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Sage faggot kys
the tides are turning you fucking weaklings.
k :)
this board is stale and so is what's left of the altright. We got Trump elected and hes just another neoliberal dipshit
Ur scared ma friend amiright ? ;)
Are they posing him to death? Is that fucking JoJo or something?
Nice try fag stick. Never was or ever will be your board
There is no such thing as "antifa" in the US. It's just a protest/agitation wing of the Democratic Party. It has to be understood in those terms.
Remember kids, sage goes in the options field.
enjoy this faggot
You do not have the right to express hate speech.
If you consider your self a white nationalist, you literally do not have the right to speak. Ever.
Just shut your mouth or we will shut it for you.
Good fucking luck
hey man, where ur forums at? i want to post there nigga
wtf is that nigger shit?
Nazis are scum but Commies are worse. In the end they are actually pretty similar though.
Both ideologies hate the notion that an individual is just an individual rather than just a collectivized piece to a class or ethnicity. Fuck you both. I hate you and I hate this board.
Better dead than red.
fuck you, nigger.