He convinces his audience he won the debate while the leftist audience believes their person won because they used appeals to emotion and nothing meaningful is actually accomplished. He's nothing more than a self promoter.The rest of what you said is nonsense since race is scientifically tied to group behavior in aggregate. Civic nationalists are too scared/naive to state the logical conclusion that race is tied to culture.
i agree, but this is in a perfect world where they understand like whites do. they lack leadership, and the leadership they do have need to be debated and taught.
we have our leader, papa trump, but theres a clear divide between him and us. theres no leaders in between that can control and teach and maintain a proper conservative group. ben comes close
the problem is that these folks come here expecting handouts. they dont come here thinking america is their home. they right away lean liberal in a foreign country for further hands outs. but in their own HOME countries they are conservative. they must be taught to treat america as their new HOME country or they get sent packin. once they start treating this place like home, things will look better for sure
Nah. I don't want a right wing multi racial country. I want a ring wing country that is only for whites. And I am not willing to compromise. I will side with the left before I will side with civic nationalist. If i don't get what i want then i want to burn it all
The majority of the right is too stupid to follow him. His words are too big and he looks like a teenager. Boomers won't respect him and rednecks will think he's a fag.
It's a shame because he'd have a chance at reviving the right. I'm saying this as a leftist who hates him.
The alt-right fucked up when they abandoned Milo to the pedo-slander and libel.
Milo obviously didn't endorse NAMBLA but rather than back their greatest advocate, the alt-right as a movement left Milo behind for the wolves.
Remember how libertarian Sup Forums used to be? I remember.
Stop following the white supremacy and antijew meme bullshit. I don't even think most of you actually believe in it, but just think it's funny to peddle memes. I think racist and antijew jokes are funny, but the sad thing is the whole world thinks you're all being serious.
The right is doing just fine. Just ask hillry
Mudslime identified
Define "winning"
>ben isn't tribalistic
He is a fucking jew, and constantly brings up that he is a jew as a "defense", and a means of terminating "debates"
The pro white angle the right has is the only reason it interests me. If the left became pro white and the right anti white, with all other things being the same, then i would join the left
>Let them get arrested
Didnt work for corrupt Dems, rarely works for antifa cannon fodder. They hold the narrative, truth doesnt matter when you have power over the minds of half the youth, who now reject capitalism and free market ideals. And 30 of that 50 supports socialism.
>Public shaming
The public supports this, they adore it when riots like berkely happen so they can show how "ebil naziiiis" and conservatives aee the problem. More people are swayed and motivated to the left when literal communists march, or anytime a dindu shoots a cop. This is only going to get worse, law and order are ceasing to exist in America, and the current system is incapable of reestablishing it through the means it is given.
First he must accept Milo as his lord & savior. Even that atheist Spencer has accepted Milo.
Which is winning them the narrative, the cities and a massive swath of public support.
So you're a one policy voter. Donald Trump isn't even "pro white", he's pro-Republican.
Not all republicans are white nationalists, but all white nationalists are republicans.
fuck off kike, he already outed himself as a cuck when he tried to blackmail Trump.
There was no other option but trump
That piece of shit is a leftist plant, and you are a fucking shill!
I'm sure there's a political party that supports your ideologies.
The democrats are worse for whites then republicans
Daily reminder that (((Ben))) supports outing """""racists""""" and getting them fired.
You're worse for whites.
Chink Wigger? WTF?
I don't care about conservatism. If whites don't get an ethnostate then let conservatism die. Let the left burn the whole world down
Nice try shill