Happening Wisconsin Mass Shooting 3 Dead



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>3 Dead
not a mass, moving on

It's Chicago.
3 shot dead it just a regular evening.
Lurk more faggot

Was it at a mass?

You mean an average night in Chicongo

Union Grove, Wisconsin

ABC7 Chicago is reporting on it. It was in Wisconsin.

>mas shooting
>3 dead
>the combined Amerifats weight litterally comes out to 12 people

>auto racing event

is this revenge against whitey?

That's what I fear. Suspect fled the scene

Let's hope so. We could have a chance at turning the narrative around then. It gives the radical centrists something else to talk about all week.

Kek sadly accurate
More accurate than this scrub "mass" shooter that's for sure. Maybe by sheer human mass

It was darkie gang violence you OP faggot

>shooting in america
There's a shooting in america every time someone in africa gets AIDS, cmon

Bump for obscure reference that involves an Irish sitcom from the 20th Century


It's beginning boys


3 people is not a mass shooting.

Exterminate all niggers

How much dindu would a dindu do if a dindu dindu nuffin?

Male black suspect on the run



He was a good boy, needed mo money fo dem programs


1 american death is a lot of mass

that nigga dindu nuffin.


>Great Lakes Dragaway

Cool place.


Is it redneck whites or homies or Tokyo drift type of racing?

Verified left-wing twitter accounts like Deray are spreading fake news about it being whites.


This is factually incorrect.

>23.8 million with aids in africa
>average life expectancy ~60 years
>replacement rate ~1080 per day

US Gun deaths (all "death by firearm")
>33636 in 2013
>92 per day

For every shooting in america 10 people are infected and die of aids in africa.

""Larry's Fun Fest" which drew 5,000 people from Milwaukee, Chicago and other areas, authorities said." Big city criminals probably black.

probability states drag racing=rednecks.
all sounds kinda random, without further info.

Pretty accurate user.

>tfw I live in Wisconsin and Chicago just flew by my house

Niggers shooting niggers is not a happening

I'm scared. I live in Wisconsin. i don't want the holocaust to happen to white people

It is when the blue checkmark squad spreads fake news. It doesn't matter if they retract it later when the damage is done. Only 1% ever read the retraction.


Everyone in the banner pic is black. It was male black killing his arch nemesis male black.

Nigs gonna nog

>Is it redneck whites or homies

Depends on the event.
Haven't seen the stance beaners in their Hondas there though.

Funny thing is, the majority of those infected and killed in both sides are Niggers

The important thing is our niggers are better than their niggers.