How do we purge these leddit queers from our movement?
Make doing 5 pullups an entry requirement.
50 push ups under 2 minutes
Fuck Drumpf and FUCK wh*Te people.
>tfw 335 squat, but can only do 4 consecutive pullups
nigger please
Fart porn burp porn
You've got it all wrong user. You don't purge them, you take them in. That is what the good aspect of the alt lite is. The alt right doesn't agree with them, but many alt lite leaders bring people closer to the alt right.
You don't push them away. That is how the movement fails and it remains for the most part just a Sup Forums meme. You invite them in, and they learn.
hate to break it to you OP but thats probably 80% of your movement
Apparently you can vanquish with with some Tabasco sauce
>tfw you see another le redditor (pronounced read-it for you "old faggots")
You're out fatso.
The real question is how to corrupt the reddit queers. Everyone just wants to alienate them before the redpilling sets deep roots.
They don't have to be full fash but if you can just get them to start noticing patterns of Jewish influence they'll at least live a better life.
>No user, this kid will be a real White Nationalist one day. We just need to approach him rationally with facts
I understand the Night of the Long Knives now.
I don't care how fascist or racist I may become the longer I live, but I'll always want a nice ice cold Coke after a cook out. I don't care how much you push the perfect hygiene agenda into identity politics.
Reminder these are shill cringe threads using fake photos
these people are probably the most disgusting individuals I've seen in my life apart from antifags and feminists
Just you try to roll me out of here, skeleton
>no one sharing my political beliefs could ever be hilariously ugly
What massive cognitive dissonance you have there, trumpcuck
By not being part of a movement to begin with.
welp you just knocked all of us out too
lol that baked Alaska is a fucking phony faggmaster. He fucking dies his hair and beard. Why in the fuck would anyone even give the cunt two minutes? Him getting maced was the best part of yesterday. Mace does hurt and is a bitch but for fucksakes hold yourself together if your doing a livestream lol. Don't follow leaders. Start and create a presence locally in your neighbourhood
go home larper
>not wanting what's best for the movement
Gtfo, you armchair cuck
They're nothing but useful idiots, let them serve their purpose
How are they useful if they sperg out publicly and tarnish the reputation of people with similar views? They are the worst imaginable representatives to the general public
Here's what needs to be said:
Who gives a fuck about the ledditfags? Really, why care? If they're pissing off the political left and aren't getting in your way, let them do what they do.
Enough retarded divide threads already. We hate leftists and the ethnic groups who side with leftism first and foremost, once we get rid of them, THEN we can bicker amongst ourselves.
It's the ONLY lesson the left can teach us - shut the fuck up about our petty differences and focus on crushing the enemy over all else. Anything different is pure shillbait.
The only respectable answer is purge