Deputy PM referred to High Court over potential New Zealand citizenship




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haha, nothing to see hear mates

Good fuck him

oops forgot to take off my larp flag :)


Dude wtf that picture.

why is the SE quadrant always such a shithole?

Wow I don't give a shit about Australian politics.

Is the deputy prime minister just fancy talk for prime minister? So what happens? Does parliament re-vote? From what I can tell you parliamentary folk change PMs all the time.

Constitutional crisis. Good chance of a snap election in Australia now.

who gives a fuck lol

Not even Aussies do mate.

lurk more faggot larper

so kinda like an impeachment in america

Jesus Christ I can only imagine what kind of shitposting you did hiding behind that flag

More or less.


hilarious if true

Truth be told it might not be as big a deal as you think, assuming Barnaby remains popular enough to win New England again. There's precedent for him simply resigning, renouncing the citizenship he never asked for, then restanding at the by election:

>In 1996, Kelly was elected twice to the seat of Lindsay, based around the suburb of Penrith on the western fringe of Sydney. The first time was at the general election on 2 March 1996, but she was later disqualified because of her RAAF employment, and not having taken steps to renounce her New Zealand citizenship. After addressing these issues, she was re-elected at a by-election on 19 October 1996 with an increased majority.[1]

Fucking hell, I guess the cat is out of the bag now


So barnsey is a dual citizen, he cannot hold a cabinet position. He's going to have to step down as the leader of the nationals because they need representation in the cabinet for the coalition to be stable.

s.44 applies to any position in Parliament - upper house or lower, cabinet or not.

Is this kind of like a lesser version of that Korean cunt president's bullshit?
How did no one know he was a NZ citizen?

he's all yours emuniggers

p.s see ya soon im coming for ya jobs and woman

The current government holds a one seat majority and the deputy prime minister of said government is a dual citizen. Constitution does not allow any dual citizen to sit in government.

Will probably force a snap election like the UK just had, but I'm no constitutional lawyer.

Holy shit, this country is so fucked.

Why in the goddamn hell does it matter if Joyce has "dual citizenship?" We are literally going to go to a snap election over a fucking footnote in the Australian MUH CONSTITUTION. If there ever was an argument for monarchy, this nation is it.

Based kiwi pulling Aussie strings behind the scenes

nah he is goin back to your place.

Get fucked I don't want no kiwi spy fucks in our parliament.

>monarchies dont have constitutions

What did the NEET mean?

>kiwi spies
>being this paranoid
Barnaby was based you nigger. More based than the fags in the Neoliberal Party.

I never said constitutional monarchy knucklehead. I said monarchy. Like it was in Germany in the 19th century.

you have no idea how many "Aussie shitposters" are kiwis behind VPNs

Well, that is indeed some sort of preserved sour vegetable lol

vote in a right wing ally of trump plz


The real question is, will TONES make his move to save the libs in a snap election?

Sure, but as I said here it's actually happened before without being too much of a catastrophe. Whether or not the government could survive a confidence motion in the interim would be the key question



God I hope so*

Tell me about tones.

Is he really that based?

just another case of NZers with mainland envy

Our sleeper agents have been infiltrating for some time. This is just the beginning, the third island shall be ours once again.

I have no fucking clue what you just said.

he stopped the boats and dished out bants

He was born in Australia and never applied for NZ citizenship.
All Kim has to do is declare every Australian a North Korean citizen and we'll have no government anymore.

He was a master at playing the opposition. Didn't offer any policy up, just shat on the government every which way he could to make em look like idiots. Brutal. Won him the next election (only to be stabbed in the back) because the party that lost power uses his tactics against him.

Tones wrote the playbook on being a modern politician in Australia

ok, so I don't really follow our political happenings as it's generally quite boring and uneventful. This is like, the 3rd or 4th one right? How does this tie into the bigger picture? Are they all globalist plants, or something less interesting?


considered by many to bee a complete fuckwit, holds extremely retarded fundamentalist christian views and was quite misguided with his comments and policy towards welfare bogans. Not a player of 4d chess so much as a rich dumb bible thumping fool. Not inspiring, not the sort of conservatism I could get behind

No grand conspiracy or happening. Just NZ granting automatic citizenship to anyone who even comes close

kiwis need to make regular general threads aye

they do

>code black
>its nothing


Only the entire government getting dissolved. Fuck up seppo.

