Is it true that muslims have sex with goats?
Is it true that muslims have sex with goats?
Other way around.
Wouldn't surprise me
this. but muslims are power bottoms. also checked
I was deployed to Afghanistan in 2014 and watched with my eyes an Afghan fuck some random dudes goat at 3am in a village.
I've seen it on drone livestreams.
They do indeed fuck goats.
Requesting webm of nightvision helicopter gun cam. You know the one.
That was my job, I flew mq-1c's and watched this shit go down
>only muslims have sex with animals
try harderer
Yo that's hot as fuck, can I go there?
many of us have to go with the goats when we don't have slaves or wives around.
bleat me to it
is it true that all white people think mayonnaise is spicy?
Yes. I have neighbours who fuck their goats. It is Haram, but they still do it anyway.
About as true as Kiwis/Welsh fucking sheep.
it's pretty salty, sometimes gives me cold sores
Scumbags like pakis and Afghanis do. Most of us just fuck our daughters. I don't know a single woman who wasn't fucked by her dad when she was a kid.
Go enlist faggot, trumps got some good bonuses going on
Sheeps too
i thought it wasn't haram if u killed it afterward?
Obviously. Have you seen their "women"?
Depends, if they're in Afghanistan they usually just rape the boys in the village.
Gang rape.
With the protection of US soldiers who are told not to intervene with cultural practices.
They literally do.
i read a thing a while back that said that child fucking (outside of marriage) is haram but there are exceptions for bestiality as long as it isnt sold and eaten by your own village.
>Is it true that muslims have sex with goats?
Wouldn't you ? look at how cute it is !
Goatfucking invented by Shia Muslims.
Is it true that space is dark because we believe the colour of the air is bright?
no, this is not true my brother of muslim faith
Half right
Don't they just fuck anything though?
>quoting him by quoting a book that he supports
pretty much, we are very thirsty
I am not a sand nigger and I too have sex with goats
Khomeini was a really far out dude, funny that he was the Kim Jong of his time.
I laughed but I believe it.
>Is it true that muslims have sex with goats?
>Sunlight going through space: dark.
>Sunlight going through air: light.
I dunno imam. This feels like a 'wtf did I bother learning before now' moment.
I'm 26, have raging ADD, and in my last year of school for computer science, I don't think I'm cut out for that shit
Some do some don't, obvious answer.
In some areas it's more accepted then others
>not fucking goats
You kuffars are low test.
You don't know the half of it, OP. Talk to any service member.
goat is very clean
I don't know why you'd think it's funny. Its just how things go. Ain't like there's anything else daughters are any good for.
>Defending bestiality
off you go
afghans are weird
Ponies are haram. Goats are halal.
Here you go.
Who is this semen demon?
Who is this qt? Any more of her?
It's widely accepted that Caucasus' Muslims sleep with sheep. Not even a banter.
my very first night in Afghanistan, I heard a goat bleating in the distance
>be me
>first night in afghaniland ever
>have thermal optics
>on top of a mountain face so not really worried about hadji's sneaking up
>3 hours into fire watch
>hear an increase in goat bleating from a nearby farm
>wonder "wtf?" and bring up my FLIR
>immediately see a hadji, balls deep, fucking the ever loving fuck out of a goat
>do a double take
>realize the rumors are true
>call the corporal of the guard
>he sees
>tells higher
>they record it
I wasn't in a combat forward position for more than 12 hours and I watched a grown 40+ yr old man bust a fat fucking nut, balls deep in a goat.
they fuck goats
Sangin valley was a shit show
Strangely enough so do the Welsh and the Welsh colony near Australia.
Look on liveleak.