Anarchist here -- do not worry, you guys have already won

Perhaps I can explain what is about to occur, and why you will see absolute fascism in this country.

Anarchists of the leftist variety have been going through the stages of radicalization much faster than the relatively new white identity movements. Anarchists and their affiliated groups will begin using firearms and incendiaries at events, and it will happen this summer.

The trajectory of their radicalization is, roughly, as follows: full commitment to peace --> violence is justifiable in some cases --> violence is the most effective solution --> violence is now necessary for survival.

Here are some factors that led them to the point where they will now engage in lethal violence:

1. OWS died out and they came disillusioned with "peaceful protest."
2. BLM black riots occurred and they began endorsing violence as justified in some cases (partly because they are desperate to appease blacks).
3. Federal agents are in thought-leadership positions and encouraging them. This happens via workshops, radical insurrectionist literature, and "university professors."
4. The election of Trump and rise of white identity realism heightened their anxiety. They now believe they must kill to survive.

They are also prone to ego manipulation because of their inferiority complexes. They fantasize about and often discuss in their private circles the prospect of showing up to a rally and opening fire on nazis. They believe PoC and the left will venerate them as heroes.

Other urls found in this thread:

Anarchists are inherently unable to form a hierarchy, which limits their cells to around 80 people based off social networks. Threats to us are in the form of entrenched global elite that control the media and academia. They are extremely hierarchical and have a far greater material advantage.

So, buy guns?

This leaf gets it

we will completely and terminaly finally wipe the disease - the enemy of all humans - called leftism from the face of the planet.

thats leftists.
you WILL get killed by the people

BTW : Time to start making lists and collecting names of all leftists. :)
for the final judgement.

revenge will be ours. the disease will be erradicated :)

This is a good thing. As soon as a leftist presents a firearm, or even goes to reach for one, you shoot them with your own.


Now, here is why you will win, pol.

Some of you are going to get killed. The public shaming and blacklisting will heighten. Calls for explicit white genocide will gain more traction. The degradation and abuse will increase.

Some of you may retaliate. There may also be false flagging. The violence will be ongoing and will become more and more extreme, as both groups engage.

Then, the tipping point will finally occur. My bets are on an Islamic terror attack. Whatever it is, it will be of such a magnitude that you will see even the most anti-Trump liberals begging Trump for extreme law and order. It is at that point that the substantive seizure of power will commence.

"Normie" liberals will not only help to identify threats, but they will support boots on the street. It is ironically these liberals who will be most fanatical about the need for the fascism you are now advocating, as they will be freshly and powerfully redpilled.

Anyone posing threats to national security will be detained by right wing dissident extraction squads. All of the comments they've been making on their phones and social media accounts over the last decade have landed them in databases for when the day comes.

This will result, by nature, in the control, suppression, or removal of exactly the sort of demographics that you now despite, Sup Forums.

Recruitment into DHS, ICE, local PD, and new "dissident extraction" agencies will skyrocket, and who do you think will be filling those positions?

Yes, it will be you, Sup Forums. You will be paid $140k/yr to carry AR and clean up our cities. For you knew it was coming, you were prepared. You will be supported by the people and the State. You will rescue us.

I am not saying I WANT it to happen. I am saying it is GOING to happen.

Remember me in that day, Sup Forums. Please spare me when you come to my door. I used to be a radical, but I will end up supporting you. Why?

Because... you were right.

Yes, see my second post >Time to start making lists and collecting names of all leftists

Already compiled.


>you will win

Fuck fascism. Fuck the left. Just want America.

underrated thread


yeah you're probably right OP this is what ive been predicting

This makes sense. The state must ensure it's own survival and will attempt to do so.

The sad part is that most of the authoritarians started out as libertarians but now feel that this is the only option.

>oy vey those evil WHITE NAZIS just shot and killed this innocent mother of 6 for no reason!
I can hear it now.

Use earplugs to prevent discomfort.

No they are able to form cells the problem is that their anti hierarchal beliefs makes these cells incredibly ineffective and prone to in fighting, Really the only time the are able to organize properly is with something like UTR and even then its highly disorganized and not effective. Although we probably could stand to learn some things from them in the form of OPSEC as they have been dealing with government infiltration since the 60s
t ex left wing anarchist

What happens if poc and leftists reject their ideology

>Remember me in that day, Sup Forums. Please spare me when you come to my door. I used to be a radical, but I will end up supporting you

Just leave the country dude illegally immigrate to canada or europe and claim political asylum it sucks because a lot of my old friends are in that scene and are so brainwashed theres no saving them i realize the threats they pose to my volk but i still care deeply about them

Good posts.

I carry this feel

Me too user me too

>have been going through the stages of radicalization much faster than the relatively new white identity movements.

They should pay people to be this dumb.

sounds about right. god bless.

Authoritarianism is a survival mechanism.
I can remember when this was a board for natsocs to debate ancaps. Then gaymergate happenned and thus was born the SJW.
They represent an existential threat to anyone right of Lenin.
There was a time when actual nazis were ridiculed on this board, but now we have embraced fascism because it is the only ideology to ever fight toe to toe with authoritarian leftism

they wont politics are becoming increasingly tribal, i think OP is talking about the broad spectrum of the left not just anarchists

What a beautiful future.

Some of your former friends or even family may be anti-whites or sympathetic to them. Do you report them to the RWDS or would your betray your nation?

