Will the leftist doxxing campaign further radicalise the right?

Will the leftist doxxing campaign further radicalise the right?

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Charlottesville Race-War PSYOP Riot Staged by The Dual-Israeli ZOG



Also listen to the first thirty minutes or so of this broadcast from Renegade Broadcasting where Kyle Hunt & John Smith discuss the situation as well.

Also listen to Kyle's show from tonight that just finished airing (8/13/17) -

antifachan doxed TRS and now Mike and Sven are doing it full time, with Mike at multiple rallies monthly.

>let's take away everything they have and give them nothing left to lose. That will surely stop them!

Yes, very much so. It's just more proof of how much they hate white people. Also the MSM will spin this hard, and antifa and niggers will go on rampages thus further redpilling a whole fucking lot of normies.

We are winning. Again. Forever.

Stop shilling your shit podcast, morpheus. Also Earth is not flat.

no it wont
Remember when Malala said the same exact thing?? And Sup Forums shat on her for it?
God you idiots whine so much about double standards look at you making the double double standard
Shut the fuck up dyke


Why do you worship another country's history yet call yourself a nationalist? If you actually wanted to help American white people, you'd use american imagery. The NSM larpers looked like assholes and ruined all credibility yesterday.

Yeah we have unironically already won.

>y-yeah we'll keep winning guys...right??
shlomo has sent his bulls to culturally enrich your fat mom


Nah, everyone with a conscience or any sense is going to be running the opposite direction from you guys after yesterday.

Very Large POST Copy Pasted from my NOTEPAD!! CIA NSA KGB D&D



Also immediately give me free references from fourchan dot org slash pol for my podcast.

Also look at the posts I've been making elsewhere please make my views go up.

No. It will surely backfire on the left. The middle will truly see the left for what they are; the real intolerance and hatred.

Tl;dr the left we reveal their true nature


We need to start employing each other.

I will only hire white males with hate crime records.

The right has already won and left is to blinded to see it...

shill on suicide watch

>let's take away everything they have and give them nothing left to lose. That will surely stop them
Exactly you know, like how disenfranchising minorities doesn't actually stop them from committing crimes or practicing irresponsible family planning.

They only add our numbers. If they keep cutting them off from their support structures so they have no choice but to depend on some nazi brotherhood to keep them afloat. Which will really kick violence into high gear.

people forget very easily. Not even Dylan Roof had lasting legs.

The only thing stopping a lot of people going full 1488 is to protect theor livelihood etc. Once you doxx them, they have literally nothing to lose and nothing to hold them back

depending on the trial and the caliber of attorney. He could get out of at least a maximum sentence. All he has to do is throw this hot potato onto the Mayor's lap who order cops to stand down until shit escalated when it could've easily been prevented.


>We need to start employing each other.
>I will only hire white males with hate crime records.

Yes, probably. The intent is to implant mass fear into the right, but I don't think that will do anything.

Just stay safe, everybody. Don't do anything stupid. Protect your identity as best you can. It's not the vigilante leftists I fear the most, but the governments and mass corporations. Expect censorship and dehumanization towards us.

normalizing doxing on twitter is a win for us, duders
