
It's time to create another #DraftOurDaughters, Sup Forums.

>be sure to equate white men and nazis
>specifically use the word "kill" or another similarly violent word like "massacre" or "genocide"
>use the Hillary Clinton font (Sharp Unity)
>spam on Twitter
>redpill normies

Other urls found in this thread:



Bumping, lets make anti-white propaganda

This white man tried to kill democratically elected representatives of the United States.


the left already does this you dumb euroniggers

this is good

only good nazi is a dead nazi

Screencapped and sent to reddit/tumblr and twitter
Movement dead
Don't even try

Lol yes please. Leave out conservative in that equation though, just white is enough.

well, see, they also look like news anchors. with any luck we could get some stray bullets to hit the real targets.


Yeah because no one can see your posts on Sup Forums and expose your EPIC RAID xD .

Stupid faggot.


Yup, get your friends to LARP up the Nazi shit and then have the moderate Constitutional Trump base come in the rational group who will protect people.

Your idea is SHIT.

I just tweeted this out to #TheResistance

Thanks, nigga.

>tfw you're a nazi with long hair because you know natural straight long hair is an evolutionnary trait europeans have to protect themselves from cold.

Breddy good idea.

Long hair is cool i cant have long hair because when i grow my hair out i look like a kike

>maybe if we make the extremists on the other end of the political spectrum seem even worse than they are people will sympathise with us

Too late naziboy. The general public hates you now. You're the same as ISIS.

This is good.

The left can't meme.

You might be one then, faggot. Sheep wool, known as jewfro is nigger-tier.

Are we the jews now?

>he doesn't have a real job

Noice brah

>>be sure to equate white men and nazis
You're already doing that yourselves. Thanks for nothing.

We always have been. It's the final redpill

The target audience is normal people who don't spend all day on Twitter with a bunch of liberals, so I don't understand what you are talking about. This is what we did with #DraftOurDaughters. It's fake, but it's based on what these people are really saying on Twitter.

Also, it's funny.

Too opaque

Your a fucking white male

Stop. Everyone at work knows I voted for Trump. I might die because of this.

cool. I've already spread this to r_d and am in the process of spreading it from my alt-right pepe twitter accounts.
No one will ever know it was us hehe.


Good luck!

They expect one of us in the wreckage brother

i think you guys are starting to go insane

>Also, it's funny
Nope, you retards have even managed to dry up the lulz. Congratulations.

It's funnier making incels angry over their continued failures at life.

This isn't even their final form


lmfao what the fuck

...So was I the only one around for #DraftOurDaughters??? Why is everyone acting like this is supposed to trick people?

It's meant to be obviously fake and shock people by how blunt it is, but it is also based on reality. When normies see it, they dismiss it as fake but it eats at the back of their mind that they've seen people say this type of shit before. Remember how we laughed at the MSM for going "h-hey the alt-right is trying to trick you with these memes!"?

top kek

the tiki torches though...

I just can't take any of them seriously with them holding tiki torches.


Sents "see a nazi, kill a nazi" to red pill people. I don't think most people are opposed to killing nazis, so i don't see this going well for you guys

>implying you dont want white people to die

come on now shlomo! I know you gotta lie about everything :^)

>not poh
fucking pleb

You're about to make a crucial mistake.

Remember that leftypol is also on here, and they will call you out on your fake news. This will make us lose credibility.

Have some fucking patience. The left is already pushing more and more whites to our cause simply by blaming all whites for the Charlottesville rally.

Don't do the Jewish tricks. We are NatSoc, not some fucking propaganda parasite. If we start down this road of lies, we will degenerate into it like the Jews have.

Do what you believe is right..

This can save us - more more;
it is the only way to get new converts, and now is perfect timing everybody is hyper sensy

Let the redpilling begin.

Underrated post

Good idea. We need to get as many leftist reposing these as possible.

Yes! Thank God you guys are finally doing something good.

>has reach and power

Seems like a process of elimination. The majority of remotely normal Trump supporters jumped long ago. They're no longer around to moderate the delusions of what remains..

I think they're going more for a Viking or Crusader look there.

I don't care about white people dying or living. I just want to feel e-famous and I will use Sup Forums Sup Forums to do it. I'm currently building a platform to become a left wing e-celeb. You'll hear from me soon, nigga.

No it isn't.

If we get called out on this lie, then we will lose all credibility.

