What makes conservative people (Nazis, Muslims, Breivik, McVeigh, Kaczynski) more likely to commit terrorism? Higher testosterone?
What makes conservative people (Nazis, Muslims, Breivik, McVeigh, Kaczynski) more likely to commit terrorism...
>Imlying that libs and commies haven't killed millions of people thoughout history
k fgt
Lower IQ.
Highly susceptible to mind control and programing, sheep with no rationAl or critical thinking skills that if not in a collective being told what and how to think arent comfortable.
There's a difference between terrorism and government sanctioned killing.
>hat makes conservative people (Nazis, Muslims, Breivik, McVeigh, Kaczynski) more likely to commit terrorism?
shove ure make up straw man up your ass.
truth is :
ALL terrorism is by definition perpetrated by leftists.
all LEFTISTS ( authoritarian ) ideologies.
so try to shill harder, leftist, subhuman scum.
Lone wolves, yes.
Low-T people tend to do bad stuff when in groups, i.e., the state.
spics are largely left-leaning and do a good bit of domestic terrorism
Kaczynski is a genius though.
how are those terrorism?
how is that leftist?
Being actually oppressed.
Whites are better at everything
Cause one is TOTALLY better than the other. both terrorism and government sanctioned killing involve the use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians. The difference between the two is one of the two types are already in power, the other type is trying to get into power.
muslims are actually very conservative desu
Is this bait? McVeigh was a lefty.
Left wing terrorism was the majority of terrorism in the 20th century. I still don't know if Islam has overtaken them yet.
Autism and virginity.
I think its lack of testosterone. Since the high steroid use.
Lefties stole banks, kidnapped people and murdered others around here.
Revolutions are just domestic terrorism.
> McVeigh became intensely interested in gun rights, as well as the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, after he graduated from high school, and read magazines such as Soldier of Fortune.
>McVeigh professed belief in "a God", although he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs."
>McVeigh frequently quoted and alluded to the white supremacist novel The Turner Diaries
Read the unabomber manifesto recently, made too much sense
No, Terrorism.
Around the world number one cause of terrorism is Islam, followed by Communists.
Also, one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.
you are confused little fella, about multiple things all at once.
you are attempting to frame what happened yesterday as terrorism first of all, and it wasn't. it was a scared kid surrounded by violent morons beating on his car who reacted, and for whatever reason lefties like standing around in road ways got hit as he tried to escape the mob. second, commies and islam do most terrorist work. third you have fallen for googles new definition of fascism. nazi is actually short for national socialist, i repeat socialist. not exactly "right wing" as google has changed the definition to reflect just this year to fool idiots like yourself. you've been duped. what will you do now?