>On September 11th Richard Spencer will have a "White Lives Matter" protest at Texas A&M in College Station, TX
What can we expect? Will there be another Charlottesville-tier happening? Let's discuss
>On September 11th Richard Spencer will have a "White Lives Matter" protest at Texas A&M in College Station, TX
What can we expect? Will there be another Charlottesville-tier happening? Let's discuss
I think that a good way for anyone to help feed the fire is start being more outspoken. We must meet our enemies at all front.
When Hitler started the Nazi party he and his political always gave themselves memberships above 500. That way the majority of people thought that they were more of them. We need to start doing tactics with similar goals and outcomes.
Daily reminder that being a white nationalist or a Nazi in America is fucking retarded
from grevious bread
>if you keep losing you should keep doing the same thing
>globalist family
>entire persona is stealing attention from other causes
>only way he could get attention in 2016 was to larp as a nazi outside trump rallies for CNN
>main accomplishment is talking about a pepe pin and getting punched on live television
All of this shit is about making more hype for one man so he can get more money. Remember when Southern had her patreon shutdown? He is exactly the same.
good thing I'm just an advocate for the American majority and their preferred policies then
Daily reminder to go fuck yourself, kike.
Good because the majority don't really care for a ethno state
the person you love will never love you back, weeb
consider suicide
yes, the white majority that will suffee the consequences of the demographic shift that will soon occur under current policy
I intend to stop the demographic shift and advocate for an ethnostate.
it is a good move. texas much friendlier than virginia. it is farther away so it will cost more to ship in all those antifa.
i hope he gets punched again
they would if they knew the truth
should I just roll over and let the kikes, globalists and deep state have their way instead?
y'all be fucking safe
this was the hand of Kek
>majority don't really care for a ethno state
last time i checked pretty much anyone who can afford it lives in an all white neighborhood. or they are "tolerant millennials" who are happy to hang out with the "poc" as long as they are serving their meals and driving their uber.
>What can we expect?
Not much.
College Station is basically "home turf" for good old boys. Sure, it's a college town. Lots of monkeys with scholarships and young white women without the common sense god gives hummingbirds, but of all the major state schools in Texas, A&M isn't where lefties are going to show up and get away with much.
If this was planned for UT, things would be different. And even at A&M, there will be a token counter protest bussed in from lefty shitholes.
There won't be any burning cars or broken windows. A few dozen leftists will mill about with signs, drums, and stink. Last time leftists had a big show in Texas 7 cops were killed. No one around here has forgotten that.
The Humpty Dumpty Duganite is going to do (((their))) job for free?
And Sup Forums is going to do this and make the right look bad, without a 2nd thought.
No wonder why usenet is the old/new Sup Forums, idiots are clogging up Sup Forums
It isn't a binary choice. Following Spencer or joining a FBI honeypot doesn't do anything good.
Does anyone see the parallels between antifa staring in America vs Europe? They still haven't openly admitted to being commies here yet, they have successfully wedged as anti rasicm. Now they will add it's not ok to be proud to be american, then capitalist, then everything but commie.
Fuck that, I'm just gonna chill in my dorm until some antifa fuck tries to break in
9/11 you say? OY VEY I must get prepared!
>they would if they knew the truth
No they wouldn't because you guys don't speak the truth. You would have a better chance of establishing a ethno state in Europe were you can make the claim that It is YOUR land.
You just said that while posting anime, now I can't take you seriously.
Commie flags at every protest helps identify them as such.
With any luck more communists will be killed.
Alt-Right GTFO !
I know, everyone knows this is now a Communist State.
Well said
BLM and antifa have shown themselves to be identical in leadership and objectives. Probably because their funding comes form the same source, but go to any rally and you'll see both intermixed.
someone give that fag a helicopter ride already
who said anything about Richard Spencer
honeypots are simple, if you post you are on a list, if you post specific plans or intents to do something illegal you will get fucked by the FBI
you're fucking retarded to be so willing to let our race die out during the next few decades desu
>tfw no one gives a crap about lubbock
Dallas is blue. You picked the wrong location, and the locals are all really proud of our lax gun laws and all looking for a chance to justify shooting someone. Nazi LARPers are due to get stomped rolling up on our soil after that shit they thought they could pull in Virginia.
El Paso checking on those digits
Well digited
>lives in an all white neighborhood
No. People who can afford to live in rich gated communities will live there. It has nothing to do with their race.
I'm pretty sure those rich people would move away if a piece of white trash moved as well.
>Will there be another charlottesville-tier happening?
First, bullets are faster than cars and Bryan/College Station has five guns behind every gun behind every blade of grass.
Second, all the Texas antifa is in Austin attending UT. And like hell they're driving that far. And while Texas antifa does have a few AK47s, they would be severely outgunned and they know it.
Third, the cops here don't fuck around. "Counter-protesters" would get *zero*sympathy/tolerance/leeway.
>I won't respond
>responds anyway
So we haven't let in a few tens of millions of Mexicans in just the last 40 years? But I guess most of them are citizens now thanks to (((Reagan))) and that kike immigration bill. Bad policy doesn't change facts, like the one that only whites are the only demographic to broadly vote for conservatives. When the shift happens, our politics moves left to socialism and absolute statism.
that is the point of these exercizes, to get pictures of chimps being chimps on TV
Commies will get their day of the rope soon.
