Guys, what's gonna happen on Sept 23rd???
Guys, what's gonna happen on Sept 23rd???
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Absolutely fucking nothing, just like DAK, just like April 15, just like July 27, absolutely motherfucking nothing.
You'll lose your virginity to another faggot OP.
a bunch of people are going to get red pilled on how bullshit specific date predicted happenings are
The paleo-libertarians and the edge-lords need to reclaim this board
Thanks, saving this to post on Sept. 24th when nothing fucking happened so I can call you a double nigger.
Okay, I'll be posting from heaven
Rolling for nuke
Probably rapture
Cassini has plutonium on board. Is smashing into saturn. Same thing with whatever the jupiter probe is called. You shall bruise his heel. Jupiter. Christ allegory. And He shall bruise your head. The red dragon thing waiting to eat the birth. Who knows
Remember Shemitah and CERN?
Starting to look like something huge!
The bear will leave its cave forever
nothing, just like all your other autistic predictions
Probably Revelations 12
Everything in the sky lines up with the prophecy
(OP+my pic related)
Some people say the rapture is gonna happen on 9-23 but I don't think so (I will be soon though)
that's a fun gif
None of those were mapped in the bible like september 23rd is.
Checked, I follow a scientific theory called the electric universe theory. It's something I think TPTB would seek to cover up, and that it might explains how something like that could be seen.
Thunderbolts project, the group is even lead by a shitposting(talking) aussie.
Hey what do you know about the Bible
You're British
Over 2/3s of your country isn't even religious
like just shut the fuck up because your not even American
You lost
Get over it
Fuck you
Did you get to see these digits?
But they still used vaguely written bible verses as evidence. But this current possible happening is the most unsettling.
This prophecy isn't vague tho
Mixing Christ-less Astrology with biblical prophecy.
Hopefully the end of this shit world
I think it might be the start of Daniels 70 weeks. Pic related. Maybe seal one gets opened.
>esoteric numerology
>implying dates mean literally anything
thats all incorrect
Just get right with Jesus and it doesn't matter.
You have to understand that all Ancient astrology was based on Babylon. That the deities that the Canaanites worshipped, that the Hebrews redacted into Yahweh, started off with that exact same zodiac. The Greeks adopted their zodiac through Akkadian puns. The Israelites would have definitely been aware of this cosmology as were the Greeks and Romans.
Luke 21:25 KJV
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
If Christ is in Heaven until He makes his glorious return, how can it be considered "Christless" to observe what occurs in the Heavens?
As this one has alluded to, the reason why it was forbidden by the priestly classes was because they were trying to keep such knowledge for themselves.
why? this thread is stupid
What Prophecy?
If its the one I think your referencing an awful lot of the stuff that leads up to it hasn't happened yet.
People need to know and prepare.
Prepare for what? What's gonna happen?
I'm going to visit my favourite hentai website and am going to have a quality fap.
Typical day for me really, but thanks for asking.
Jesus is coming soon. If you haven't found him yet, now is the time.
What do you think that refers to exactly?
stop responding to slide threads
Astrology is not Christ-less lol. Learn your history.
absolutely fucking nothing, just like 100% of the times before this
This isn't a slide thread. This will be one of the most important threads you will ever read. Get right with our Lord while you still can, user.
Idols will begin to speak and move about
great to see you've joined the club
My birthday :)