Daily reminder that if you're white and you don't plan on having kids, you're CONTRIBUTING to the end of the white race.
Daily reminder that if you're white and you don't plan on having kids, you're CONTRIBUTING to the end of the white race
I'm white and have had kids, what do I win?
Fuck off I can meme other people into having kids.
Biological imperative?
See what? A messy house full of toys?
Having kids is harder and harder. If you have 10 kids, and 1 of them becomes a faggot, another a drug addict, another commits suicide, 2 more are neets who cant attract a wife, another a racemixer, another a radical leftist who hates whites.. well, you get the point.
If we want to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children, were going to need to do more than just have white children. That said, of course - we still need to have white children. Lots of them.
Haha, stubbed toes and sharp objects if they forget to put them away.
I don't plan on having kids because i'm contributing to the end of every race. What's your point?
I want to but I'm afraid to have white babies in America now. I don't want them to be indoctrinated and I'm horrified of ending up being a single mother.
> If you have 10 kids, and 1 of them becomes a faggot, another a drug addict, another commits suicide, 2 more are neets who cant attract a wife, another a racemixer, another a radical leftist who hates whites.
All of these would be your fault as a parent, not the fault of society. Except for the faggot one. Being gay is something that can't be helped, and homosexuals shouldn't be discriminated against.
Believe me, you don't want my family to survive, we're all batshit crazy.
>I don't want them to be indoctrinated and I'm horrified of ending up being a single mother.
Then don't date a nigger.
Go to your nearest church and find a handsome, respectable and hardworking fellow.
There are many men out there looking for commitment if you look for it.
You should euthanize, like rn please.
How am i supposed to end the human race if i kill myself? Fucking dumbass.
Well obviously I won't. Unfortunately a lot of people that go to daily mass around here are older / married. But yeah
Canada takes your kids away if you believe in traditional marriage, and the state is raising your children more and more. Benjamin Levin will have more of an impact on your kids understanding of sexuality than you will, for example. These things need to be fixed, and anyone with a mind for action knows National Socialism is our best shot.
I'll impregnate countless women if I do not have to marry any of them or pay for their children.
Then they are going to be raised by single mothers and grow up to be opiate addicts and will die eventually anyway.
>How to spot a nigger.gif
im not gonna have kids specifically because of this post
get rekt faggot
I have brown hair and brown eyes, but I'm supposedly Germanic.
Am I white?
no ur just a beta
>giving a fuck about this Earth after I'm gone
I like how you think you matter at all past your own life
Your tombstone will be faded into illegibility before the century is out
>falling for the wife and kids ruse
Not me sweetie. I'll be preserved in liquid to secure my body for reanimation.
I wish your dad died in WW2, was probably hiding in an attic
Oh, I hope that works out for you. I'm an optimist
>"hurr durr da joos"
Wow, lad, it's like, you can't even come up with something on your own.
Yeah but how? Every woman wants to date an 8/10 or higher. I earn thrice as much as the average family, look nice, dress nice, act friendly. And still they ignore me like I am a plague. When I look around at couples guys that look fine are dating horrible monsters, whales or just total bitches. The entire dating game is rigged for women. I am not going to settle down with some fucked up bitch just to propagate the species. Half the women my level are single and waiting for mr. Perfect because they are not fat, ugly or retarded. The others are in the harems of mr. Perfect, complaining that you always share a good guy. Please explain to the average western male how to date. let alone marry these completely self absorbed, irrational idiots?
Sorry I don't understand, why do they avoid you like the plague?
My issue is nice guys here are too shy to speak to me (or other girls) and guys that are confident enough to show interest in me only want one thing. Granted there are still more degenerate girls than men.
B—but i can't, im literally an r9k virgin neet with no social skills. Fuckin roastes wont even fuck me.
Bro, sort yourself out. As a side effect, you will be far more likely of attracting a worthwhile mother of your children. Do not marry a non-virgin.
>nice guys here are too shy to speak to me
hahaha nice excuse, if you always look at them seriously they will never try, nice guys don't like disturb people because they are nice. Women give signs to handsome men, after that, they try. It's hard for ugly("nice") guys.
i don't.
women are vapid, and niggers will outnumber us anyways.
the white race will die and I don't care since I'll be dead and without progeny to worry about.
This is the worst meme and you should kill yourself for perpetuating it. Go to any church, and you'll see nothing but old people, families, and roasties still clearly hung over from Saturday night and wearing the same dress usually.
>t. 8 churches within 15 miles of my house
>not thinking in the long term
>not wanting a 10,000 year aristocratic lineage
If all of us start going to church it will work out
Not all nice men are hideous trolls friend. If you look clean cut, are white and not overweight, you're pretty handsome already. I don't give dudes fuck me eyes either lol
faggotry only happens when someone diddles you as a kid, it's not genetic and you're not born with it.
