Remember who fought against the Nazis Sup Forums.
Remember who fought against the Nazis Sup Forums
I had 2 uncles that died in Vietnam.
Eat my entire ass, you limpwristed commie fuck.
Grandfather who fought against the Nazis.
>Remember who fought against the Nazis Sup Forums.
Brave patriots co-opted by Jewish influence to slaughter their own brethren who were fighting for a future for white people.. Sup Forums remembers.
We didn't do much against them t.b.h. senpai
Fuck Communism
If the British were gonna fight the NAzi's, they could have atleast finished off the Commies too
The biggest cucks in history.
My Grandfathers both fought the Nazis. One died before I ever met him. The other told me in 1997 that he didn't believe the war was worth it and that he sympathized with the Germans. A lot of war vets became disillusioned with the anti-German propaganda when they saw what resulted from it.
Before the 1960's the US was majority German ancestry. Might be still. Talk about a potential 3rd column.
>*scrubbing grandpa's bedsores with a toilet brush*
>"goddammit billy, i didn't take flak in the ass so coons could get the vote"
>"i'll can give you something else in the ass, grandpa"
>*disconnect his life alert*
Did it go like that?
Then one of your grandfathers was a retard user simple as that. Glad he is dead LOL
Restore egalitarianism
Good point user. Nazis arent quite as degenerate as commies, but theyre pretty bad
this desu
the russians are the ones who broke nazi germany. You just have a big propaganda that changed the historic narrative on the topic.
did he touch you
>being anti-Nazi makes you a communist
I can never tell if your average American is this dumb or whether it's just Sup Forums.
Fuck this cuck, he can't even get a job in his own country and has now stooped to begging Trump for one.
Tar and feather his ass just like the redcoats of old.
>doesn't say it's a bad thing
Don't worry, fascism is only a tool used by white people to correct the course of their civilization.
Once this generation of fascists has purged our society of undesirables we'll go back to a classic liberal democracy until the next time the left acts up.
As much as we all like to laugh about GamerGate, it was the 'canary in the coalmine' for what's to come.
The British are quite possibly the biggest cuckolds in history
great grandfather proudly served under Mussolini
kick rocks, kike
America never was a white country.
Said the losers
>he sympathized with the Germans
He was an idiot then. The Nazis were taking over all of Europe, it wasn't just about da Joos.
Did the Nazis want to kill all the Russians because they saw them as "white Niggers".
Sorry I mean didn't
I've said it once, and I will say it again. If you want people to align with your beliefs, you can't go around marching in Nazi costumes. National socialists have a much higher hill to climb than the communists. People may agree more with national socialism or fascism than communism in this country, but they will never accept anything with the phrase national socialist in it. Just like people agree with most of Obamacare when asked their opinion independent of the name, but then disagree when asked "well what do you think about Obamacare?" Quit bitching about it and realize Hitler and Mussolini fucked the words and original symbols of national socialism and fascism by being on the Axis Powers during the largest and most deadly war this country was ever a part of.
The Nazis saw most slavs as subhuman
no they weren't, pick up a fucking book. they were trying to reclaim rightful German clay after the shitstorm that was ww2
Isn't Vietnam still communist?
So who is the real white people?
Both my grandfather's fought against evil in ww2
One was a heavily respected pilot I remember when I was 10 at his wedding literally thousands of people showed up I never had any idea at that age, people were crowding out on the street
My other one was some kind of desert special forces guy based in North Africa fighting against the Italian I think and turkey
Actually just googled him he fought over England when the Nazis were coming in and they were outnumbered and he still cucked them
Btfo Nazi faggots
>A lot of war vets became disillusioned with the anti-German propaganda when they saw what resulted from it.
Sweeping generalisation, no references, no evidence.
Did your Grandfathers fight in WW2?
>fought evil
> Not on Axis
Wow Fuck you dude. Your old man helped ruin Earth.
Gunner in B52. Mostly fought over Papua New Guinea but flew throughout the Pacific theatre.
>I had 2 uncles that died in Vietnam.
>worshipping another country
The absolute state of Natcucks
>want land taken away from you an reunite your naiton
>suddenly get it back everything cool
>everyone start mobilizing on your ass
>nation that stole you land get allies and try to fuck you
>all you want is your rightful clay back
the fire rises
People tricked by their governments into believing the Germans were inhuman Huns, because their governments were in turn tricked by banker Jews into believing their empires would be destroyed if people didn't throw goy bodies into machine-gun fire to stop a man who pulled his nation out of the international usury system?
check the mirror
Proud brave nationalists defeated the Nazis.
I bet that sounded really clever in your head.
The nazis invaded several sovereign countries. They were like the communists.
Fight for jews when you are not jew makes you stupid.
Is Sup Forums actually trying to deny that the nazi saluting and LARPing isn't cancerous to our cause?
My grandfather didn't kill young Germans for a bunch of god damn communist kikes to ruin the West.
Yeah and if they had won maybe England wouldn't be flooded with third world savages.
And they fought to preserve this.
You'd be giving Nazi salutes if it wasn't for our ancestral Sup Forumssters, Nigel. fuck off.
