The Jews

You have 2 minutes to explain to me why I should be anti-Semitic. Give me your best points

Other urls found in this thread:

Merchant of Venice

You shouldn't. Fight back against the alt-right and white supremacists

You can't select the Israeli Zionist flag as an option on Sup Forums.

This is the prime example.

Daily reminder that Protocols of the Elders of Zion was plagiarized from an older book and altered to be about Jews. It was the original Russian Fake News



Does anyone know a good method to give real joker scars to myself? Any advice welcomed.

How can CNN be ran by Jews if they are so pro left? Jews are God's chosen people. Old testament. God must think left wingers are pure degeneracy with their abortions, feminism, race mixing, etc etc. Why do they do it, Sup Forums?

>alt-right and white supremacists
but theyre both run by jews?

Put a credit card in your mouth and then get someone to punch you

>the leading bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians.
Do you think Solzhenitsyn was saying the bolsheviks were jewish? Lol how’d you do in English class? Ofc they were Russian. He’s doing the same thing here as when normies on twitter say “nazis at that rally weren’t Americans. They hate America”

and fuck off you shill

Synagogue of Satan. Revelations. New Testament.

Because the jews are the true nazis. You have been duped. Their racist and elitist agenda is written in their holy book, and they will do anything to skew your mind.

They control the media and the banking industry to endebt you and manipulate you into further debts. Let this be your last warning.


(((they))) play both sides

(((they))) run the openly run the left and (((they))) run the right through the neocons

You shouldn't be anti semitic because that just fuels the fire of eternal back and forth war. You should be aware of what some jews, as well as some whites and people of every other race, have planned for white people.

Woody Allen movies.

white genocide.

>understands Judaism beyond “they control ebryting and they hates us! This really smart guy told me so!”



I can do it in 2:48

>fuck off you shill
You seem upset that your whole movement was based off some Russian fake news targeted at 1900s white trash...

The Bolsheviks being almost entirely Jewish is well documented and not even controversial.

>Probably the best-known exposé of the Jewish role in the Bolshevik coup d’état was by Sir Winston Churchill, writing in the Illustrated Sunday Herald of 8 February 1920. Churchill wrote “With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of leading figures are Jews. Moreover the principal inspiration and the driving power comes from Jewish leaders.”

Disliking Jews is not Antisemitism. This is a ruse to make Christians believe that Jews are the only legitimate people living in the Levant. Jews are equivalent to a bunch of Polish people suddenly speaking Latin, moving to Italy, then telling the Italians they don't belong.

Wtf are yo showing me fag

Don't be antisemetic, be counter Semitic.

An anti Semite just goes around cursing and hating Jews and doesn't convince anyone.

A counter Semite calls out the Jews bullshit anytime he sees it. He makes arguments intelligently and calmly.

Be a countersemite.

If this episode of an NPR site hosted by a Jew doesn't give you an understanding of these people's true evil power you are a fool. They will control everything if they don't already.


Better to be a shill than an aids infested faggot who was molested at a young age

Get fucked

I'm not sure I am anti-semitic.
You see I agree with the way Jews run themselves and their country. Mostly. They are extremely phobic of other races. They mix among themselves as much as possible.
They highly discourage race mixing in their people.
They highly discourage immigration.
They practice non affirmative action, meaning that once a SINGLE jew reaches a position of power in any sector, he will then hire only jews to fill the high positions around him.
I agree with all these things.
What I don't agree with, is them pushing propaganda that promotes the OPPOSITE of all these things on white people.
And because of this, it's given them a severe edge over the rest of us.
Their hiring practices in fact have allowed them take control of every sector of society. Employ only jews. Promote only jews.
While insisting no one else do likewise.
They meddle. They wish to destroy.
So in this way? I suppose I am anti-Semetic.
And if I had my choice I'd send them all to hell.

Thank you brother. Say, this page is fun, eh? Let’s make this our new home



Then who wrote the protocols of the elders of Zion FAGOTt?!?!


2 minutes are up.
Brainlet nazis btfo

That guy was so great. He has that perfect 1950's TV dad look. And that name. George Lincoln Rockwell. What an American fucking name.


I did.

Holy shit post less words asshole

You agree it was plagiarized though right?
They took another work and changed it to seem like it was about jews.
Is that controversial here?

Books are for losers and nerds.

Stop talking to me.

Post was started at 32 minute mark
your post is at the 46 minute mark
hippie quadroon btfo


What do you want me to say faggot? I'm reading still

isn't hitler dead?


they consider all non-jews(goyim) to be beasts in human form, fit only to serve them as slaves


jewish girls are the best.

They run the media and are Anti-white



faggot your memes will never gain any traction


Lazy apathetic vermon, stay on the sidelines like the nigger you are then

too bad whites dont look out for their own the way the jews do

because they are Jew


If they really control everything who else are you supposed to complain about?

Go to 12:00

Funny shit.

t. jew


>Jews want open borders for the world, except Israel
>Jews support socialism/communism at astonishing rates
>Jews are ultraconservative and in that respect, deliberately oppose assimilation into western society
>Jews have high in-group preferences which leads to only Jews becoming CEOs, University professors and the people who control all of the media
>the media are the one's preaching that whites should be exterminated (one way or another)

>You have 2 minutes to explain to me why I should be anti-Semitic. Give me your best points
The palestinians are semites

Be gone, anti-intellectual swine! You have no business engaging in meaningful conversation.

Well, OP?

It's a fucking lame desert supremacist cult who's philosophy is founded upon exploiting other tribes for material gain. After this sick cult gained global power through the infiltration of banking and later corporate structures, the result has been a globalized, perpetually collapsing heterogenous mess of a society held together through autocratic governance enabled by a panoptigonic surveillance state and degenerate propaganda machine.