Officially happening....fuck.
>projecting their butthurt into the future
my sides
Lol who cares
yea same pols that gave trump 1% chance on election night this is fucking 3.5 YEARS AWAY
iv never said this ironically before. . .
kill yourself
user, cmon man. they've been shown time and time to be utter bullshit. i don't think these guys are gonna want the country any time soon after the war starts anyway.
I've got to admit, Z-berg is probably my favorite candidate so far..
>Drumpfkins will believe every poll is fake and not show up to vote on election day and get BTFO
54932D chess my dudes
But who's going to be president from 2017 to 2020? After Trump gets impeached. Does Hillary still have a chance?
>projecting polls three years into the future
>when they couldn't even project polls mere hours into the future
>3 years in the future
>With little basses / sampling.
k e k
>thinking polls predict the future
>not knowing it is a snapshot of the sample at the time
Its obvious, kanye 2020 is the only answer
polls this far in advance are absolutely pointless. this is just so that the idiot leftist media can masturbate to something.
how well did that work out for Hillary
Only poll that matters is election day. How did the poll v election work out for you?
> 2020 poll
> World more than likely burns before then
Ah yes, just like how Hillary won Texas.
The only poll that matters is Sup Forums.
We shouldn't be complacent, but I must say this is total horseshit. It is way too early for retarded (((polls))) and make-believe.
These people have absolutely nothing to live for?
post more
Trump has 0.1% chance of winning - it's over.
t. Satan
Nice. First Native American president.
>time to panic
>polling results for the 2020 election
I haven't even had a year to relax yet. Can we not?
I cant wait to do Atlanta Braves chants at Warren rallies.
Zuck is fucking savage, always has been
That's all I've got. I do like them but I haven't seen any more than those.
How will drumpfkins ever recover
This is either satire, or he is the most autistic fuckwad there has been.
>implying America will still exist in 2020
Dem cheekbones
Make america democratic again
>relaying on the youth vote
I'm starting to see why these idiots couldn't get a poll right to save their campaign
They are obviously satire man, although the one in question was the most subtle
Autism the Candidate
Dumb fuck
WAIT A MINUTE! I thought Trump impeachment was
You're telling me that Warren is actually going to have to run against Trump?! This makes no sense!
Reminds me of when Trump was GUARANTEED to lose.
Oh look, more polls. That's cute.
fucking kek
I hope to god that Warren gets the nomination, she's just as unlikable as Hillary
Stop eating cows REEEEEE
This is genius man. I love it.
Princeton pride!
"polls are not meant to record public opinion, but influence it"
the 'if the election were held today' question doesn't mean shit this far out calm down op.
shill and sage
Huffington post is such a huge echo chamber. Doesn't surprise me they never even considered the possibility Trump might win.
>believing any polls the media publishes after what happened with the last presidential campaign
Jewish polls are best polls.
Trust us go.. i mean friend!
Were you fucking asleep for the whole election, OP?
The opinion polls are pure propaganda.
Hawaiigate will sink him out the starting stocks.
Warren, Harris and Zuckerberg will watch the re-election of President Trump on television. In prison.
>warren, harris, zuckerberg
8 years for sure
still believing the polls.
Polls are worthless. The only thing that counts is the electoral college
Especially when the republican congress passes voter ID reform through the republican president.
The democratic candidate in 2020 will be a black woman.
According to the same sources that said Hillary was a 90% winner until 20 mins before Trump won? Dont listen to the communist press. Lies lies lies
2001 called; hold on, it left a message...
That question means fuck all even a day out when the only dipshits who participate in MSM polls to begin with are leftists.
Dems literally have no chance
Clinton was their cash cow, and she still lost with the deck stacked against Trump.
Congress couldn't pass a football if it tried. RINOs are to embedded in the filth of DC
care to post the sampling rates? of course not
Lmfao, I almost had a heart attack
There is reason to not like Trump, i cant believe people would vote for Zuckerberg though. Hes done so much shady shit. From his college days of "they trust me, dumb fucks" to last year when a bunch of employees quit because hes working with the Chinese government to increase censorship.
What's so bad about Lizzy? It's about time a native American was President.
FPBP /thread
Not worried until it's the Rock & Gump on the ticket
The MSM are doing everything they can to degrade Trump and will continue doing so for the next 3 years.
>2020 was 20 years from now
So millions of people magically changed their minds 3 days before the election?
>Clinton has 9-point lead with less than a month to go
>Hey, Trump is down nine points in race that's over three years away!
I'm a filthy liberal and god damn do I have no faith in the dems getting their shit together by 2020. If fucking Warren is the best they can do, I'll just have to get used to President [spoiler]Pence.[/spoiler]
>thinking you can predict 3 years into the future
Most Americans probably won't even be alive by then
Yeah. I heard he was going to officially lose to Hillary by the same margin if not more.
How are those polls working out for you?
Hundreds of thousands were stopped by Russian hackers who gained access to voter databases and used that to microtarget individual Kikebook users with dark ads.
Trump won by less than 80,000 votes over 3 states.
If only you truly knew how bad things really are.
Hey you could get Zucked.
just like how hillary had a 99% chance to win right