In conversation about why doxxing the people from Charlottesville is bad on Facebook. Persons friend says I'm a Nazi sympathizer and implies that he will claim so to my employer. Not afraid because no where in the conversation does it look like I am but I'm curious what would you do in this situation
>implying most people here aren't unemployed NEETs
>I'm curious what would you do in this situation
stop getting in to these debates with your real account on normiebook
>when you're already known as a red pill and can freely red pill at work
I just made a woman justify north Korean nuclear threats, it was beautiful. She actually hates Trump that much she'll pretend nuking Guam is no big deal.
This is winning, make our enemies look horrid. How can you justify nuclear threat without being an evil person?
And now he has nothing left to lose.
>larping to anonymous strangers
Proof or bs
Hope you get fired bitch
poor widdle nazis
Now this guy is going to hate the left even more, his family will too. They'll all move further to the right. What a big victory for the left this is am I right?
yes, keep pushing. that will never ever end poorly
Is a job some kind of status symbol for poorfags?
I just can't understand how going after someone's job became the go to for revenge.
photoshop some fake comments and get HIM fired for being a Nazi.
Maybe he'll think twice before messing with other people's livelihoods.
Launch a first strike. Call the employers of the guy who is threatening you and report that he is making threats "of a violent nature" and may be unstable.
What will a bunch of white virgins do?
More than their opponents.
How the fuck can they fire him just for being there? Did he do anything illegal? Did he threaten anyone? Sounds like a lawsuit.
Nah, I'm at work and the beauty is I'm not larping when I say nuclear war would be the worst thing to ever happen on Earth and that saying mean things is still a much lesser crime than collapsing the Libyan government.
We're in a very special position, we can be right, argue correctly and still generate offence. All a while our enemies will actually justify nuclear attacks. The people against us look really, really bad without the media.
>The conservatives forgot they destroyed workers right
Delete your kikebook, you stupid fucking faggot.
nice shame tactic alinskyite!
but seriously, the white man of the west has been resting on his laurels, shouldering the "white man's burden" of altruism and charity. keep pushing and taking from them and soon that gravy train will stop dead in it's tracks. you may just find yourself wishing you would've left well enough alone
heh, nice work fellas, howsaboutta coupla dogs to celebrate? then maybe a nap.
Looks like the press and Sup Forums fell for antifa's stupid bullshit again. He wasn't sacked.
Conversation went as such.
The photo above was posted
I say it's wrong to try and get someone fired over a protest, could be there for any reason.
Called a Nazi sympathizer
Illustrate flaws to their logic
Guy goes through my Facebook makes comments about my employer and talks about how he hopes the higher ups find out etc etc
Part of me thinks, if something stupid came off this, life would be ruined. Other part thinks, what else do I have to lose then?
Wrong top dog, I know him. He worked there and was canned.
Shoot this faggot.
lets try to doxx the antifa fags.
There all on welfare and/or live with Mommy and Daddy. At best they're in uni but they won't be expelled for their insane beliefs, only conservative can be expelled for having opinions.
I saw this guy before, if in any other context you guys would be calling him a low tes "faggot"
this is a lie, i've seen him with my own eyes working at a top dog in Berkeley
Tell it like it is. Get based stick man bucks and start revolution.
What would I do? Tell them to take their right hand and put it over their chest, and put their left hand in their asshole, and have them say "Well, in reality..."
I feel like if Germany had all this internet and stuff back in the 20s/30s, the SA would be doxxing people who opposed the NSDAP.
Kek spoke right here. Where the fuck do you think we are in this?
>I'm from reddit, the bait
>Nazi sympathizer
Sounds like you are a Nazi sympathizer, user. You probably deserve to be doxxed too
Honestly, the flip side of freedom of speech is that if you choose to be a retard in public, you get to enjoy the consequences in the rest of your life.
big words, small dick, same story.
Shut up and sit down little boy
Please, Hitler killed himself after the nazis got thrashed in WW2 these clowns won't accomplish anything.
the more the left goes after people's livelihood, the more the right and other movements will radicalize.
take away the very little a person cares about in the world and they will act as if there is nothing else to lose.
such is the stupidity of the people whose only answer to this conflict is to get others fired from their jobs.
my boss makes blacks and muslims pay upfront cause they are just shitty retard customers (usually we complete the service and then ask for payment)
Feels good
lol keep shaming us, surely that will do the job
if we just keep shaming it it will disappear :^)
>didn't even know about this guy
>he has over 1.7 million subscribers
>I just now subbed to him
Let them. And, when they do, proceed to sue the ever loving shit out of them for slander.
I work in a union. Nobody would give a shit
>losing job
>believing that stops an ideology
how many braindead commies are here tonight
i would let my inner nigger out and beat the FUCK outta that faggot
not even a nazi. but you're fucking with my bread, so umma get my fo fif an make ya eat lead
grab a helium bottle and gas them on the spot
Less people are going to be open about their politics now, meaning lefties will have even less ability to anticipate how voting will go.
The silent majority is watching all of this.
>Not afraid because no where in the conversation does it look like I am but I'm curious what would you do in this situation
Rip your career. Get fucked nazi cuck.