There are scattered commie flags, but the press never shows those. It shows whites with black masks, and labels the attacked as "white nationalists" or supremists. We are in trouble, and the press has fucked us over. I'm afraid the genie is out of the bottle.
He is so fucking stupid he thinks it will somehow be different from UVA and won't be exactly the same with slightly more or slightly less violence. Fist fights and property damage are guaranteed.
Sorry to break it to you user but i'm a right leaning spic
Well, I'll be in school when Richard Spencer's protest begins. Should be fun, maybe I'll go and film it for you guys.
>being a white nationalist or a Nazi in America is fucking retarded
Infinity nigger.
>It has nothing to do with their race.
they just happen to be all "white" (including jews here) and rich asians are welcome to. and rich black folk who act white are also welcome, but at that point, what does it really matter?
>Mexicans in just the last 40 years?
That wasn't a lie. The immigration policy that allowed them to come in was heavily debated for days and many representatives waited until they got a clear answer from the people they represented on the issue.
>like the one that only whites are the only demographic to broadly vote for conservatives
They also highly vote democrat. and considering that whites are the only race that vote in constantly I would say a large burden falls on the white race.
>When the shift happens
They have been saying that for 40 years. If it didn't happen when trump was running then its never going to happen.
enjoy dying to blacks in the race war after the whites are killed
>reddit spaces
You have to go back
But Tejanos and Whites have been allies since Santa Ana overturned the Constitution of 1824. Are you even from Texas?
Aggie alum here. Current students, please use EXTREME caution with your faces. The uni WILL consider this an honor code violation.
>what does it really matter?
Class matters and that's the only thing that really defines you in life. If you talk like a urban nigger regardless of your race then you're damn right the middle and upper class are going to avoid you like the plague.
You misunderstand Texas if you assume that's who has the guns around here.
Mark it, it's going to be a middle aged white man who shoots the first Nazi, because he's always wanted to feel like a gunslinger, and the good old boys in attendance will back every word of his story up.
>damn right the middle and upper class are going to avoid you like the plague.
which is why hip hop is so popular among whites? and so many libtards virtual signal for them at any possible opportunity.
>implying spics don't hate blacks
What the fuck does any of this mean? The demographic shift is going to happen 100% within the next 50 years unless policy changes. Fact.
Good thread
I'm fine with most people that lean right but i'm not going to support a group that is going to stab me in the back the moment they get into power.
Well...you have my blessings friend.
Richard and Soros can take thier larpers and gtfo of Texas. We don't need the bullshit.
that's what i'm saying. after the race war to kil whites there will be the race war of blacks against browns
>so many libtards virtual signal for them at any possible opportunity.
A ton of them do but a ton of the also change their tone when they go back to their gated community.
Unrealistic hypothetical situations are not arguments
>September 11.
>Car plates 1111.
>On the 11th
>Helicopter crashed 11km away from charlottesville.
Let's organise another protest on 9/11... no chance of a false flag...
If repeating 1s then happening confirmed.
toppest kek
I highly doubt niggers would win that war....
>middle aged white man who shoots the first Nazi
ok buddy. spencer and his crew will be neatly dressed and respectable as always. of course you see a guy in khakies and a white polo and go "literal nazi" but not everyone sees things that way
1. a commie died
2. I am happy about this
3. idc if it was "alt right" or false flag govt provocatuer
4. more dead commies = always good
>The demographic shift is going to happen
The do more to change the culture amongst minorities. Hispanics are already slowly leaning more right and i'm sure we could be more blacks as well.
I would also like to make it known that I am in favor of going back to a merit based system. I really could care less if it brings in more whites and Asians all that matters is if we are bringing in people that can have a high impact on our country.
This is just a fucking honeypot. I drive to fucking cucksville in my truck and get some faggot that posts my picture online then I get fired.
boy howdy i really wish there was some kind of rally in north texas. i can't travel down to college station for one day
>no chance of a false flag
bring on the false flags. who cares? let them false flag it up.
Most my family votes for conservative issues and they are all Tex Mex and Coonass Cajun. ANTIFA would be fed to gators and so would turncoats who backstab patriots.
wasnt there an issue with George Lopez and they said he was racist for pointing that out?
>I drive to fucking cucksville in my truck and get some faggot that posts my picture online then I get fired
get a better job faggot. and till you do stop crying about it.
Thanks user
A band of "young males" (niggers) roaming the gated-community is not the same as some white trash moving in.
Do you see gated-communities with gangs?
extremely close! off the coast on a boat
Spics unite!
are you implying the people who fought for Texas independence were white nationalist and Nazis?
Real jobs don't check social media of applicants: its merit based, and drug free.
He who works a cucked job is therefore cucked. The best thing for you would be liberation from such a hell hole by representing the truth you believe in. That's damn near the definition of honor, bravery, and self respect.
Be quiet, nigger
Arm Yourself noob.
Arm Yourself to THE FUCKING TEETH.
To the teeth.
Likewise. :3
Yeah there was and honestly I really don't know why. Anyone who is Hispanic knows that our race can be pretty racist at times.
My grandma used to tell my sisters that she would disown them if they married someone that was black.... we aren't exactly uniting with them on any cause lol
You're on our turf nigger
Fuck niggers
Do I know You? Have an Idea who I am?