Behold the pure unrivalled quality of posts on reddit.
Can we come up with pictures of trashy liberals?
Behold the pure unrivalled quality of posts on reddit
The girl is fat. Which has nothing to do with genetics. The other people in the picture look fine.
This is the best they have to come up with to make us look fat and stupid, remember that.
There is a high correlation between obesity and a lack of intelligence, which is totally genetic.
Keep in mind that Reddit's conservative userbase far outnumbers yours.
It's also really fucking bizarre to see you retards still engaging in childish territorial feuding when we are waaayyyyyyyyy past that point in 2017.
>men look fit, strong and reasonably handsome
>fat ugly woman is irrelevant to racial superiority as women dont do anything anyway
>this current year
yep; you haveto go back
still snaller than their dead roastie
Nice old meme there kiddo. I'll put the start of your tenure somewhere around 2013.
half of these dont even apply to Sup Forums anymore
Reported for being fatphobic.
top kickul
Okay, so the fat girl might be stupid too. Wow, gas all white nationalists in that case.
the thing is no one cares if liberals are trashy
"degeneracy" is a right wing concept and liberals welcome degeneracy with open arms
Mmk, not relevant, but mmk.
>Can we come up with pictures of trashy liberals?
INB4 this thread turns into a post all the LGBT+ rally pics/vids of faggots pedos
woah man that's fat shaming. Not cool.
>Body shaming
>All this is okay if it's against people who have different beliefs
Now what does that re mind me of
Uh no sweetie, 98% of white women who marry black guys are fat SJWs, sluts, and crack heads.
Its a common joke among whites that you guys don"t know about because you are just happy to get any white pussy you don't mind the STDs
Yeah because there is no fat ugly women on the left right...?