was radicalizing the normies really a good idea?
Was radicalizing the normies really a good idea?
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Bring it the fuck on commie faggots
>Everyone who isn't a nazi is a socialist
Nice false binary Unamerican traitor. You need to go back to whatever country still lets Nazis in.
Jew-run America is the source of all of the world's problems. I can't wait for the day that this shithole collapses and takes people like you with it.
Normies won't do shit.
yes, normal people are not built for conflict.
they will be crushed under the boot.
you do realize you're saying this on a jewish invention right?
dumb mayoskin
>Everyone who is a nazi is a socialist
Fixed it for you.
And you will?
Suck a dick, nigger lover.
>Good Guys
.Good Guys
You wouldn't believe him if he said yes, and it wouldn't matter if he said no. Meanwhile, he's still right you know.
There is going to be a lot of competition considering there is only about 4000 Neo Nazis in the USA and that is being generous.
I could fight 4 antifa at a time and not break a sweat.
It's funny that your slurs against us make us laugh, and our slurs against you animals makes you chimp out literally. I think about dumb you are as a group regularly when I see you walking along the side of the road from my new car.
(((They))) caused this more than (you) did. It's almost as if jews are deliberately trying to create another Hitler.
Nigger you break a sweat just thinking about going outside. Don't kid yourself.
Yes, In 2024 I want the two opposing candidates to be literally Stalin vs. literally Hitler
No you fucked up. Now that you have killed a woman its all over for you
>American Flag
Get the fuck out. You're even lower than a nigger.
Maybe because of my good circulation. What do you want? My stats?
My friends who don't even do martial arts could beat these weaklings with ease.
i hope the guys on the bottom end up joining our side =)
Natsocs are closer to how your founders wanted America than you are currently. Anti bank and pro-white
The thing the dumbass left and their even more retarded media enablers don't understand is that it's easier to produce a radical right winger from a radical left winger than from a normie not interested in politics.
This whole boondoggle is going to lead to way more literal nazis in this country long term.
t. centrist who thinks you're all faggots
>Deaths so far
>Alt-Right: 0
Yeah, they're totally out there slaughtering us
In not a Nazi. I'm an American and I hate niggers just like my ancestors before me did.
Fuck niggers and fuck you. We founded this nation with the clearly obvious notion that niggers weren't people. And they aren't.
>He thinks the people who were crying when Trump won are ever going to "Kill white people"
And if they do it wakes up every single "centrist" European on the planet to how genocidal the left has become.
but wait I like the Japanese
Yeah, your stats and a time stamped selfie will do.
I hate to say it but yeah he's fucking right it's time to leave black people. We need to start memeing you guys out of the country.
>BLM kills 5 cops in Dallas
>ho hum
>Communist kills 2 people in DC
>White nationalist plays bumpercars with blubber bars
My grandfather put himself through college killing Nazis like you.
You thought joining the edgiest club on the internet would win you a family that didn't resent you. You were wrong.
Know this, if you kill yourself now, your family will only look at you with pity instead of shame. Have a little pride and pull the trigger you virginfuck. At least have the courage to kill yourself.
but they arent white
This sounds like a lot of projection mate. My grandfather was shot down and was a pow in the Netherlands and still resented the government and the shitskins in Britain until the day he died.
You're a fucking idiot. The founding fathers only let white people vote and immigrate. They were closer to fascists than you Marxist fucks ever will be. America has always hated Marxist fucks way more than fascists. Now kill yourself.
>natcucks on suicide watch
America stopped being an egalitarian nation and started being an anti-white one.
11% bf
Former swimmer
2.5 years serious MT training with a disregard for honor, regularly compete with fighters bigger or more experienced than me
9 months lifting, 25lbs of muscle gained
Whatchu gon do nigger
Accurate. The US government hates us.
>upset marxicuck at the truth
Sorry, this was founded as a country for whites only.
Our mere existence pains you, and I fully intend to continue making you suffer.
Ill personally gouge your eyes out pussy bring it the fuck on bitch ass faggot
>whites only
a good brawl is always fun but if there are now a bunch of masked antifa with acid spray hiding in crowds its gonna get real murdery real quick
Where's your selfie, fat boy?
Oh no, another pear shaped numale going on about how he's going to kill nazi boogeymen. I'm sure glad I'm not a member of the aforementioned national socialist party.
Why not include a bolshevik flag on there? Unless...
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Like I said, I'm not a Nazi. I'm an American. And I want niggers, spics, kikes, and faggots to either leave or die. It's that simple.
All this blustering from the weak little virginfuck who thought being a Nazi would make them cool.
