Just a reminder
This is what happens when you /leftypol/ in real life
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Literally an antifa false-flag, friendo.
bunch of faggots
I don't even care if this is fake it's funny as fuck
this is what happens when you Sup Forums in real life
you get burnt darker than the dindu himself
Nah, Im pretty sure this is real radical leftist rhetoric. They want open borders you know, like, as in, zero borders.. you know, globalism, no nations. Thats why they hate nationalists.
Nazis watch out
>all i got are jokes
is this what a rat looks like when its cornered?
so fucking sad
You mean, nothing happens and then you sue the city of Charlottesville for millions of dollars?
Sounds pretty good.
holy fucking topest kek ayyyyyy
They do it to themselves on a daily basis with BDSM and dragon dildos. The Nazis were doing them a service.
genuinely can't tell if that's a feminine man or a masculine ugly female
>antifa gets triggered by high school tier pranks
that giant flower is succin that old man dry, do you have moar
Street fighter 2
>thumb outside your fist
Antifa special forces commander gives training.
Let me guess, the guy with the towel around his neck jumped tries to punch the white guy from behind when one of his black brothers is losing in a 1v1?
>has to remind people to keep their thumbs outside of their fists to punch nazis
This isn't even funny.
Where do these people come from?
Romper Room.
Oh, by the way..
You know it. Those dudes can't help but gang up on people.
Next, they'll impale themselves.
Every single time, it doesn't matter if they know each other or hate each other's guts, if a black man sees another black man getting btfo'd by a white guy they will 100% always jump in to defend the fellow black man with no exceptions.
As soon as blacky starts losing, every coon in sight jumps on the white boy. Had this happen to me once before in 8th grade. Got into a fight with some flaming gay black kid in the locker room and once I put him in a headlock about 5 other negroes who weren't even friends with him jumped on me out of no where.
I bet you think that's a real post by a real group of antifa.
>2 niggers and some fraile old man in the middle of them
what the fuck is going on here
their jewish handlers
Oh god, that is fucking awesome lol. Imagine a whole field full of these fucks done up like that. Vlad the Humiliator needs to be a thing
>thumb outside your fist
I learned this when I was five.
Wow, even bears hate niggers.
When your daughter lefypols in real life
hey rabbi, whatcha doin'?
>fat white slob wrecks a darkie in his physical prime
how can nogs ever recover?
nazis watch out
what are they trying to accomplish here?
Was that sign a nazi?
Even without sound I can still hear that smack.
God bless based stick man.
>thumb outside your fist
Everyone but antifags know this at birth
>thumb outside fist
This just made the thread for me. Thank you so, so much.
>that Soviet flag
does it ever occur to this leftist scum that they'd be doing hard labor in the country whose flag they're waving around? Social parasitism was a criminal offense in the USSR.
Also, this is what happens when you try to civic nationalist in real life.
>More camera men than people in the conflict
I've never noticed that guy is shamelessly kicking him in the dick. Just what the fuck lmao .
b b but muh dik
Daily stromer traffic for the past 24h.
Thank you commies.
that was really cute. That training though.
>You on snatch and grab
>Other two guys was his back
Thanks for this thread.
A good chuckle is exactly what's needed after watching the Alt-Right get completely discredited and vilified nationally for the last 24 hours.
A few good lulz makes it all go away.
>goddamn niggers and their racial unity!!
you just jelly
Yeah, the alt right is just paranoid about whites going extinct. Whites are fine. The vast majority. Nothing to see here.
Not even white myself, but literally compare that exact same graph to one of 10 years ago, and so on. You'll understand eventually.
Fucking flyover Trumptards don't even cuck right ughhh like can you even?
Antifa aren't even proper leftists. They are simply cannon fodder. Dispensable useful idiots to weaken the front lines. Wait until the real communist cavalry show up and rout the weakened rightists.
Heres whats funny about commie trash. They ideology didn't take the world to destroy them. They failed all on their own.
Yeah they don't exist and you know it hahahahah
>The nice old lady cheering the police.
Nah thats a lie.
its almost like you're trying to be unfunny
Yep your left it's gay.
Nothing that perfect can be real, but you have created some great kek porn so good work!
I honestly thought that was just a dykey looking chick until I read the name. Is this a tranny by chance?
You are a 12 year old.
>Russian communist
You are a 12 year old.
larping this fucking hard
Not really. Our numbers continue to grow, and we have suffered no consequences for the Left's criminal behavior.
It's been a pretty good day. I know you're lying about chuckling--but I'm not.
Nope, socialism is the way of the future. Capitalism won't last.
coal burners are self defeating though...
their children can't become coal burners, it is so amazing how nature works.
National socialism is more likely to come back than Soviet style Communism, your movement has been copted by fruits bud sorry to burst your bubble. PS I am not a Nazi.
Socialism is a failure that didn't even last 80 years.
Capitalism has lasted for thousands.
Communism is the embodiment of failure.
Why can leftist not meme?