>press x to doubt.jpeg

the liberals don't have a clear majority
if they lose their deputy pm, they lose a seat which makes them lose their majority therefore not being able to do fuck all because of obstruction from labor, possibly causing a new election

aka a new government
aka our 5th government in 8 years

rudd - gillard - rudd - tones - kikebull

if there is a new one who the fuck knows? shorten?

>The outcome of the 2016 double dissolution election in the 150-seat House of Representatives saw the one-term incumbent Liberal/National Coalition government re-elected with a reduced 76 seats, a bare one-seat majority government − the closest federal majority result since the 1961 election.


Code black is reserved for nuclear war faggot

Don't even bother, yanks are a fucking cancer in any thread that isn't specifically designated for them, including this cunt They're probably not even white. Have you ever seen a Sup Forums meet up thread in America?

BAHAHAHA Aussies are secondary kiwi citizens now, BTFO cunts!

Its about time we reclaimed the West island of NZ

americans are pretty stupid i know

Fuck off we don't want him here either. Send the faggot to Taiwan where all of his jewbux are.

Fuck up, discount Tasmania.

Chill out bitch have a nice swim!

lol it's illegal for public officeholders to have dual citizenship in straya?

that'd be nice. we have 29 congresspeople with dual israeli citizenship.

Like you sheep shaggers could govern tassie

wtf? for real? It's for stopping manchurian candidates and shit.

You gotta be part of team Australia or bust

Tones- Tony Abbott (pbuh) was ahead of his time. Much like Jesus, I and many other citizens, saw and didn't believe until after He was gone. I pray for His return to the Emu throne, so that He may work further wondrous deeds among us.

Well it is easier to govern when your government isn't being dissolved.

Obama was born in Kenya and that didn't stop him.

no shit.

yeah, but the spiders.

And yet no mention of Penny Wong being born in Malaysia to a Malaysian father...

>laughing at your own jokes


Not only do I not know what that means, I also don't care because

hol' up

so u b sayin' that kiwi be kangz an' shit?

nothing happening, digits confirm

Australia isnt mine (yet)

Barbaby is not based. He announced this week the arrival of 200 more 'syrian' refugees in his area of New England. This is on top of the 12000 (((Abbot))) forced upon us. He's a cuck and a shill for China

I don't speak koala nigger what the fuck is happening

Does this possibly mean a new PM...again?

When the fuck is the government going to call out Iranian muslim Dastyari and Malaysian Wong?

If Barnaby falls, it's likely the government will uncover their dual citizenship too

Major minister in the government may be revoked of his position, which means that his party (the incumbent) will no longer hold a majority, possibly leading to an election and another new PM.

>inb4 Joyce isn't Libs, I know, he's in the coalition and I was simplifying it for Bobby-Ray

Stop living in implicit denial - you all know what this means, you just don't want to say it. Snap election will be called. And BILL SHORTEN is our next pm.

Truly the 'man' we deserve to lead 'our' "country".

i saw bill shorten irl ama

Not sure who from the govt is speaking in parliament now, but he just said the labor party would use their powers to refer members to the high court but the government will not do so because they do not operate like a third world stalinist government like the labor party does.

When will conservatives worldwide start attacking, when will they uncuck themselves? This is why we lose, so called principals. Pathetic.

Here we go again. God i love being australian.

I've heard he does the 'limp-fish' handshake, is this true?

I guarantee I am more white than u cunt

Nice tits.

who cares, both australia and new zland are literally shit tier countries that dont matter one fucking bit in world affairs


fucking lol barnaby

liberals are chink stooges, labor are safe school stooges. we are just completely fucked.

i don't know
he jogged past me with 2 bodyguards and looked me in the eye
his man tits are very prominent irl as well they were going up and down


I've seen both Anthony Albanese and Bill Shorten separately on two occasions in Qantas Club and could have spilled hot soup on either of them.