Kill yourself. At least your family will stop being ashamed of you long enough to hold a funeral
Cringe. Is this what the Left calls memes?
Nothing you're capable of doing will keep your family from looking at you with shame.
I hope you know I make 200K a year as a dentist and am a NatSoc.
I'm giving you my stats homie, never said I would give you a selfie for you to pleasure yourself to. Just accept that some people don't larp here. If I was larping I would use the Natsoc flag.
Get out
>my grandfather put himselr through college killing nazis
>everyone with an opinion i dont like is a nazi
Nice larp you fantastical faggot. Your grandfather probably hates you.
You will never be an American. No matter how hard you try, you will be nothing but a pathetic unloved Nazi. You will always be a weak virginfuck who blames his own inability to succeed on the color of his skin.
after you're done drowning the voices out with "dank memes" and the rantings of alex jones, you hear them whispering "kill yourself"
Listen to them, traitor.
You're pretty mad, which is exactly what I want. Face it chump, we're on the rise, and there's no going back now.
The best part of this, however, will be reading in the history books about how the good guys finally won, and vindicated the vision of Adolph Hitler.
this whole forum is such a disgusting display of hate....
hopefully the nuke can reach mainland
>more projecting.
Do you think Sup Forums actually cares about your opinion.
Well some autist killed a person and injured a bunch of others with his car so they would definitely do a lot worse than lighting trash cans on fire.
>In america
Get out. Go back to wherever your ancestors are from, because your kind aren't welcome here.
I like how you guys use a movie image as if it was real
Your desperation is somehow audible through text. You've got a bunch of people laughing at you and you're trying to convince yourself that they're mad?
You get that the point of trolling is to upset US, right?
Kill yourself kid. Acting like a Nazi isn't going to get you laid because it's edgy.
Your mom will pretend to cry, but deep down she'll be grateful you can't shame the family any more.
agreed, there should be a ban on any nazi hate speech and they shouldn't be allowed to assemble or defend themselves in court :^)
now THAT would be american :^)
Who said I'm american you stupid fuck
Yes and (((they))) aren't, fuckin jewish vessel state
historians will make sure after this shitfest is over no sympathy can be expressed for your cause, like there was after the civil war and WW2.
You will be remembered as ideological subhumans.
Sure thing, chubs.
>this much projection
Nigger, I'm married with 2 children and work as a CPA.
This country has turned to shit ever since we started mass importing shitskins and (((cohencidentally))) letting kikes into positions of power and influence.
What a fucking coinkydink!
Are you a woman? This is all so passive aggressive.
>You get that the point of trolling is to upset US, right?
No, the point of what I'm doing is going to where Nazis are, when you are at their most mentally fragile, during times of crisis for "the movement" and remind you that much like the origin of your beloved frog, the true meaning of all this will always be "forever alone."
Each and every one of you is already on the verge of suicide, and you all know you want to do it.
Kill yourself. You know you want to. Through the internet tough guy act, you know you have nothing to live for.
Is this where you pretend browns are capable of civilization? Cause I don't see them with a successful anything it all turns to shit.
Then kill wife and kids too. They all deserve it you know. America doesn't need your Nazi genes poluting their gene pool. Just because I hate Nazis doesn't mean I can't see the value in eugenics.
Kill yourself
Kill your family.
>Reddit and morty
excited for the nazis to come to my town and square up, nazies are worthless scum and deserve to die
ow the edge
Are you a virgin. Maybe you should kill yourself.
>in denial that athletes are capable of being right wing
>No commie flag there
Good job tipping your hand you pinko faggot
Kill yourself. You know you want to. Through the internet tough guy act, you know you have nothing to live for.
>ITT: one butthurt faggot frol /leftypol/ is scared that he's getting CHARGER'd
>leftist memes
Are you a virgin. Maybe you should kill yourself.
the left still doesn't realize that if they really are messing with closet 'nazis' then their tactics of doxxing and 'punching' nazis in public will just literally eventually get them killed by the wrong 'nazi'
We already have Fag the body count is 1-0
I deny that you're an athlete. Plenty of athletes are conservative retards.
Do it nazifaggot. I promise I'll follow
>free martyr
how is that a problem
The projection in your posts is riveting. I can feel the impotent rage and frustration seeping through. The inflated sense of self importance you must have to believe that you're actually affecting anyone's opinion here is cute.
Lol! The funny part is that you've been brainwashed to not want children so while your retarded faggot genes won't be passed on mine will and my children will have children and produce more Americans.
Your genetic legacy is the jizz in your boyfriend's asshole.
Kill yourself. You know you want to. Through the internet tough guy act, you know you have nothing to live for.