>lost his job by exercising his right to freedom of expression
Hope he has something to live for otherwise they just made a monster.
I totally believe that private businesses should be allowed to fire them if they wish, but I really wish I could help progressives understand why this isn't a good thing to do. This kind of knee-jerk justice will drive them underground and give them fuel to burn harder. Incidentally, when something's underground, you can't fucking see where it is.
>@YesYoureRacist also identified by name an employee at the Center Street Top Dog hot dog stand in Berkeley, California. (BuzzFeed News could not reach the employee in question and has chosen not to reveal his name without confirmation that he was at the rally.)
>In an email late Sunday, Top Dog management told BuzzFeed news that effective Saturday, the employee no longer worked there.
Top Dog, LLC in Berkeley Calif. (pic related)
If one of my employees was dumb enough to show up to one of those fucking things I'd fire them too.
Start working for boss sympathising with the right. Get right wing companies and left wing companies. The left doesn't need Trump to divide anything.
At least they had jobs you nigger
Better yet, start exposing companies that are firing for political views.
>Hope he has something to live for otherwise they just made a monster.
At the next event he might have nothing to lose and more leftist violence with bricks and pepper spray could set him off.
It's pretty easy to kill gophers, actually.
kek serves them right
Sure, but I'm not sure what the left's metaphorical hose or explosives is going to be
You don't understand Mike.
>Political Discrimination is not cool
I hope that illustrates why getting the Bikelock despot fired from his teacher's position is just fair at this point.
This. I'd fire any lefty or righty who goes to jew protests.
The bikelock guy attacked someone. These people just held their hands up and said mean words
Counter virtue signaling. That might work.
Hate speech laws, with hate speech being solely defined by whoever made the complaint.
Well, it MAY have been the actual assault thing.
Fight fire with fire.
I believe they should be allowed to as well, but the problem is with today's political climate you can be fired for stating facts (EXAMPLE: AUTISTIC GOOGLE GUY). What needs to be done is the political spectrum has to be shifted back to fucking reality. Firing someone for stating facts is bad for two reasons:
1) it polarizes people so they do not express their opinion openly. This creates echo chambers which ultimately leads to radicalization and violence. Open discourse before it becomes radicalized is how problems should be solved to avoid conflict.
2) he was probably good at his job otherwise he'd have been (ideally) fired for something else. You want people who are good at their jobs working, this is what pushes society fowards and benefits everyone
How do they not know this is a bad idea? These lefty lunatics are pushing for a civil war. Do they not see how much they have won in the last 70 years? They are winning easily, but this push for violence is literally the only way they could lose.
Kill all NEET scum
Mean words and hurt feelings are literally violence though.
Of course comrade, my apologies
Like they care what a wageslave they lay off does
>revealing your power level in public
>pouring gasoline on a growing flame.
if you destroy their lives then they have nothing to lose anymore
Good thing I'm a non political white male australian who keeps getting told he's evil and being forcefed trasgender and homosexual agendas while witnessing the villanisation of anyone that as an opposing opinion to said agendas. I'm not getting tired of this shit or anything. I'm also an employer of 20 staff. I'm starting to think perhaps I should intrude on my employees personal lives and perhaps have a word to them if it eventuates that they have any liberal ideologies. Unfortunately the pendulum tends to swing both ways.
1. As long as there is no adress or phone number, this is not against twitter's terms of service.
2. It is not the doxxer who does the actual firing. Of course it should be illegal to fire someone based on what protests they were at or what opinions they publish, but if you believe in private ownership, you of course disagree.
3. People seem to forget how fucking trivial it is to anonymize yourself at a protest.
> They are winning easily, but this push for violence is literally the only way they could lose.
Right and center right keep winning election after election in the west, the left is politically nonexistant in the US (Clinton liberals are centrists and also basically powerless, certainly will be after 2018), but sure, the only thing stopping leftist world dominance is Nazis losing their jobs.
no they don't, but the people who doxxed him (antifa) sure do. They may have just turned a nazi larper into a nazi.
