he's right
Nah. I don't want to come together with kikes, spics, niggers, and other shitskins. I want them out.
>literally who
honestly who pays for this fuck to travel everywhere.
fucking B A S E D e celeb
have this karma!
Can I still call people cucks?
It's one of my favorite things to do besides pretending to be a nazi on stormfront. Or a nigger on worldstar.
Alaska was funny when he was making vine videos 4 years ago.
>cucked Alaska
Who? Why are these people posted here
he really is....
but the left isnt remotely ok with thinking of other americans they dont agree with as human...
its terrifying working at a college.
I never let on that im conservative.
I had a friend who once just mentioned that there may be more than the info at face value for one of the police shootings and our coworkers got him fired as a racist.
Its honestly insanity.
Being yelled at that you are hurting people and are a racist because you were born white while also being actively attacked for not following any narrative they put forth...
I dont even know what we can do at this point.
Too many people refuse to have a rational discussion.
Lmao what a fucking cucc.
Come on back to cville guys. We'll be nicer next time we promise.
Is Sam Hyde the only right wing YouTube e-celebrity that doesn't back down with the whole "We need to come together and love one another" trash whenever he gets bad publicity?
That's because you're a racist, because you're intellectually dishonest &/or weak. Either way not worth listening to. Thanks
>implying bad publicity isnt the only thing keeping him relevant antmore
I won't be happy until white people are living on reservations and Muslims control most of the world.
reddit. enjoy a life not standing for anything, not even your own people
u read everything he typed and then responded
t.fat half white half hispanic virgin
I've thought he was a plant since he magically became "altright" 2 months ago
>your own people
*My* people are whoever is intellectual honest. Go fuck yourself and take your identity politics with you
MostAmericans up until the 1960s were racists, including the Founding Fathers. Jefferson and others owned slaves.
pic related
Literally stop giving minorities so fuck much.
Whites have to struggle and work for everything and yes we get the respect that we have to work hard. Minorities want that. So we give them grants and benefits and slack but they still want to be treated like they built everything whites did. Whites are getting fed up of being passed over despite working so hard. meanwhile minorities squander the grants and benefits they receive and still gripe for more.
Equality starts when you stop living in your ancestors shadow and start building from you.
What a dumb twitter handle.
>not having maced alaska's back when we need him most
you guys are cucks
He is in the sense that America must face it's demise together.
USA has become a cancer almost as big as Israel and the Middle East, not even the right-wing members of that country are worth it.
The only thing more shameful than being a jew is being called an "American".
He literally got hydrochloric acid sprayed in his eyes yesterday. The dude is going blind.
I really believe most whites are still racist to a point, just scared to voice those opinions.
Something similar happened at my job it's a real fucking shame. You gotta be careful in what you say because even the slightest tone of disliking something and you can lose your job. One of my coworkers lost his job because he said he didn't like spicy food. 10 spics beat him down on the spot dragged his limp body to hr and had him fired. Every liberal in the office got up and started clapping. Those 10 spics were given 3 months of paid leave for the trauma they endured and each was also awarded a small sum of money. This happened at google by the way back when Obama was in office.
That's funny because America harbors the worlds greatest intellectuals from around the world. They don't all come here because it's a failed or failing country, you twat.
This is nothing we don't already know and tried. Our side has been trying to do that for several years only to be met with 'Nazi'. We've been called it so much we pretty much accept the term now, it's a reaction to something just like the original Nazis.
Yeah, intelectuals who agree that gender isn't tied to biology, right?
America is a cultural wasteland, there's nothing worth saving of that shithole.
Just set off your nuclear arsenal and go out with a bang, a bang that will be known for saving the world.
Wow this faggot really outed himself here, its blatantly obvious at this point that he is just doing this purely for shekels. You will find him on stream saying everything from "fuck the jewish ran media" and making oven jokes, to saying "I have no problem with jews whatsoever", and now this straight up libtard nonsense. Pure shekel grabbing. He should take what's left of his eyesight and fuck off.
t. che guevara
>hurr durr muh strawman
Intellectually honest & productive people will find no greatest place to work and produce than USA. Eat a dick
The Right have been "trying to understand" the Left since 1965. All that's happened is we've been spit in the face while they gloat how our country will be taken from us. The time for understanding is over.
Conservatives are so pathetic.
no greater*
They are, why do you think they run to another town when theirs starts filling with non-Whites?
If he doesn't want people to call him a nazi maybe he shouldn't march along with people shouting gas the kikes. I hope he goes blind
I would also suggest nuking the middle east and South America, but without USA, spics won't have anywhere to go and they'll starve to death, while ALL the middle east will collapse without US money.
Although the middle east should still be nuked, just to make sure.
Sure, if they want to be paid to do nothing, just like the has-been that NASA is right now.
A little mace made him finally see...
yeah, if there was something we could do to make the left reasonable and amenable to discussion, I'd love for that to happen.
I don't see what the path is, though. They have an ideological system built up that privileges "personal experience" over any kind of understanding of reality that can be arrived at by consensus. They believe all scholarly work and historical documents are fake, created by white people to oppress them and need to be deconstructed. They have intentionally dismantled any common ground and refuse any attempt to establish a common ground as being in bad faith. So what is the option?
I feel like if there's a good part to this, it's that the left is low energy, and has been operating at 100% outrage for the past few years already. There's nothing more they can do to escalate the situation, and what they're doing already makes them look bad. I think we have a chance to weather this and let it die down, as all left-wing movements die off due to the unhealthy and irrational choices they make in personal and organizational life, which are inevitable given their ideology.
But that means reigning in the right-wing. The left has already been provoked enough, there's no need to be any more provocative in order to make them show themselves.
Well by your third response I can tell you have nothing but arguments from ignorance. Enjoy not going anywhere in life except the catalogue of Sup Forums every hour
I really believe Black's are responsible for the majority of crimes for the sole reason it's a fact.
>but they're poverty hur
Poverty isn't black exclusive faggot
They're not going away. Best you can hope for is them correcting the shit that makes them unwanted
No problem.
Enjoy your lovely civil war, I know I am waiting for it.
Key difference is that people allow for SJW rehabilitation. Examples being Ian Miles Chong and Laci Green.
If you are called a nazi however, you are considered beyond hope and therefore violent redress and censorship are the only answers.
Important distinction in how the words are treated.
The interesting thing is, the term SJW spawned from "Feminazi". SJWs and Nazis (actual Nazis by the way) are one and the same.
No. The time for unity is far behind us. Libs are have gone full-blown communist and will NEVER compromise on anything. A second civil war is literally more likely to happen before this country is unified again.
Once everyone realizes that the races are different we can live in peace. GET THE NIGGERS, KIKES, AND GOATFUCKIN MUSLIMS OUT
>Libs are have gone full-blown communist
First step is to call a spade a spade. These people aren't Liberals, they never were.
odd to see people who typically oppose multiculturalism and globalism preaching crap about "unity"
>They're not going away.
We'll see about that, nigger lover.
>correcting the shit that makes them unwanted
Their very presence is unwanted.
You don´t have to, move to places where it´s better for you, change to a job that´s ok for you, create your own business and own your right to make deals with whoever you want to, gather around the people you like and spread your values
kikes, spics, niggers and shitskins are not going anywhere