What the FUCK did they mean by this?

What the FUCK did they mean by this?

I guess it's satire
It's to show how ridiculous it looks to hold signs that say "Go back to Africa" or wherever the target of the protest is from. They're mocking the methods of those they appose.

They're pointing out that everyone in this country is of immigrant origin.

>they appose.
Not everyone tho.

it's hilarious that you think their protests are that deep and well thought out, it's even more hilarious that they want more white men to go recover europe from the migrant menace.

That's some great rhetoric, that needs someone to explain it, and it still doesn't make much sense.


Emigration to Poland and preparations for DEUS VULT


You guys actually blew it this time

It's not satire. These people legitimately believe all whites should die and that they should not exist. They genuinely believe white people should move to Europe, and that Europe should be demographically replaced with non-whites.

These people are ethnomasochistic.

Pick one and only one.

Are they shaming inmigrants now?

Fuck that's low.

>see how retarded their idea is?
>now we're using it too!
Real geniuses.

> attacking cops
> no nazi around

The cops are the Nazi's, but I would expect nothing less from a white supremacist twitter handle.


Holy hell I can't keep up with all the new words you young bucks are using these days

They hate white people
>thinking gommies are intelligent enough to use satire

they are 100% serious

Except Mexicans. Now give them their land back.

They lost the land fair and square. Give the Russians Crimea, you fascist.

Jesus christ I hope you're a larper. No one is honestly this fucking retarded.


"No one" you say?

I've done a lot of domain moving and it's literally impossible to do it that quickly.

The US isn't land so much as it is a collection of ideas and people. Where it exists geographically is less relevant than the people who compose it.

That said, America was created almost exclusively from European christians and its massive successes come predominantly from those aspects. White christians are fundamentally inseperable from America whereas most other minorities ultimately aren't.

It's brilliant actually. If Antifa say things like "go back to europe" then it means we are finally getting close to open war in the streets!

Everyday I pray for the day I'll finally get to put my AR to use and everyday it seems to me that we are getting closer and closer. Soon we'll be open carrying like the Freikorps, shooting these fuckers dead in the streets. It's been something I've dreamed about doing for years now.

>what is the Bearing Strait
Injuns are less native than whites.

I wonder if CNN will report this?

Look at them, all dressed in black and covering their faces. They're definitely the good guys!

I'd be happy to go back to Yurop. I don't think they're taking in many whites at the moment though.

>everyday i pray for the day i'll finally get to put my ar to use
user...my blood boils too...but you need to pray for your family and loved ones, not murdering people. Live by the sword, and you shall die by the sword. It doesn't mean roll over, it means don't live your life by violence.

You should at least have the hippie flag on if you're going to go full "cops in jackboots oppressing muh freedoms" retard on us.