Fucking Alt-Right Shit Stains...
every last one of them deserve to die in a fucking house fire...
>Right and center right keep winning election after election in the west
Do you have any concept on anything you dumb mountain jew? Traditional culture is virtually eradicated in the north america (I won't talk about europe because I don't know and I don't care), and now with changing demographics the people themselves are going to be displaced in a few generations. Do you know what a conservative wants? To conserve their people, culture and identity. What about today's society has anything to do with traditional american values? Nothing. The political spectrum has been shifted so far to the left that to say something like "men and women might be different" or "biology determines gender" is now, legally, considered hate speech in some states and Canada. And you think the left isn't winning? Fuck I thought the swiss people were rich because they're smart but maybe it's because you're just wealthy by aiding tax evaders.
>if you believe in private ownership, you of course disagree
right because there isn't lots of legislation in place already to protect people in the work force - extending that to be in line with our actual constitution by protecting free speech means BIG GOVERNMENT TAKE OVER EVERYTHING SOCIALISM FOR ALL.
Please. It would take relatively simple legislation to protect people's freedom of speech in the workplace, especially concerning statements or protests outside of work and that have nothing to do with said work. Even with that in place, there are plenty of other reasons for a company to fire you, much less they could just make something up if they wanted to anyway. The laws would only protect people in cases where they can directly link an opinion they expressed on social media or something to their firing, especially where doxxing is concerned.
real interesting that people who are against "right to work" laws are advocating companies use them against people they don't like lol
one lost his job at a restaurant, oh wow what a tragic loss
Meanwhile libshits are okay when a business gets forcefully shut down if they don't make cakes for a fag "wedding."
Simply put liberals are shit and I hope you Americans get rid of them soon. They're even harming the economy among other things.
what is croatia like? Do you guys like foreigners?
There needs to be a coordinated attack against employers who fire based on personal political views. Constant calls and black paper faxes that tie up their phone lines, spam email, unwanted deliveries, everything.
And on top of all that, if this guy can prove that he he kept his personal views private and was more or less professional at work with no disciplinary events, he can easily sue for discrimination and wrongful termination.
Jeez, it's almost like employers don't want their business associated with nazis or something.
Monoethnic, white, safe.
You guys need to record who these employers are and boycot them, all the while shitposting everywhere about what they did. Think of it as a reverse company-worship thing the libshits do.
Did he really though? A Twitter post made in ms paint isn't really proof. And the hot dog shop he worked for was pretty libertarian. The dude had literature on his restaurants website supporting the author of the Google memo among other things.
he got what he deserved
hope that disgusting fat manlet fuck kills himself after this
It's fine. They'll end up with their own market after so many of them are ostracized and because it'll happen to so many it'll be the more dominant market.
Jews will once again be responsible for their own demise. Except this time they have no allies.
Oooohhh, you're tough!
Like this manlet.
Wait, the driver? Yeah I agree but he's not the one getting fired we're talking about
this is fucking outrageous. plain and simple.
>pretty libertarian
>ancap is mad that companies are firing who they choose because they are free to do so
remember this guy????
no one is mad at the companies you fucking asshole, we're mad at the political climate that basically forces companies to fire employees for exercising their rights. Fuck you commies must have nigger-tier IQ
THere is probably a lawsuit there. You can't fire someone for doing something legal and protected while they are off duty and not associated with the employer.
If he was wearing the Top dog uniform while protesting, then he is fired.
If he commits a crime while protesting, then he is fired.
If he lied about being sick to go to the protest, then he is fired.
Otherwise, he has a hot dog of a lawsuit here.
Can't you just deny that it's you?
>You can't fire someone for doing something legal and protected while they are off duty and not associated with the employer.
If you aren't the government, yes you can. They'll all be getting exit packages
>the political climate that basically forces companies to fire employees for exercising their rights
>Whitey always trying to keep a brother down.
