I just got doxed by commie antifaggots and I'm terrified. I'm getting death threats and I need to keep my family safe.
So tell me, Sup Forums,
should I buy a dog?
I just got doxed by commie antifaggots and I'm terrified. I'm getting death threats and I need to keep my family safe.
So tell me, Sup Forums,
should I buy a dog?
If you must user
No because worst case scenario those animals will just kill it. You will simply lose something else you will grow to love.
These type of people are the same type of people who poison doggers, so I don't know man.
Get some curtains desu~
americans own a doggo and a gun. fucks wrong with you.
Repent for your sins user
>captcha has a helicopter
Not if you have guns, if you want that dog to live.
Gotta start your own business. Then tell your secretary to call them faggots.
yeah, and a gun. Stand you ground.
inform the police, as well as your local police department
how did they dox u?
Put some of those Viet Cong styled pungi traps in your yard, except instead of pokey sticks various colors and sizes of dildos.
This should be capable at distracting any would be communist assassin for several hours until you contact authorities and are jailed for being a racist.
Get a gun instead and consider getting better security.
Antifa are a bunch of fags so you don't actually have to worry if you're at home. Worst case is they blow in your windows and molotov your house.
Ur a merican why get an anti commie device
No you should stop being a pussy that relies on an animal to protect you.
lmao they won't do shit nigga, you is safe
Callnthe police tell them you are being doxed don't tell them it's because of unite the right (if it is)
Holy fuck the amount of new faggotry is astounding
Anyone got that pic of the doxxers information?
Seriously dogs are great defence most will not bother breaking in if theyre getting barked at
You should already own a handgun user, if not get one
My goodness there's way too many newfags on here that don't get the reference
And a gun, yes. A dog is basically just the world's cheapest home alarm system. It barks, you pop up and kill everyone you don't recognize.
But counter surveillance is the real solution. Start writing down license plates you see following you or parked on your street. Make note of any you find familiar. And if you see one with one of them parked in it, now you've got the drop in home.
Online harassment is never fun, but remember that it's only a handful of people actually doing it, they're going to get bored sooner rather than later, and in a month they'll have some new target. Just be safe, and you can wait this thing out.
>he was too stupid to realize Sup Forums is satire
Nigga nobody will hire you ever again. Have fun getting sucker punched or whatever Antifa does nowadays
>compile all the death threats
>hire a lawyer
Staple job applications all over your house, it will keep you safe.
>commie antifaggots
They're domestic terrorists.
Buy a gun really, but a loyal doggo would be a nice alarm at the very least.
>doggo to alert you/wake you up
>firearm to defend yourself
Make sure the dog is properly trained and armed.
Gun & a pit bull should do the trick user
They're not even new fags. It's mostly shills.
>should I buy a dog?
Buy a Helicopter
>w-what do i do now that ppl know im a faggot
>s-should i b-buy a d-d-d-dog
>k-kep muh famly safe
you want to be "le edgeyyy edgeloard"
you literally threaten other people and can't handle it when they KNOW WHO YOU ARE
no wonder you come here and larp as user
OP is a GIANT FAGGOTY PUSSY who asked for it and now decides he's not that strong
dogs will not hang around slime like you, you'll have to use a leash
go ahead and grab some random dog u lameass bitch
You're not safe anywhere faggot. We have our eyes on you everywhere you go.
Must be a good season for lawyers given the mayhem
>of these guys
I think you'll be fine.
If there was an up-vote system you'd earn 1 internet
Why are you scared of some faggot commies?
Be a man, buy a gun and shoot any red animals that get in your way.
>should I buy a dog?
Yes. You should buy a dog and have sex with it. Bending over and "presenting" should work, but if it doesn't- a little Nutella lightly spread around your anus should do the trick.
Good luck, and stay safe!
You deserve it for going to a larpfest and not covering your face
>massive faggot forgets about opsec and gets btfo
>cries like a bitch
suck shit you idiot
go eat some lead - this is the future you chose
>I just got doxed
Yeah fucking right. Lets just say you are telling the truth, buy a fucking gun, this is america.
Use telekinesis to make vans explode.
You mean your Tiki torch didn't keep you safe?
>not being armed
Get a bullmastiff or a german shepherd.