>Select all images that match the label:eraser

Pick one

Anyone who uses the word "POC" is obviously a lefty though. We can tell your mind has been stamped with their indoctrination just by the words you use.

After the 90s most of the right was alerted to the threat the Feds post. OPSEC is mich tighter with a majority of right wing groups primarily because the risk of infiltration is higher. Most advertised "millitias" are gaurenteed honeypots. The left on the other hand is much more open about it which will be their downfall. Not only are the Feds infiltrating but the right is also. The JBGC and redneck revolt all show their faces, advertise their use of firearms, and even organize community events like cookouts. I've been to one to get to "know" my neighbors.

They are fucked and don't even realize it.

Leftist always have difficulty organizing. You see this even in conventional political parties.

Their beliefs are rigid and moralistic. If small disagreements arise, they aren't perceived as just different viewpoints on strategy or ideology. They become battles about morality and immorality.

If you feel you are highly moral and there are others with a different take on things, they are easy to perceive as being fundamentally 'bad'. Leftists usually hate each other and cannot compromise or cooperate... the only thing that even keeps them on track is they hate white people even more than each other.

It's going to be an interesting decade.

It's called having collective goals besides the self wankery that's ideological consistency.

God damnit this hits too close home.
It took me a while ut I slowly realized that it's truly the only option we have.

The key fact here is that radicalized Left believes in killing people, believes all whites are inherently evil, and believes in destroying our economy by creating full blown Communism
Radicalized Right believes whites simply deserve to exist and have a right to our own country.

That is the reason why leftists are doomed to fail. They have normalized such extreme rhetoric that they have nowhere to go. They already painted themselves into a box they can't come back from.

All i ever wanted was to be left alone

Yes. This stuff is playing out in reality now. It's no longer internet forum posting. Here's where things are odd: The Right is no longer a bunch of old corporatists. It's now educated, youthful White men. There is something strange going on here. Hold on to your God, Sup Forums, and have faith in your people, because things will only escalate from here. You've been at the forefront of this historical movement, and you now see how it has intensified. Expect more. Just know we represent justice. God is on our side.

If you

could """lurk

more""" before

posting, newfag,

that would

be great

this. if the left would leave me the fuck alone I'd be a libertarian - but they won't, so they can get physically removed, so to speak.

I'm sorry Ron. We listened, but I don't think any of us could have stopped this. It's happening.


> Yes, it will be you, Sup Forums. You will be paid $140k/yr to carry AR and clean up our cities. For you knew it was coming, you were prepared. You will be supported by the people and the State. You will rescue us.

A jobs program and I get to physically remove commies, where do i sign up?

They won't leave us alone. They're coming for our culture. Our traditions. Our heroes. Our women. They're coming for everything we hold sacred. They have taken everything away from us - our communities, our God, our ability to think freely, our pride, our dignity. I did not request an education in anti-White hatred and "diversity." They imposed it on me. I am only reacting. This is their doing, not mine. For those who are not willing to fight will be conquered.

>They won't leave us alone
No shit why do you think im here in the first place

What was the defining moment in your life that made you go full 1488? Or did it just gradually creep up on you until one morning you wake up and realize the final solution is the only solution? How do you cope with knowing that people you used to know and love belong in concentration camps?


>very much hope for this
>one of the better outcomes
>god wills this


Define absolute fascism. What has to happen for you to conclude absolute fascism has come to pass? And how much times has to go by without it happening for you to conclude that your prediction was wrong?

Good post user. I think its a bit optimistic but in the end we will prevail. White liberals that we currently hate will eventually have no choice but to become our allies. Take care and thanks for bringing some non-shill talk to the table.

>What was the defining moment in your life that made you go full 1488?
looking at the reading list of an anti-white class and realising that every single author on it was jewish.

It's August 13 wtf do you mean this summer

Soros wants an "american spring"

American left or right will only end up loosing to (((them))) again. Wake up idiots you are all being played again by the same puppeteers.

Were they predominantly female authors?

Damn, this truthful post is sexy as fuck nigga!

Remember, most of the evil that the left attributes to whites is accurate.

We really do have the instinct to conquer and control -- we're wired for it. We will dominate and exploit as long as we exist.

White liberals are still white, they are just civilized. They still lock their car doors in "bad neighborhoods." They still prefer gated communities. They still have our instincts.

As soon as they sense civilized order being stripped from them -- and that moment shall surely come -- they will beg for "law and order." Liberal lingo for race war. And it will be delivered. The 20-yr-old posting on Sup Forums now will be the first to sign up and physically rem -- ahem, "drive out the gangs and terrorists," so to speak.

When can we start bulldozing the niggers sign me up.

This is an interesting projection of what might come. However, I think it relies on the incorrect belief that trump is /ourguy/. He's not. So nothing is going to lead to him paving the way for us.

You have to wonder. We know the government likes to infiltrate groups, they surely have their hands in the indentations as well as antifa. As long as whites don't chimp out, we should be alright.

>This is an interesting projection of what might come. However, I think it relies on the incorrect belief that trump is /ourguy/. He's not.

He shouldn't be /ourguy/. We don't want him to be /ourguy/. He should disavow us.

And then he should continue empowering the prison industry, continue hiring more ICE agents, continue Being Tough on Crime, and continue protecting our Vital National Security Interests.