So much information to sift through, and it's making my brain fry, so I ask this Sup Forums... What the piping hot fuck happened in Charlottesville?
Charlottesville: What the hell happened?
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>kek meme flag
Forget the car story, there is a bigger issue about the events that took place.
The UniteTheRight people bent over backwards to get a legal permit to host a speech at the park.
The event was supposed to start at 12:00. At 12:09 the police shut down the event claiming it an unlawful assembly. Riot police showed up and forcibly removed the UniteTheRight people from the park.
After the event was cancelled, BLM and Antifa marched in the streets, the police let them. Not a cop in sight as BLM walked through traffic and screamed nonsense into the air.
The people who got ran over by the car reversing had baseball bats. One guy put his bat through the back windshield before the car reversed over him.
>double reverse false flagging this hard.
Trumpers' gonna Trump.
The state has made it official that white people do not have the right to lawful free speech.
Toxic autism met toxic cuckoldry.
another battle in a brewing civil war
a pro-white event faced extreme backlash by politicians, media, cuckservatives, trump, etc
Wait until the morning.
>whites/neonazis hold legally approved rally
>antifa/BLM start shit with them out of no where
>angry white guy grabs his car and decides to try to kill as many antifa/BLM
This is how im understanding it
They look like a bunch of larping faggots who think they're in the roman empire. No wonder everybody laughs at us.
what do you fucking want them to be doing
you laugh, but they're inspiring countless numbers of young men to stand up for themselves
Oh I don't, how about not buying fucking tiki torches and plowing cars into people.
We should stick with what we are good at: memes. Change the culture through behind-the-scenes online propaganda. Leave the protests for the liberals. They're experts at it.
That's Serbian Jew Double Bluff and it Ain't. Gonna. Work. On. Me.
Yeah, we all saw how much they inspired this weekend.
so what you're mad about is that some people actually took their ideology to the real world and made a demonstration and an event instead of perpetually making stupid posts on the internet
>kek flag
you are both faggots.
delusional white people with nothing better to do
these rallys and protests do nothing but make people hate you guys.
Was CWC involved?
So then explain why Stickman beating up leftists only led to thousands more people attending right-wing events? He quite seriously started a youth militant movement, it's because of him that people are making shields, armor, and weapons
why did the helicopter go down?
>delusional white people with nothing better to do
It's hilarious because tomorrow everyone's going back to work
Can a civil war work if it's only fought on weekends?
the msm won the narrative back
people feel like it's okay to act like that if others are. those people already felt that way but were scared to show society. rightly so, society thinks you're disgusting.
doubtful. these antiwhite news articles on the event are just more of the same, the cuckservatives' denouncing white nationalists is just more of the same etc
Retards took to the street and got run over on account of literally marking through traffic.
Stickman only snapped because of leftist violence. He was interviewed and said how seeing innocent people getting beaten and maced was the final straw.
Let's keep it one general thread discussing current information about what's happening, rabbit hole is pretty deep.
Who gives a fuck about the reason?
ask the police
and would the helicopter exploded if there were no rallies in Charlottesville?
Not the homicidal driver though.
He will be in jail and have anal sex with dark prisoners, but boy is he gonna get worked.
I don't know but I'm guessing you have some spoonfed half-baked theory that explains it all while conveniently placing blame on everyone other than the actual people involved?
I've also been hearing about "assault-style weapons and camo."
Is this part true, and if so, was it our own doing that or Antifa cuckoldry or LARPers?
There is a place called America where pedestrians have the right of way.
Go back to Autobahnland faggot.
Except they aren't LARPing, they are fighting and they are winning.
Their actions were a bit crude, it was still relatively unorganized and it looks like a viking warband as opposed to a cohesive movement but its only the beginning. The media and the police made it clear: any whites who wish to question the status quo and defend their history will be met with violence and arrests.
This isn't going to be tolerated. We are fighting.
Well, a free speach rally is cool until these fuck heads start roman saluting and chanting "heil victory" with other nazi symbolism and talking like theyre the average libertarian/conservative or what have you. Larping like a neo-nazi doesnt do shit for right wingers.
National Socialism is the only way forward otherwise you will face extinction through either migration replacement, which by the way is written into UN policy, or environmental destruction.
Theres no other option available. You cannot keep staying a cuckservative because they accomplish very little and only look after the wealthy donors lining their pockets same as the Leftists.
They're the same enemy and you have to understand that. This shit was infantile in someways, I agree with you, but it was finally some action done. Finally some resistance, some push back.
And we learned a lot about how the Feds and the Reds cooperate together, how the law is opposed to whites, how the media is all in the same pocket - there is really no excuse for anybody anymore except willful ignorance.
t. a literally mentally ill individual
I agree, but that doesn't mean the average Americna will ever accept it
A virgin Sup Forumsack snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by sperging out at the very end of a somewhat successful demonstration.