Guns and ammo
I don't understand this. How can someone be so emotionally unstable that he just punches some random stranger for giving a half-assed nazi salute. I just can't understand it. As much as I hate antifags I don't really feel like punching them until they start throwing bricks. Why are people so violent?
just watch out for vans
Do you have a family? That would mean you have a wife and children.
To be fair this guy did this in Virginia shortly after that car incident
you must literally be the same burger who posted all these other psyop posts. i am calling it now. same image, same theme, same pattern. You're honestly just an american fluffy
more like a gun
Buy a gun
And a doggo
But make sure your gun is legal or else the ATF will kill your doggo.
You can find guns for cheap at the bottom of lakes in sunken boats.
>1 post by this ID
They will poison it
Get a gun and some motion detectors, really I dont think they are gonna come after you, but if they do you can legally end them
They got him. RIP
We do what we do because we must, our hand has been forced and now that we fight back you attack us.
Hunt them down. Fight fire with fire.
We'll all be doxxed soon and it won't matter anymore. It's only gonna get easier, m8
They won't do shit
>I just got doxxed
>I am terrified of internet bullies
First, I can totally understand. It's hilarious, but they're fucking terrifying in their zeal to hurt and terrify you.
Here's what you do:
>be you
>get scurry texts
>take down phone numbers and get a railroading fucking lawyer, literally avatar of execution at 3000/min.
>milk these motherfuckers for all they're fucking worth while buying both a gun for you and your senpai each and a couple of good doggos. Rottweilers and Pit-bulls are fucking amazing breeds for this - loyal to a fault and help amazingly for this.
>fucking murder anyone that pitifully signs a death warrant for themselves by foolishly stepping into your home, to the tune of two 12 gauge shells to the face, in case the first doesn't take.
>sue their garbage families for their garbage familial habits, such as encouraging serial terror.
You have to keep the mindset that you're easily the threat in this situation, because you are backed into a corner. You not only have the legal prerogative, but the defensive prerogative as well. You can take these guys down legally for giving you threats, and physically for acting on them.
Buy a gun and do a preemptive strive. Do it.
Get a dog, a cat, a wife, a child, multiple children, a family for them to hurt. When they come for you, display your pain for the world, and you win.
Buy a gun. And a dog. And ammo.
buy a gun.
Mg42 my dude, get ready for that one day, the day that starts it all
Remember that the history of leftism is based on attacking targets that won't seriously fight back. You turn around, go after your attackers and prosecute to the full extent of the law. Show them that you won't take their shit lying down. Document and press charges and they'll soon learn no to fuck with you.
The KKK in all its might and glory never murdered Martin Luther King Jr.
You think a bunch of purple haired faggots are going to hurt you????
Please dude they are cowards. They turn whichever way the wind blows as long as it doesn't cost them anything.
They'll probably be Nazis in 5 years. The whites are all now nigger lovers. You don't need to respect the masses because they deserve none.
defend yourself badgelicking faggot
Best defence is offence. Dox the people who dox'd you and murder them in their sleep.
Buy a gun user
If you already have guns, It is a good idea to buy a dog, if you ask me. But you need a trained one.
Also, be more strict in monitoring the activities of your wife and kids.
buy a doberman, people are scared of it because of movies, but they are really nice dogs and never bite, but to strangers..oh boy they fuck em up
have one myself have a pic
lawyer up and report threats to the FBI
hab another one
You can get a gun license expedited if you and your family are in mortal danger.
you fucking LARPer, go back to plebbit, you fucking shill. Oh, and KYS please, also sage.
Lol get fucked newfag
Buy a gun
and another
go to your cancerbook and Tweet the words
with a picture of a pig
>he hasn't seen antifa poison a dog because they're crazy
You should go back bud
most antifas are too scared to be out with bats, outnumbering unarmed skinheads 10:1. do you really think those kinds of people have the guts to go to your home?
And anyone knows that commies are afraid of dogs.
>1 post my this ID
OP post more details. were you in Cville or something?
Maybe a defensive weapon of some sort?
Antifa would probably just kill a dog
Get some Hillary Clinton signs and a rainbow flag... maybe a Muslim coexist sticker on your charger
Get gun
Laughting at you OP
Tbfh right now if one of you were lynched i think it’d just be another twitter moment with a lot of great opportunities for up and coming comedians