>dying for Israel
The absolute state of Americans.
>still a 3rd world shithole
>still being used for furniture mfg natural resource and sex tourism
B but at least we has our freedums
>it's only ok when blacks, hispanics, and jews have supremacy groups and openly antagonize or call for the downfall of other races
Spare me. I'm no leftist, I've never supported the German national socialists party, nor the inbred wannabes in America; but I'm tired of this shit narrative from the media and politicians.
The media thinks this is a victory for them, but the reality is that most Americans aren't impressed or scared of this tired old narrative anymore.
My grandfather only killed japs. He was kind of anti semetic
Well hey, I can't believe the fucking media and higher education is run by actual commies. Just try to find any mention of antifa especially in a negative light.
What was that, Nazifag? Wouldn't want to break the narrative...
I think he forgot about the time his people were doing nazi salutes too
Yea, maybe london and Birmingham. Outside of that its 90% white and up.
My great uncle was an SS man & killed 13 U.S. GI's.
The USA invaded Germany not the other way around.
Your uncles were good goyim yes keep defending those wars
France isn't Germany.
>patton said we fought against the wrong enemy
Marxism is a vile ideology responsible for far more deaths than fascism. It's so bad an entire region remains a backwards stunted shithole because of it to this day.
No most of us know that nazis are traitors and no better than a commie.
>My grandfather told me this. He didn't tell me exactly, but he told my grandmother and I know she'd never lied. She told me, he told my grandmother that he was standing on a, in World War I, he was standin' on a dead body. And he, and, and he seen the Bible in this guy's pocket and he reached down and he got the Bible out of this guy's pocket. And he opened up the Bible and there was the man's picture with his wife and his two, three children, ya dig? And he had a chain with a cross on it, and he looked at the Bible and he looked at the man's children and he looked at the cross and he looked down and he seen himself. He said, Wow man, what am I doing fighting my brother? I'm over here fighting my brother and I don't even know why I'm fighting this guy, ya dig? Why have we been fighting each other?
>Why are we divided? Why is our house all split up in little pieces? Why are we divided within ourself? We worship the same God, we Have the same book with the same words. Different translations, but the same principles, same codes of honor. Why in the Hell are we fightin' each other? Why did my grandfather kill himself? He comes back and tells my grandmother, you know, I was fighting my brothers and I don't even know why. And they didn't know why. And you want me to tell you why?
>They ride on you. They ride on you 'til there's nothing left of you. And
sold your blood on the way
>Current century
>Still using Nazi salutes
Explain yourself Sup Forums
>Current century
>Still thinks swastikas and roman salutes are nazi shit
We don't want to end up with our daughters the property of Muslim rape gangs like the UK.
Fuck off Farage.
People who would be called nazis today for their beliefs?
We should do a Roman Republic system with a revised constitution that explicitly states that it's the duty of the government to protect the demographics of the nation. In time of crisis we go full fash, otherwise we work as a Republic
Need to keep reminding them we fought against Socialists, and then defeated Communism as well.
When they mention it's in our history etc, omit the Nat in NatSoc
Push the left with their own igorance
"We will defeat socialists today as we defeated the national socialists then" kinda shit
out-jew the jew
Literally every anti-vietnam war activist was jewish.
Remember the first amendment, nigger?
can we bring people together to kill all the niggers?
also 8 more days until final day *clock tower chimes*
tfw commie great grandfather fought for the Red Army and never spoke a word about his wartime experiences
You mean the Germans, right?
Wouldn't that be something.
Go tell people you want to turn the US back into a white country, stop white genocide, or even keep Confederate statues up. See if they don't act like you're wearing a swastika.
Might as well do.
>USA was liberal since inception
>the founding fathers were violating the constitution before ink even dried
>Sup Forums loves liberals now
my grand dad bombed them
after 2 years in a POW camp, starving and freezing, he still never spoke badly of the germans.
never said it, but i think he regretted what the US did.
The Rothschilds won World War 2. Hitler made a stand against ((the treaty of Versailles)) and was crushed by countries who were co-opted by their central banker, the one elite tribe and their chosen cronies in the Vatican who own and operate ALL the central banks.
What the fuck did you expect?
Lefty fags call anyone with a different option a Nazi, you push the fag/tranny agenda.
Muslim scum are being brought to the west by the millions .
People are fucking sick of it , if you call someone a Nazi enough they start acting the part.
>muh 100 billion
My grandfather was the same.
Bombed Berlin several times
He gladly denounced the British (especially montgomery), The French, and many others
But he name said a single negative thing about the Germans
He seemed to have the respect one gains from long conflict with a skilled adversary
Holy shit this is golden.
This, if I'm gonna be punished anyway I might as well be guilty of the crime
My grandfather from my mom's side was eternally fucked up from that war. He was at Normandy and told me how he pissed himself running towards the enemy but was fueled entirely by the will to survive and how he felt nothing after gutting two German soldiers because they were "as soulless as Communists"
>Lefty fags call anyone with a different option a Nazi, you push the fag/tranny agenda.
The alt-right is pro-lgbt. Richard Spencer said it.
We also fought communists. What's your point?