The problem is trying to find a solution when every nigger and spic gets a vote too. Associating the right with neo-nazism is so fucking stupid it hurts. Its so stupid it seemed planned desu.
Also, spencer is a duganist fucking plant. Newfags and stormfags are the only dipshits that unironically believe anything that faggot has to say
Dugin is redpilled though.
we're out here running each other over and paco just had his 12th anchor baby
we aren't winning
No your echo chambers feel that way. You would be surprised how many "Normies" share our beliefs but just don't say so in public.
Youre an idiot if you cant see past that double speak drivel. Its a different shade of Red for gullible people to follow.
You do realize he was being attacked by people with base ball bats right?
I live here, what do you want to know
Thanks for being the one honest voice, I agree with you
Yeah after he had hit them with his fucking car like the virgin autist that he is.
did you see anything personally?
sure, lots of things. the tl;dr that I've told friend and family is:
- there were a lot of people that came in camo which I thought were virginia national guard but were alt-right. i have a pic of me standing next to a group of 2 or 3 of them
- it got broken up way before the 12-pm permit was supposed to start, and at that point it went immediately from anti-fascist vs. alt-right to anti-fascist vs. cops, and that was where I stopped supporting things
- i didn't see the car kill anyone, but I was around the corner and watched him drive away pursued by a few cops. 4th street is one-way, and he backed off of downtown and then sped away down Market street
what else do you want to know
Something potentially HUGE happened to that helicopter. Notice the complete media blackout since it crashed yesterday? Here's why:
There have been rumors that pieces of a DJI Phantom (gen 1) were found scattered in the woods near the crash site. If so, we'll, I'm sure you can piece it together anons.
Likely narrative though will blame crash on repairs from a previous crash landing by N31VA in 2010.
>What the piping hot fuck happened in Charlottesville?
A fat liberal roastie didnt dodge the dodge
t. Massive faggot
Nazis punched back.
>an autistic virgin drove his car into a crowd and then sped away
Just what the deep state wanted to happen...
>Larping like a neo-nazi doesnt do shit for right wingers.
Yeah perhaps we should vote in another 'political outsider' so we can watch him turn in to a neoconservative good goy.
The only solution left now is violence, if you dont like it you should go back to plebbit.
Its going to get worse before it gets better.
>/ourguy/ went for a weekend drive, nothing of value was lost
>>an autistic virgin drove his car into a crowd and then sped away
The leftists have used violence to repress anyone on the right for years. It's totally cuck to cry bitch when the tables get turned and they retaliate.
This is all a great party, I don't know what you people are so worried about
No they haven't. Fields hasn't released a statement, nor has his family or their attorney. Either way, he'll likely deny intent and plead not guilty. That puts the burden of proof back on the media.
Fox News has been trigger happy af to name this guy a terrorist. So have many (((GOP))) politicians. That is 100% slander, and they'll have to add "alleged" to any future "news" about him. Why is he guilty? Because he's white and posted memes? That makes him a murderer now? This is totally "muh feels" run amuck.
It reminds me after Sandy Hook, how the media was strangely prepared to go after guns. It seems very convenient for Bannon to get pushed out, and for JaVanka to consolidate his power and push anti-white rhetoric as justified, like the plastic bitch did tonight.
How the movement recovers: no swaztikas at rallies, use "Global Terrorist" signs with Soros's face. Or "Bolsheviks/Marxists were/are a murderous hate group." Counter with Jewish extremism signage. Take back the cameras' agenda. Or maybe attend these rallies and photograph any black ops or agent provacateurs and post that all here.
The Jews have gained ground but it's only been 24 hours. Prepare for a 9/11 tier false flag, OKC Bombing Part 2, be ready to archive. Sooner than later now SHTF. Prob by...Sept.
This x10
Fucking society treat commies and anarchists like good guys and right wingers as the devil incarnate.
It's probably because you guys have a tendency to kill other white people while anarkiddies will only destroy a trashcan or two.
No one really knows. Some user said he heard buzzing that could have disrupted the instruments but no one can confirm that. It could have been a random accident but the media will spin it somehow that the right wing Nazis caused the crash.
>acting like commies are people
dunno if this is something. Dave Acton, George Webb's brother points out the driver and his mom have sequential license plate numbers...
>liberal protesters
Pick one
False flag car crash
I realize that Pol users have become cucked politically and have no interest in meme wars and standing up for what's right, but do yourself a favor and Google Image Search the following phrases:
White woman with children
White couple
White American Inventors
European history people
Happy American couple
European people art
White man and white woman
Stand with your people or have your history replaced with a black faces.
Your choice.
wew are you going to be in for a surprise, bucko
>36 injured
>1 dead
>no casualities
Feels like winning to me
This guys suit..
>reported casualties
Man that's some aggressive handholding.