Guy, I'm starting to regret voting for Trump.
Guy, I'm starting to regret voting for Trump
nice try you shilling faggot
Agreed, fellow white brother.
i'm not. it's gotta get worse before it gets better. just you wait.
me too, I didn't know he was going to cut funding to programs such as food stamps/medical
No one cares.
You are clearly a giant pussy.
if Clinton won there would be more violence
me too man
Then you should probably kill yourself.
Sage nigger threads
me too
How much are they paying you for posting this shit?
Shareblue is in the title of your image, shill
I'm not, I proudly wear my Trump holster wherever I go.
me too
Thanks reddit
Yep, it's time for you all to go back to the basement and stay out of the real world.
Few years ago I was your regular average normie, wagecucking my way thru life, daydreaming about "traveling the world" in between to explore and see it and I don't know, take dope photos! I did kinda semi-forced myself to "like" Indian cultures (denied poo in the loo etc), eastern religion, mysticism. I listened to Joe Rogan for DMT talk and liked all the edgy artsy Facebook pages so my friends see how in-the-know I am. Shit like Atlantic, Vice, 032, Burn, Fubiz, tried to be up to date with dat modern art yo. I immersed myself into that shit, watched Godard and Truffaut shit, Helmot Newton shit, started reading books from beatniks and counterculture, Alan Watts (couldn't stand McKenna though), Borges etc etc.
It's all over now. You degenerates ruined it all. I can't watch anyone, orworse, listen to any music anymore, without the /pol filter ruining EVERYTHING. Even the most trivial, banal, dumb shit like Jay Leno who I didn't find funny but liked for his car collection - ruined.
Instead of enjoying the music I just keep hearing Jan Irvin and all the mkultra mockingbird shit. My background noise when I'm working is Alex Jones best rants compilation, to make me laugh.
You ruined it all, /paul. You fuckin faggots. You scum trash, why do I have to know about Yinon plan, why the FUCK should I care? Why should I care about Kalergi? Unlike you fat burger sloths, I live in a 99% white country where people are thin and nice and white and catholic and I shouldn't care about niggers or jews or gooks or spics - there are no such creatureshere. Do we wanna become as depraved of elan, life and joy like kikes? Spending all this energy to trick goyim into debt just so they can...cry about holocaust, all the time, like degenerated desert rats that they are? WHO CARES!
I want to break out of /paul conditioning. Enough of this depressed garbage, I want the 90s back, world conglomerates keeping us slaves stupid and happy. Fuck you, you fucking idiots. And fuck drumft!
Yes fellow Goy, me too. Everything that those dirty Kikes do is Trump's fault
>implying you ever voted for President Trump
i fucking love these type of threads.
i remember the first time they were spammed this hard, after the usa bombed that airport in syria.
I think he's doing a pretty good job so far considering the GOP establishment is trying to sabotage him tbqh
I think his view on healthcare where we have a single payer system that is just good enough but exists alongside a private system a la Australia is right on the money.
>File name
>Being this new
Agreed, OP. Trump is the biggest mistake we have made.
it's about time bro. i've been waiting for you to post this. now get back to get bed
The fuck no I'm not. I voted to arrest the turning of America into international trade district #2. I got that...which is an immediate success.
Nice pasta
10/10 filename
I'm going to be saging this, but thanks for the laugh. I needed a small reminder about what's going on.
>shareblue file names
At least good ol' brockybrock decided to hire new shills.
you should have taken the blue pill
you should prolly calm your farm before you ram your car into a crowd full of people friend
Me too. My normie friends didn't call me to hang out this weekend... I don't think they want to associate with a racist anymore
That's because your a faggot. Lefties ruling the nation for another 4 years? No thanks they have done enough damage.
You're responding to your own post faggot
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious to watch him crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get his hands on the nuclear codes.
Fuck you shill
Stop bumping this bait thread you dumb fucking niggers.
Oh for fucks sake.
Neck yourself.
I like all the OC pepe's the paid shills are making, thinking that they are anywhere near the most depressing/demoralizing pepes.
>Stop bumping
Wew lordy I hope there are tapes
Yeah man. Just make sure you use a big truck though the other guy didn't get enough when he did it.
>Not gonna lie,
u already did u piece of leftist scum.
you should probably stop smoking crack before you destroy every brain cell you've got
>has never heard of sage
shil sage this shit mates.
I believe this is a bait thread, consisting of an autistic OP pretending to be a shill who is pretending to be autistic.
not agreed fellow nigger larper. hahahah its so obvious us whites dont go around saying were brothers.
No. Fuck Reddit. They are like fucking vultures trying to be all opportunistic when they think they have the slightest advantage to weasel their bullshit culture on here.
Samefag gets wiseherb.
I'm starting to regret going with Pale Moon, I cant get faggot ass white line to disappear from the bottom of the browser, I think I'm going to kill my neighbors now
look see this shit
firefox never did this to me
I actually regret voteing for trump more i wish i didnt vote but he still won
Lol everyones a shill
>Trump supporter walks into the house
>Other party supporters stare
>"Yeah, you chose the best fucking president. The one who provokes everything and everyone!"
>Trump supporter attempts to defend themself so they dont look like an idiot, but make more of an idiot out of themself.
>"Well, Trump has made things better!"
>"Yes! He has made it better! Better commit sudoku that its so good!"
Hi. Can I get someone to call me a newfag pls as well?
This only fucking shills doubt trump
regret is something women do after aborting children or getting pregnant
post tits
Imagine how this situation would have been handled by Hillary. Because it was going to happen with or without Trump.