We can't stand for the truth if we don't advocate it for ourselves. Just have some damn patience, the left is already pushing everyone to us. No need to make risky plays like these when we are already gaining the upper hand.

Bump. Occasionally Sup Forums has good ideas.

HAHAHAHA holy shit you are actually for real!

Here's his DA page btw, he's hitting on a literal Communist hippie chick

>my fuggin sides

>TFW you get the joke
As a Floyd fan this is hilarious

>Here's his DA page btw, he's hitting on a literal Communist hippie chick

my sides

Nice! Make me e-famous, nigga.

>If we get called out on this lie, then we will lose all credibility.

People will call us out on shit like this anyways so it doesn't matter.


Remember faggots ASA!
Do this right and Trump can easily get rid of the cuckservatives in 2018, and destroy the Dems in November. That means illegals gone in no less than four years, that means black people could get their own area nexts to libs, and be left alone from the American patriots.

It doesn't. Not much anyways, but imagine if this propaganda campaign of yours starts garnering MSM attention and then leftypol shows that this was a Sup Forums fake news ploy. We would look like shit.

People come here for the memes and lels and learn the truth because it trickles in, not because we force it down people's throats like some raging Jehovah's witnesses.

>If we get called out on this lie, then we will lose all credibility.
who is we?

Except nothing will change because they already openly advocate for white genocide and get hundreds of retweets.

false flagging is just sad tbqh

Awesome, time to dox him. BRB :D

Do what you think is right, but I think this is a mistake.

You OP can you make a pic on the base of:

"Muslim kills dozens in truck - "#notallmuslims"
Goy drives into Antifa, kills one - "THE ALT-RIGHT MUST DIE FOR THIS!!!"

OBVIOUSLY all the right-wingers there would have done the same. They were ALL out for BLOOD!!! Us peaceful Antifa dindu nuffin to warrant this!"

Make a pic that very subtly redpills people on this double standard.

Sup Forums now:
>let's make anti-white memes

Sup Forums week from now:
>the leftists promote an anti-white agenda!

Oh wow, this is actually quite embarrassing. Sad!

moar like diis

>blaming all whites for the Charlottesville rally
Jesus, you're delusional. Nobody is blaming "all whites", just the very pasty whites who are now back cowering amongst their figurines.

Please don't do this
>never had a hairstyle I liked in all my life
>hair gets gross if I don't wash it
>gets puffy and uncontrollable if I do
A few years I said fuck it and just started shaving my head every month with a set of clippers. I don't have to worry about my hair anymore and I save money to. I don't want to be persecuted and attacked for being a nazi just because I shave my head.

Commie Faggots.

this. it's been a constant battle to see who could out-jew who.


Well regardless of whether we made them or not, does that make it any less true that they are sharing blatant anti-white propaganda?

It really exposes their hypocrisy, and even people on T_D, Rebel Media and Breitbart are noticing.

I remember thinking this when I'd been here for 2 weeks too, but this is how things work. Welcome to Sup Forums

You have to have slightly edgy white people so it looks believable.

when then the only anti-white agenda is memes, yes

I fucking told you.

Don't do this. We stand for truth, not this kikery tactic. Like their kikery, it will get called out and we will lose credibility.

We have to be the vanguard of the white race, and we must accomplish this by seeking out the truth.

I remember thinking I'd been here a long time too

fucking gook

Oh yeah, this won't backfire...

Nice, I think I'm going to try to make some kind of logo for them that looks similar to a Swastika, for irony's sake. Not too similar, though. It will look accidental.

Do you even tinky-winky, bro?


Goddamn, this is pathetic.
>illegal immigrant
>tries to get into the military
>fails basic training
>his best friend gets raped and aborts the baby
>Donald Trump gets elected
>he has a mental breakdown and writes a book
>nobody will publish it

He can't even proofread this fucking biography
>I went back to civilian life very disappointed. But I resolved to get back on his feet and go to college as I originally planned.
Starts a sentence with "but" and then says "his feet" instead of "my feet."

I'm literally smiling here right now. You're gonna find out just how powerful I'll be using this Sup Forums board. I'll make you all butthurt. I'm using this website to build a platform for myself and I'm gonna be rich and famous.

Thanks, nigga.

Start adding in images from South Africa so we can also do this to raise awareness.

hahahahhaa this is who Shareblue is hiring now?

>Personal Interests
>Reading books and news articles
>Learning foreign languages
>Fitness and exercise
CROCHETING hahahahhaha