Yes, we must use the tactics of the nigger, to fight back against the nigger.
yeah well when i go on tinder dates the bitches never call me back. i'm too nice or something, we just talk for 1-2 hours then i never hear back from them. i don't know what the fuck else to do.
You're in croatia, there's basically no niggers and no excuses other than "takes too much work and she's probably fucked a million other dudes"
Making churches sausage fests in hopes of landing a date with a "born again" roastie?
Whatever, just keep it out of my church, nigger. I'll backhand you with a white glove and duel you in the cemetery before you defile my Heavenly Father's sanctuary.
>she's probably fucked a million other dudes
Implying that's not a legitimate reason
You're implying that I wouldn't also go to church to get to know Jesus better.
You're also implying that women don't browse Sup Forums
Who is this cum connoisseur?
Sorry but I only sleep with black men.
At what age is it too late to bother?
t. 36m
I have a Mexican fiance.
Daily reminder that if you do plan on having kids, then you can expect to go more into debt and have no financial freedom for the next 20 years, which is what (((they))) really want. A good slave is a slave chained to the state and social responsibility.
>be ugly autistic retard with social anxiety who can't even function without xanax
>hurr why don't you have kids
I'm pretty sure there's still virgin women in croatia
never too late brah, we never stop producing sperm
pretty much. I also got cucked in favour of normie brainlets on more than one occasion.
ironically enough I consider myself good looking and well endowed, just unwilling to cohabitate with a parasite
oh boy do I have news for you
>Jamaican immigrants and footballers
That part always gets me
holy shit
there are no female virgins passed the age of 12
What was the point of the balkan wars if you guys are worse off now than before? Why does everyone here promote a "race war" in the USA if we're just going to end up as bad as the Croatians?
What if I'm Mexican procreating with an Arab woman and raising kids with strongly conservative values.
You have a future. The meaning of life is to reproduce brother. To survive and reproduce. That is darwins explanantion for a successful individual in a population. If your a man You Have To Try! Give it your best shot and stop complaining about how hard it is. I use to be mgtow for a little while but then I realized I should stop complaining and that historically this is one of the easiest times to have children.
>fills up with blacks
>white guys and girls leave
>only landwhales stay
Because the race war in the united states won't be whites vs whites like the Balkan war
to be fair Zrce is devoid of and despised by locals.
we basically scalp niggers with drug prices and steal their shit while they are drugged up.
note how the place is absolutely devoid of women; we openly hate niggers, and a party island shouldn't be a litmus test for an entire nation
'Cause there's so much opportunity to interact with women in Sup Forums and a nazi rallies.
Cool, I'm white, I'll go pop out a mixed baby with my black wife.
I don't see many white women there though, it's just a bunch of nigger boys. Maybe you need to leave the city to find your true love. Your country depends on you especially since there's more people dying than being born in croatia.
This is true. what about what women think though?
> op thinks any women would fuck an alt-right neckbeard leaf.
Can traps produce children now?
would you marry a girl that had an abortion?
wars that the jews made us fight in
I completely agree with you about the importance of stopping complaining
Why are you going to go pop out a mixed baby with your black wife?
because he is retarded
>The meaning of life is to reproduce brother
This is the most basic bitch view of life and I truly pity anyone who feels this way. This world is an enormous place with so much to see and do.
You could create an empire, invent cold fusion, cure the common cold, DO ANYTHING, but no, the meaning of your life is to do what red-neck trailer park hicks and noggers can do without a second thought? Pathetic doesn't begin to describe it.
>Nobody will remember or care you exited in 2 generations no matter how many kids your cow wife shits out
The securance of the white race in the future
>You could create an empire
Kind of tough to keep your empire going without reproduction. Also wouldn't it be nice if you raised your own children to rule it? Similarly if you invented cold fusion, it would mean you have great brainpower and it would be nice to pass on your good genes so that in the future there might be people left who can appreciate such scientific advances.
croatia has always been in constant war throughout history
we've always been shit
t. beta s filozofskog
You won't die like a sad pathetic sack of shit like most of Sup Forums will.
Jokes on you! I'm white and I have a skin condition, so I'm doing the white race a favor by not reproducing.
can we get this going onto a more serious topic. like how are we gonna kill all these niggers?
I'm Jewish. My wife is Jewish. We have four kids. Fuck you, OP
Hate to break it to you, but you can't raise a family if you run from responsibility.
tfw going to racemix because Sup Forums cries about it
Am borderline autistic
wat do
Same. I don't know if I'm really autistic because I've never been diagnosed, but I've never had a hug even though I'm 25 and supposedly attractive.
Who the fuck are these people?
>that pic
That's the damn truth.
U r def autistic friend. It's ok tho I have ADD but it makes girls hyper sexual so I have to RESIST
No you are going to racemix bc u can't get a white woman in bed lmao
I have 2 and working on 3, but I'm not one of these retards who thinks we can out-breed these rats.
I'm CONTRIBUTING to the end of the white race so.