Anyone know more about this?

Anyone know more about this?
Is he a patsy fake?
Wrong photo, different challenger?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Doesn't know that cars bend and become malformed when they collide into objects

Also both dodges are a special edition 2014 i believe, so it's unlikely that they're different.

Its pointing to a red trim on the hood of the car that isn't there in the crash photo.

srsly dude? it's the red trim and lack of stripes

that's reflection.
however, that is a different car.
regular challenger front ends are designed to crumple into the wheels locking them in place.

the challenger used in "the rundown" has been reinforced.

source: i own one.

the front is completely fucked after sub-30mph collision.

Couldn't afford to keep the RT had to downsize to the v6

Trim fades pretty quick on a car thats exposed to sun. Also it could be the trim was just purely aesthetic or even some gumpy sticker-type lining like they use on mustang special edition convertibles.

This is purely speculation

Wrong photo, I have a pic of the real guy right here.

Personal theory;

He's been in some kind of accident before, had to have the front bumper, hood, and windshield replaced. That explains the different stripes and windshield sun strips. Air bags didn't deploy because they had popped in the previous accident and were never replaced/improperly replaced.

so close to demonic quads. it's nearly brand new, no way it faded out, plus you'd still see the faded trim decal.

Go back to InfoWars

Yeah its not like anyone ever mods their own car. Fucking moron.

Ok, how do you explain the driver looking like Chris Pratt? The eyebrows are similar but the mouth is wrong, as well as the cheeks and cheekbones.


Theories withour evidence are just excuses you're trying to push for dumbass behavior.

>mysteriously change into different cars


Fuck if I know m8, crummy picture, CIA psyop, Mossad spook, or a Chris Pratt mask, take your pick.

How is a theory on why the car looks different an excuse for dumb behavior?

They got the wrong man.

If the 80s taught me anything its that a square jaw and hero level good looks are the natural result of killing commies.

lol like he would just be all chill and not thrown up against the steering wheel

He can't keep getting away with this!

you gotta be completely retarded to believe it's the same car. the whole car is a fucking different color and accident reports for said car say there was no physical damage only operation damage. fucking kys

I swear conspiratards on Sup Forums are getting dumber. Give it a rest, someone from our side got violent and went full allahu akbar and it sucks. And we have to make sure it never happens again.

normie cuck, go watch some cnn


Go watch some cuck porn you cnn

>crying by eyes out
Leave Joel alone!