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Everything falls eventually you fucking retard
And it will be tried again honey
Not an argument, tattle-tale.
> Portugal
> Fascism
It did perfectly fine in Spain and Chile
It did exceedingly well in Italy and Germany, the war destroying the countries wasn't because of fascism
Japan and China were never fascist
>the war destroying the countries wasn't because of fascism
yes it was
>Doesn't exist in 2017
God damn I hate these stupid fucking doped out lefties more and more everyday
t. Communists
this is great, now you see how it feels you fucking faggot. dumbest argument in the book
It didn't "fail" in our country you stupid hack. We were doing just fine until the (((USSR) and our own (((communists))) decided to fuck everything for everyone. Salazar did more to improve this country than all the democratic shitheads who came after him combined.
Bullshit bro.. Argentina did had proper fascism from 1944 to 1955 and it worked just fine. Then a military dictatorship took over and fucked everything.
Germany, Italy, and Japan failed through war, not economics
Republic of China wasn't Fascist
Spain was a decision made solely by the new heir to the dictatorship, who was a cunt
>Fascist countries chimp out and invade other nations do to fascist ideology.
>REEEEEEEE why is the world fighting back against us!
You mean wars are fought and financed by foreigners in order to end them.
I thought you commies already thought America was fascist
eat shit, Salazar is a hero
>Brazil 1937-1945
The Nazis were practically invited to Central and Eastern Europe
>ending in 1945
Taiwan is a thing you know.
Yeah fascist governments somehow fail quicker than any other
>I don't really know what fascism is but Dr. Shekelberg in 5th grade told me the evil fascist nazis declared war on the world because of it
Fascism didn't 'fail' in Italy, Germany, Chile or Japan or Spain. Don't know about the other cases
Yep, Salazar and shit was going on over there.
Just like 'real' socialism has been tried. You are the same full retards as the progressives with different verbiage.
The only one of these you might be able to call a fascist success story is Spain and that might just be my ignorance of the situation speaking...
brazil, chile, china and portugal weren't even fascist you bimbo muscleman
Its so successful that it exists in all those countries still, right?
You know, if people had just LIED LESS about Hitler and fascism when I was growing up.... I probably wouldn't have even become a National Socialist.
Good job kikes
I know exactly what fascism is, thanks.
>Shifting goalposts
>And it isn't even true
Fascism works just as well as communism in the grand scheme of things but at the end of the day i would have sooner shot Marx in the skull over Mussolini
Hitler literally fucking says in Mein Kampf that he wants to carve up Eastern Europe and turn it into colonies for Aryans.
>HRE lasted for hundreds of years
>better go back to Imperialist Tyranny
The political climate changed in Spain. It happens. There doesn't exist a country in the world that has been ruled by the same ideology since its existence.
The other countries he mentioned were destroyed in warfare and had their governments hijacked. Note that it took literally the entire world to bring down these "failing countries", along with nukes, and it was a struggle at that.
Military defeat equals failed economic system and social policies to you I guess, not to me. America has had the same system since forever, I guess you'd call it a success by that measure. You'd be a minority.
Hahaha sure you do i bet you unironically call the US a fascist police state with your faggot friends in the occupy democrats comment section
what about arabs?
Everything fails
nice strawman lol
Fascism is specific to Italy.
None of the other are fascists (showa statism in japan, nazi doctrine, national catholicism in spain), though they may have limited fascist inspirations.
Your Chile example shows how dumb you really are, deprived of even basic knowledge: there is no fascism without a corporatist economic policy, and Pinochet lead heavy neo-liberal reforms, the opposite.
Can go on, but the fact that you didn't know what's considered common knowledge shows that you wouldn't even know what i'm talking about.
Brought down from the outside because of intense aggression
Not fascist, imperialist
Not fascist in the slightest
Had a good run of it. Fascist Spain is the most prosperous the country has been in the last 300 years, I hope you know.
u wot
Fascism is what sprung Chile into 1st place in Latin America.
quality post
Okay? Is there any reason you are conflating basic imperialism with fascism or you are just retarded?
Spanish fascism didn't fail, it ended with the death of Franco, nothing special happened.
Chile Fascism ended with democratic elections (when did a communist regime end with democratic elections btw)
Every unemployed man aged 18-25 was forced to enlist in the Reich Labor Service, and were not counted as unemployed. They lived in labor camps, given very little pay though they were given free food.
these governments literally only failed because of losing world wars or ALLOWING democratic forces to take power
this is a bad meme
Well....look at it now, it's all going to waste.
>has to be destroyed by the rest of the world to fail
This time, there will be no world to destroy it.
Tell that to Ancient Rome
The Republic of China still exists on Taiwan.
It never went away unless you are brainwashed by Beijing's propaganda.
>worked for spain, portugal and chile and was dropped due to the death of their leaders
>restored germany's economic status, starting from near zimbabwe levels of inflation to a power that could challenger the entire world
>Japan conquered china, korea and was only stopped by the unstoppable powerhouse that is the United States.
Imagine if we had fascism in the US? Super Saiyan America
If you want to differentiate your fascism from Hitlerism, that is another story. However when the central text of Hitlerite Nazism says that a goal of theirs is to colonize other European nations, how can you imply that this idea that that's what they intended to do was an invention of Jews?
Lmao, you're talking about a couple of hundred thousand men here over a population of tens of millions. Six million jobs were created.
Real Fascism has NEVER BEEN TRIED¡¡¡¡¡
Nigga what?
The Integralists never achieved power though, so in Brazil's case they never got the chance to actually "try" anything. Do you mean Getúlio Vargas? I'm not sure if he counts as a fascist.
It's a common misconception of people that don't understand anything about the axis governments and just go by what they were fed in school.
better than giving it all too shitskins like it is now.
europe is literally all one place now. a third world muslim country.
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