At some point there's going to be no other choice.
Nazis and Commies are already fighting each other in the streets, and you're afraid of tying your IRL identity to whatever thoughts you have to add?
You're a pussy.
because its hard for someone to get a job after they're labeled as a racist
>post a publicly available picture of yourself online
>someone recognizes you
That's not how doxxing works.
I think the best way to go forward is to doxx this fag running @yesyoureracist. His name is Logan Smith and his personal Twitter is @LoganJames (You can find this all on Google, pretty easy.) Dig through the tweets and see if you can find anything inappropriate.
Nah, not a Nazi sympathizer, but someone who thinks that maybe, just maybe, this guy in the photo could be some regular white guy who is tired of being told that he somehow is evil and the cause of all problems and wants to stand up for himself. He may or may not end up in the same place as neo-nazis who think they stand for the same thing.
This same logic says that if black panther show up to a BLM rally then everyone at BLM rally is racist since black panthers are there
I fucking called this when I first saw the tiki army pics. Sup Forums: "b..but conservatives will hire them, and engineers are right wing, and muh South...", while ignoring the realities of female SJM dominated HR practices and the reality of white collar employment in a competitive economy.
Maybe trade work and blue collar jobs for them.
correction: female SJW
newsflash : Sup Forums does the exact same thing with antifa
>hot dog chain
getting fired from a mcjob is the best thing that can happen to you. You'll either get your head on straight and pick up a trade, or in this case, join a militia and start training for the race war
It's surprising how being labeled a racist is considered worse than being a drug dealer or thief.
When youre killed by the same people you mock you may finally see the irony of this. Just stop before this gets out of hand.
fraid not friend
I met him at the Ann Coulter protest in Berkeley last may
Exactly. The dude in the engineering school shirt has this great incident to put on his resume now...not doxxing at all when the shit is on every national news source.
Well what you do is you keep your politics to yourself, then join a movement that is against something actually upsetting. Not joining a rally with fucking neo-nazis and white nationalists. You have to choose your battles wisely. Carrying a fucking tiki torch at night and shouting "SOIL AND BLOOD" is a really terrible way for people to get behind you.
Im sure many of those guys are just regular joes who are upset about the situation, its too bad their leaders are fucking neo-nazis who don't care about them.
Losing your job is the least of your worries.
>losing your job for not bending your ass cheeks to Jamal and Mohammed
Oh shut up you keyboard hitman. Internet threats don't mean shit.
Does this quote sound familiar?
>we have nothing to lose but our chains!
When you do this to anyone, albeit a marxist or white nationalist, they turn into killing machines (russian revolution, OKC bombing, literally fucking yesterday, etc.). Just stop before you turn more average dudes into radicals and extremists
It's amazing how hard they want to oppress a white man's civil rights. We have a right to peacefully assemble, and you're the oppressor.
So, will it be NEETdom and SSI ($700 a month), living on the street, or finding a blue collar job with all that entails?
Seems like a worry to me, at least until basic income is implemented.
you mean thought crime? the worst crime of all to the left?
its fucking bullshit. just wait till the tables are turned. fuck this shit where you have to have the right political beliefs.
>doxxing people you don't like
that has to be the most pathetic way to get back at someone
desu he probably just went there to record some epic prank videos
tell my boss first some dipshit is trying to get me fired by spreading lies about me, so then when he gets an email from some retard he doesnt know he'll just ignore it
So white is the race of peace?
The left is being shit on for doing this. Google is getting hammered for them firing that engineer who wrote that memo. You don't go to a place with fucking neo-nazis.
Spencer and his goons are no better than Antifa and are radicalizing normal guys.
Could sue whoever wrote it for libel. To get a payout, they have to have some money though.
based nip
Cant u burgers sue for libel?
When whites are hit they hit back harder. If you want to see how far this will go continue your current course of action.
that's antifa, they are using the same tactics as their poor refugees
not a threat faggot just a sitrep
This was half of my point to the whole argument I had, not everyone there was a neo-nazi, plenty of them were probably caught up in the situation, do they really deserve to lose there jobs? And let's be real, even if an employer doesn't think they should lose their job, out of fear of backlash they will almost have to fire these people.
Literally this, this was a prank where he showed up to a Trump rally pretending to be a nazi.
I was pretty much forced to put my picture up on the company website I work for. If I didn't, who knows what kind of red flags that would tip off to HR
I don't really care. I'm not deep enough in the AltRight to be compelled to join one of their protests. I'm not interested in saving what's left of this republic
>you shouldn't criticize white males or else they will turn into extremists, and as we all know; extremism has nothing to do with white males
right wing intellectuals everyone
>Allowing a company to do whatever they want with an employee they think will cause them to lose business
If you're against this then you're a communist.
they can t doxx you if you don t have social networks . that s why i don t have ANY PHOTOS of myself online , i can attend whatever the fuck i want and they can t do shit
>ywn have a regular job thanks to your political leanings and inability to hide power level
>this gives you ample time and energy to further your politics in the real world
Hold me, Sup Forums
You dum ass when your boss sees your picture on the evening news best believe your retarded ass will be fired. But believe your lie if it helps you sleep at night. God you're fucking remedial