What are progressives "progressing' to?
What are progressives "progressing' to?
End of humanity
Being sexless virgins
If people won't accept that gender is on a spectrum then it's time for this country to burn to the ground.
Bill Nye did nothing wrong.
My girlfriend and I have been together for a year now and she meets a few of these numbers.
Does this mean I am a beta cuck?
>Asking if ur a betA kuk
Bill nye is a cuck
At least he knows what gravity is.
A gay genderless, globalist, socialist/ communist, utopia.
Good luck finding a woman that doesn't have at least one of these traits.
multicult utopia sold to them through in the media for something like 30 years
the same one that completely ignores cultural differences of ethnic background and pretends everyone is a WASP in everything but skin color
Willing slavery.
One world government with one world culture
Extinction of humanity, but before that a global slave state.
Neo-feudalism under the guise of technocratic socialism.
The fucking cancer.
>One world government
Who would be pulling the strings if such paradigm was reached?
Power beyond any morals
you mean islam
>tfw gf is #2 and #20
not too shabby all considered
Libtards are awful
totalitarian Marxism which is the Talmud put into practice. (((Their))) purpose is to bring forth (((their))) luciferian kenite(nachash) khazar Talmud moshiach(messiah) so that this false one will try to usurp the authority of the Heavenly Father to be worshipped, falsely. Yeshua/Jesus defeated this critter at Calvary. The false one arrives first to LARP and to deceive the population of the world.
Anybody have the original picture?
A world where everyone is a passive consumer with a sub 90 IQ and is completely reliant on the government for survival
#22 is literally all women
Yeah women who enjoy doing traditional man things with you are OK.
Easy: a world without Nazis
nazis dont exist anymore
Fuck these scum
Gotta love this pic.
>America gets its coffee from the South American governments that treat their people like shit, so it's the common white man's fault.
>American companies outsource all of its sewing and clothing production jobs to China and Indonesia where people earn shit wages. Somehow its the common white person's fault.
>African governments and warlords exploit their own people for diamonds and steal the aid we send for the people. Yet its the common white man's fault.
>Okay, so somehow niggers in Africa can grow food for us now. Whatever the fuck this originally was, it looks like food, and we don't get anything majorly food-related from Africa. WE give THEM the food, for free. Yet all of this misery is now the common white man's fault.
>Oh this is just gold. American women somehow exploit Vietnamese immigrants for manicures, nail painting, and other girl shit.. and yet, get this, this is the kicker, it's the common white man's fault.
I guess the niggers I see at Wal Mart loading up on the same shit in their shopping carts get a pass, right? I guess even though women are independent and strong in today's society, they can't be held accountable for taking advantage of those poor, oppressed Vietnamese nail painters?
Yeah, the real creator of the original image can fuck off.
Shit, forgot the pornstar.
>Women willingly take black cock in porn, star in films, and make bank off of their work. It is the pinnacle of feminism, that women are so independent that even married ones often do porn, and yet somehow this is made into a problem caused by the common white man.
To add to my point, the common white man on his pedestal doesn't WANT those foreign exploited people doing their work. The rich elites, the same people who say they support the plight of these people, are the ones who support it. We all voted for Trump to bring these jobs back to America, not to keep it up.
As a retail manager, I know reverse racism is real. Many Afromericans are ~100 times more afraid of me then I am of them. Many of them won't talk to me or take my help. I can feel that they are afraid, and all I ever do is offer help.
Also, I've had the race card played on me several times during my time as a working adult.
A global jewish slave state where the population are the brown unwashed dumb masses.
This is unironically a great post.
To Utopias of course. Pretty much the only one left today is communism (fully automated, luxurious and in space)
Nothing will end the despair
Second Density consciousness.
pol is also the largest board.
mind you we do get a lot of shills in here
Anyone know where this was? Hideous
In case you really don't know, it's a mix of extermination and slavery to international jewry.
I really wonder what exactly these "progressives" actually are doing and what their end goal is.
Communism and the anti-Christ