How can NATO get assblasted about Russia wargames?

The Germans literally did the same thing with Lithuania like 2 months ago. Pic related. The Americans are literally fucking around on the Korean Peninsula with Japan and SK DESPITE recent events.

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>Stealth tanks
The Poles did it better

wait hold on, that barrel looks fixed. can it move up and down or is it stuck in place?


Can be penned with 50cal ap amno

shameless self bump because you fags keep talking about tanks

can we keep talking about tanks

i shouldn't have posted this picture



Shitty tank. German tanks were better in every way.

We dindu nuffin

Because this.

Also Russia is still fighting a war in Eastern Ukraine. If they were to go into the Batics, NATO wouldn't really be able to do anything for a couple of weeks.

But Russians will gain nothing from attacking the Baltics.

>high velocity gun
>sloped armor
>wide tracks
>easy to produce

Its like youve never even heard of kursk

i dont understand your comment. Are you defending t34's or hating on them? Cause Franz Staudegger's crew took out 22 t34's on there own in a Tiger I at kursk

The tank itself "leans" forwards or backwards to shoot up or down.

>How can NATO get assblasted about Russia wargames?

t34 a shit

PzKfW V "Panther" best tankfu

It was a good tank but under a shitty leadership that took fore-fucking-ever to get it out as soon as possible.


Zapad 2017 is a coordinated front to coincide with a DPRK attack on Guam to distract us so Putin can close the Suwalki Gap and invade the Baltics.

Its like the Swedish Tank Destroyer, turret fixed, leans up / down with hydraulics, except it also rotates with the tracks.

honestly it was the shit final drive/transmission
and the ammo shortages
and the fuel shortages
and the inexperienced crewmen
and the fact there was like 100 t34 for every Panther

Still, none of that is the tank's fault (except the shit final drive, but that's mostly due to the rush in which the Panther was developed). Hitler was a visionary political and spiritual leader but he really should have left military planning to the generals.

Filthy tank posters you disgust me.

>even swede tanks bend over for the enemy

barrel depresses and elevates here


Why would you build something so stupid?

Cheaper, sturdier, less weak points and has the added benefit of better maneuverability.

>old sweden Strf 90 in plastic

Lol, I love how easy burgers fall for neat design.

Actually it was a very strong AFV, think of it as an armored sniper rifle. The low silhouette made it the perfect ambush weapon, and the casemate-style (no turret) gun means you can cram a much bigger cannon in the space where you'd normally have the workings of the turret. also, less jarring from recoil because the gun is fixed to the hull, meaning higher accuracy at long range.

Perfect for swedish doctrine, they hide in ambush positions at range and snipe off enemy tanks while infantry with ATGM in strong terrain provide distraction. I know it sounds like you're hanging the infantry out to dry but attack a mountain lined with trenches and bristling with ATGM. Doesn't work well for tank. when defensive line is breached, stridsvagon falls back to another prepared ambush point and lies in wait again

really quite ingenious, Swedes knew they could never out-produce Soviet Union so they made it that attacking sweden would be akin to sticking one's dick in a hornet's nest

Russians lost like 8,000 armored vehicles. imagine if Germans didn't have to fight on 2 extra fronts (West and South) they would have BTFO off the communists or at least stalemated the war in Poland.

Panther 88 !!

Also why the fuck would americans care more about the invasion of the baltics than a strike on Guam. Most burgers don't even know where the baltics are

Um, The Baltics contain ice-free port year round, nothing Russia has on the Baltic side right now, can cut off NATO Naval defence of Poland and Finland and THE BALTIC STATES ARE NATO MEMBERS.

And thanks to global warming St. Petersburg

This. The Panther tank was the most well rounded of the German tanks produced in WWII.

Kaliningrad is an Oblast. Not directly connected Russia Prime.

In war there aren't always 1 on 1 tank duels kiddo (of course german tanks would probably win, esp. on open fields). Besides the latter T-34-85s and IS-2s were pretty fine in regards to quality as well. So thing is relatively okay quality tanks made in big numbers win wars. At least in regards to that time period.

>(((7.5/8.8cm L/100)))

Pretty gay desu.

Lmao this tank was phenomenal, panzer IV H maybe was better but idk



>A staggering 21 Tigers lost in one battle during the Proskurovskaya-Chernovitskaya offensive, mysteriously absent from Tiger battalion records.

Really stimulates your frontal cortex huh?

>inb4 soviet records which are notorious for being falsified or considering Panzer 4's as Tigers

>having cannons

>Russian Bias Incarnate

>1 skilled tank crew got lucky therefore all t34s are useless
That's not an argument and last time I checked, the Russians won


thinking average burger is more NATO members than DRUMPFFFF having the nuclear codes to destroy Best Korea

Give me one reason why shouldn't we kill all the (((western))) observers by "accident"

Awwww archived documents that gathered dust on the selves are propaganda! Boo hoo. Also google that text and do a bit of researching yourself.

>I'm going to say something and not provide evidence for it
Just put a knife in your throat and make the world a better place, k thanks.

Well I provided a picture and the text I got from the blog from where the picture was. Also you just proved you're not at all sincere if you're triggered to do your own research. And it was from Tank Archives, yeah.

>inb4 muh juedo-bolshevik mongol propaganda!!!!1111

A tiger 1 is not the same as a T34. The german Pz.III and IV was having a extremely difficult time going up against them because they had sloped armor. There was a story of a lone T34 covering the escape of a village and took down over 20 german panzers with it, you should check it out.

Germany tiger and panther's greatest weakness was getting stuck in the mud. I would wager that a large portion of losses were because of crew detonation instead of getting taken out.

could you not build a /comfy/ desk and a nice bed with a little galley in one of those beasts and literally take it anywhere you like ?