Sounds like the same nigger-tier excuse making to me.
Assuming too, he didn't call in sick to attend the protest...
come on Sup Forums you should be proud of this, you're finally getting the label you've been giving yourself for years. this is a proud moment, own it
One good thing about commiefornia is that they have stronger protections against this sort of thing than most other states.
>Be employer
>Find out employee subscribes to a violent, genocidal ideology.
>Fire him without cause.
This surely will not come back to bite me.
Isn't it obvious that there is mischief afoot? War looms in the distance. A civil/ race war, will quickly abate, when outside forces move on our territories. We will be fighting off and on taking strategic cities then annexing all of South America owning panama then the great battle of Valencia in 2025. The borders of the world are being redrawn
Again, now they have nothing to lose and will probably get hired by someone who is sympathetic to their cause.
A new industry changing company? But what industry?
racist helping racist
what a great time to be alive
The markets decided that racism was bad.
And just like everyone else capitalism forgets: you don't matter
>Deciding who died in a fire
That's a good idea, lets take everything away from your political opponents so they have nothing to lose. What could possibly go wrong?
>Meme flag
>Capable of critical thinking
Just shut up fag
Works for me. With the single exception of Amazon for best prices and quickest delivery on occasional necessary things I can't get in the very remote area where I live, I literally only buy from conservative owned companies unless I have zero other choice. Same with buying shit from China. That's a nope. I only support countries I like. Us, European countries (especially the less-cucked), etc. I'm okay with India for their native crafts; not to make everything, but for things which specifically pertain to their culture, like their own styles of textiles, art etc. Same with Thailand, Indonesia, Nepal etc. Mexico I'm of two minds because I want to support Mexicans staying and working and making a living in Mexico, lol. So unless it's something which was/can/should be made here I will buy Mexican-made stuff.
Complicated? Sure. But voting with your wallet is one kind of vote that they can't finagle with.
>mfw you finally realize Arabs have been your true champions and allies all this time
The time for hiding has to end.
Pedo helping pedos, what a great time to be alive.
One word: Grenfell.
>You can't fire someone for doing something legal and protected while they are off duty and not associated with the employer.
Yes you can. This isn't Europe. All the red pilled states are right to work and it should stay that way.
>Hope he has something to live for otherwise they just made a monster.
well, it is termination without cause, so he can get some unemployment for a while.
It just means that we've become relevant.
This isn't a good thing fuck head. It's part of the reason why CA is so fucked up.
so we're both right, whats your point?
Not if it counts as voter intimidation. You can't require your employees to have a specific political affiliation.
Textbook backhanded compliment, I guess.
let me put this in a way that you Harry Potter reading retards can understand.
The lists are already being compiled.
>not being entrepreneur master race
Scary that this is legit
Did he died?
Tiping the frying pan.
>White men with nothing left to lose
>Most have been stockpiling guns and ammo for years
Enjoy the bloodshed that is to come. When they snap, it won't be us they start shooting.
>if antifa is doxed they are arrested
>if alt right is doxed they just lose their jobs, or tell people they lose their jobs to faggots leave then alone
Google trends
>get alt-right fags to lose their jobs and literally kill their social life.
>be shocked when that fat kid with the kek flag is pumping iron and shaves head for the next year wanting to pummel minorities and limp wrist white cucks.
About two years vacation. Guy should go to trade school while he's at it.
>say and do controversial shit in public
>get surprised when he gets fired
You can say whatever you want, but that doesn't free you from consequences. If your boss figured out that you were involved in a nazi or white supremacist rally and you took pictures of yourself in public at the demonstrations you can bet your ass you're going to get fired.
>nazi or white supremacist rally
Correction, what others are labeling as a 'Nazi' or 'White Supremacist' rally
speaking of people dying in fires, pretty soon you'll probably end up dying in a hellfire when the apache catches you.
You are just making professional antfa hunters.