Based Pence wants to curtail nazi free speech and debate. Wonder why this doesn't apply to Antifa or BLM?
Based Pence wants to curtail nazi free speech and debate. Wonder why this doesn't apply to Antifa or BLM?
He's your butt-buddy faggot, you voted for him. You tell us.
Wtf I am a libcuck now.
He is a typical christfag.
To be fair antifa and BLM haven't really done anything to warrant having their rights taken away. They haven't gone full ISIS.
At least he didn't say alt right or even white nationalists. Glad Trump refuses to specifically disavow.
Actually I never understood the love for Pence as he was always an establishment milquetoast republican. This doesn't surprise me. It would be kind of ironic though if this administration signed into law something like german laws against Nazis.
a BLM guy killed 5 cops in dallas or something
What do you think "white supremacists" means? Don't be a retard
The cops that got shot. The numerous riots where they go around committing arson. Calling for violence against whites. Justifying the cop killings in NYC, etc.
so the arson. looting, property destruction, attacking the police physically, shooting AT the police "really haven't done anything" in your opinion???!!!!
He wasn't really part of BLM though
hello president pence
They know that we hate them and they fear that. Just remember these pieces if Shit are no better then leftist
the 'judaic' supremacists , kenite khazar Talmudic supremacists need to be called out and (((their))) attack groups espousing Marxist, Bolshevik, hate and supremacy must be called out and and told in absolute terms that (((their)))brand of hate and venom have NO place in American society or anyplace on this Earth( or under or inside it either). No tolerance for Marxist commie violence and hatred of those who long to be free and NOT subjugated under the boot of (((communism))) perpetrated by (((them))).
>To be fair antifa and BLM haven't really done anything to warrant having their rights taken away
except being the biggest sect massmurderer that this planet has ever seen ...
> literally no big deal
> .t.leftist subhuman excrement
not "really" part of...!!! so maybe some tertiary adjunct or "sympathizer" makes that okay???!!!
Sorry, but everyone is allowed to be proud of their ethnicity and culture except whites.
>Remember the 6 million jews
>Remember American slavery
>Remember African colonialism
of course the co-founder of the KKK was none other than Albert Pike 33rd degree Masonic Lodge. There is a statue of him right in front of the Department of Justice building right there in Washington D.C.. With all of these staues being taken down around the country perhaps it is time to take down this statue of albert Pike and any other mention of him ANYWHERE. Perhaps if we email and call local and national talk shows there will be a move to tear down the Albert Pike statue(s) wherever they may be.
>the_donald refugees will defend this shit
Oh ok. So the guy who rammed those communists wasn't a real white nationalist either. Glad we cleared that up. Dumbfuck.
What a good goy, he'll make a great replacement to Trump.
Retards like you will be responsible for the death of the first amendment.
>trump and pence restrict freedom of speech from those whom they consider "white supremacists"
>i-its 4D chess!!!
as if we needed any more proof that Pence is cancer
>caring about the opinions of the vice-president
Actions speak louder than words, and the vice-president is only capable of words.
>vice-president is only capable of words.
That is so incredibly wrong on so many levels but I'm sure you'd defend anything they did so that's not surprising that you're trying to downplay it.
>1 person is killed by a panicked driver
>ANTIFA and BLM try to assassinate congressmen and kill cops
If he won't denounce the communists that were there, I think we've found our Russian connection.
Not to mention the millions in damages caused by ANTIFA and BLM looting and arson
Pence is the Neocon that they bargained for with Trump
Precedent. Once he gets people to agree that limiting speech is okay, he gets to decide what speech will be limited. And I'm sure Mike "Shock the Gay Away" Pence will have some ideas about what speech needs to be curtailed.
>the government curtailing citizens speech
>literally goes against the first amendment
Hope all you civic fags are ready to really defend the Constitution
No speech should be limited you dipshit, as soon as a dem would get into office everything deemed "hate speech" would be banned. They've already tried this a bunch of different times before, all they needed was republican support which Pence is now giving them.
Check for pedoness please
he condemned, he didn't curtail, you numb nuts
When you say that a certain opinion has no place in american debate that means you want to curtail it by its very definition retard.
Nazi speech hurts and embarrasses the right, BLM hurts and embarrasses the left
no it doesn't. It means condemn, not curtail. The first amendment is clear in wording
>be Sup Forums
>get abandoned by virtually everyone
just like in real life
>Wonder why this doesn't apply to Antifa or BLM?
To be honest, I wonder how this situation got so big so fast compared to things that happened as a result of Antifa or BLM. People had to fight tooth and nail to just to get the word out about their shenanigans, and even the main the primary outlets spent their airtime on these events rationalizing them.
>These groups have no place in American life or debate
Seems pretty clear to me, the comma separates statements with condemnation just like it does in the 2nd amendment separating the rights between militia and the people.
I wonder what Mike "neuropathics for the sapphics" Pence is up to now.
To me a white supremacist is someone who wants nonwhites to have less legal rights. Affirmative action for whites, preferential quotas for whites, deportation for nonwhite citizens, etc.
To BLM folks, white supremacy is whatever gives whites outcomes that are superior to blacks or doesn't give them reparations for whatever. Obviously I don't agree.
I think Pence is thinking more along the lines of what I said. Which makes his comment harmless.
>To me a white supremacist is someone who wants nonwhites to have less legal rights
>I think Pence is thinking more along the lines of what I said. Which makes his comment harmless.
But I thought human rights have near universal support.
servicing his zio masters perhaps?