Say it with me: Radical Right Wing Terrorism
Say it with me: Radical Right Wing Terrorism
>holding tiki torches is terrorism
ok snowflake
Radical Left Wing Terrorism
the olympics is terrorism
>didn't say white male
you are part of the problem, bigot.
Why are you all so triggered by facts?
muslim extremists are right wing extremists
We don't start fights Antifa. We finish them. What's the matter I thought you rainbow haired shits relish the opportunity to "bash the fash?"
Did you think it would be easy?
Does that count that gay bar in Florida?
Ok, ONE dude ran over some folks, and there's pretty decent evidence suggesting it was just a panicked reaction to some asshats hitting his car. I don't support the ideology, but grouping the tikiboys with speed racer is intelectually dishonest.
Steve scalise
>i can't accept that this was one guy
>it has to be radical right-wing terrorism
>the whole group is to blame for the actions of one guy
>but don't you dare bring up antifa or hodkinson
Or the Dallas Police Shooting
Sandy Hook is a hoax.
Or Evergreen, Mizzou, or the number of BLM riots.
Muh Isolated incident. Muh fake statistics.
Whats it called when you watch something you love get fucked? Look at how the alt-right is being portrayed right now. Yall got cucked plain and simple
Of course it doesn't, didn't you hear? Somebody said he had a grindr so it was a repressed homophobe, not an Islamic terrorist. Who cares what the man himself said, why wouldn't he lie?
>But muh mooooooslems.
hillary won 13 states
>Holds tiki torches
Love watching these clowns steadily losing their jobs after being doxxed.
Gotta love the retarded alt right for parading around without their hoods
Too bad Robert Byrd isn't around to show them
Those 26 would be easy as shit to prevent.
OP, what you are doing is EXACTLY what radicalizes white people. They are honest folks, who are trying to voice their concerns. Instead of listening to their concerns and engaging in a debate, you brand them. You villify them.
You are the very monster you think you are fighting - your own worst enemy.
And then we havent even talked about the decades of leftist terrorism yet.
There will be HELL to pay for your kind if you keep this up. I don't consider myself alt-right or whatever, but you leftists are creating a huge underground current that sooner or later will erupt.
The Alt Right is a candlelight vigil of peace
>ruin political enemies livelihoods so they now have nothing to lose
gee, what could go wrong?
erupt into crushed nazi skulls in the streets
cities are ""leftist"" utopias and most right wing voters in cities will sit at home in their suburb rather than go out and get their face smashed in by an angry silverback nigger
>whining that the scary blacks need to leave the US so there's nobody but whites for thousands of miles
He's the snowflake?
-Banning cars to prevent car accident would have a drastic negative effect on economy
-Getting rid of insects is not doable in a non-destructive way
-Expulsing white people from the country would be stupid given they are the majority
-Building an anti-electromagnetism globe around the earth to stop lightning is not possible with our current technology
-Not using furniture would have drastic negative effect on our health and comfort
Stopping muslim extremists from entering the country doesn't have negative consequences, only positive ones.
>people killed by muslim extremists since 9/11
"Well they didn't killed that many since that time they killed 3000".
Adolf Hitler didn't kill many people outside of WWII yet people don't seem to like him very much, it's like they don't hold a "Well, give them a second chance..." with mass murderers.
Oh my, you're busy tonight aren't you?
I guess the left doesn't care about 50 dead gays when the narrative doesn't fit you.
The Well rested Mind, Black Muslim White any kind of mind will stop and think...
Will this Lefty little shit die or will we STOP AND THINK.... Why are we fighting?
Why is America being seperated? Why did 30 millions Russians Die?
Read Animal Farm... the Book and You Lefties will see that the 1984 meme is real, but Animal farm is what comes next.
The Left fights the right... the Right always wins and The leaders of the Right become the definition of everything You Hate.
This is the Left endgame, the right right now, is something the Books never described... We chalange... Spitfire... this I believe is the Honest Truth.
>1 person died to a racist nazi white supremacist KKK hitler
>this is the worst killing that ever happened in the history of men and it void every other killing before that especially those that are (well I mean aren't) linked to the religion of peace
Omar Mateen
Father campaigned for Hillary
Worked for G4S
G4S runs all the prisons in Israel client
Figure it out user.
It's not the Muslims...
When they kill anyone they get called "not real muslims" so it kinda lower the muslim death toll.
pic related.
Half of the people who were 'doxxed' didn't even turn out to be the right guys. The other half are unknown what's happening to them.
The guy who was 'doxxing' earlier, "Yes, you're racist", had to go issue a fuckton of apologies that you can still see on his twitter. And he didn't even cover 1/3rd of the misidentifications he had.
If someone sues him, they'd have a killer slander case.