be scared, goys
Be scared, goys
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The moon is made out of Jews?
This has many potentials.
This is funny for a change
dem jew bantz
The alt right cannot succeed without the Jews, he's right goys
we have to go deeper
then we will meme in the shade
That trick only works on native americans. (true story)
no kidding.
Big if jew.
Initiate Jewdar...
Jewdar activated...
Tracking one bogey, commander!
reminder they spent a good part of last night drawing sigils with helicopters and then crashing them. and someone had a screenshot from one today too i think
Why would you want to put an end to all this Nazi vs. Commie fun? It's just getting hot.
>we will blot out the sun
just don't get too close to it or it will be annuda shoah Jordan.
I laughed.
Fuck off hooknose
>use Persian army metaphor
>they won the battle but lost the war
72 years of European Anglo complacency has emboldened the Jews again.
They must once again be reminded of the power of whites.
"drawing signals"
jesus fucking retard
but Nazis believe the earth is flat surrounded by Ice
Little does he know.
The moon has always been on our side
But not powerful enough to outlast Typhus?
Look, it's IBM Watson. Welcome home, boy.
>does this "signal" make you feel better
jews never fight, they just send the more manipulable goyim to battle the bad goys.
that was a sigil drawn by the flight path of a helicopter that crashed last night outside of the soros vs soros fake news main event last night
>claims jews will block out the sun
yeah, well check 'em; my numerals will make the sun reappear
sigil, not signal. It is a component in a type of magic
Best post here.
Perfect user, perfect.
have a you
you marvelous bastard
Not the Jews. Your thinking too narrowly.
is he done?
>tfw viewing the key that pops the sixth seal in revelation
I'll meme comfily in the shade of my apartment desu senpai
Top good
the moon is a jew spaceship, thats how they got to earth, we need to blow it up
jew ashes
OMG so truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue
we already do that
Amazing. half-joking, half-truth
No sunroof
And then the Christians are raptured and you languish under an antichrist
then what exactly the fuck is jewpiter
Look at that fucking kike
>Robinson R44
This is a different helicopter you retard. Do you have any idea what you are talking about or are you just uncritically replicating a meme?
>police departments flying basic trainers
Good video about the whole Charlottesville situation (short):
You think the Moon is gray for no reason?
Where do you think the ashes of the 7 quintillion went to?
seems like they need better pilots, or just bigger guys.
eek, goys don't say we run the news and money!!!
>ywn be so insane as to honestly believe that helicopters are drawing out jewish sigils for the purposes of magic
>What? No goyim the Jews definitely do not rule the world.
Good, then we shall fight in the shade
Enlightening video.
Take the grey pill user
Underrated as fuck
Jews unironically worship Saturn aka Satan.
Tho it makes sense to use a rectilinear search pattern
>Be /pol
>Disparage black intelligence
>Take obvious joke literally
Wait if Jews are so powerful how did the Nazis manage to kill so many?
don't we always?
You're all neckbeards in your moms basement
The sun doesn't shine in the chambers.
What The fuck does that even mean??
Radio emissions from Saturn captured by Cassini.
Out of all the planets, Saturn sounds the most fucked up.
OH noes. I'm so scarred of 1% of the global population, especially not that we have multiple cryptocurrencies and are at the precipice of decentralizing money creation for good.
T-they can't really do that, c-can they?
Jews trying to take credit for everything again.
NASA gonna bomb Saturn with 33kg plutonium on Sept 15.
#Fire in the sky.