WELL HELLO AGAIN LADIES AND GENTLEMEN..BUT MAINLY GENTLEMEN! We are having our lovely drinking thread tonight! Bring your strong booze, your concerns, thoughts, worries, and wishes all here!
Our Sup Forums drinking threads are always on fire and usually end up with weird people challenging eachother's drinks and DUDE WEED LMAOs, but that's alright.

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off

oh and whiskey reporting in


Are you the one bastard from last time that was passive aggressive and loved everything at the same time?

Inb4 alcohol is degenerate
Moral faggots plz kys
I'm drinking space dust btw

Went 8 days sober and went all out last night, maybe 40 beers, tons of coke and assumed I could call in sick today. Nope they said if I don't show I'm fired. Worst day of my life, I've never been in so much physical hurt. Only on 11 beers tonight and got work tomorrow. Send help


how can I fucking forget, the thread music.

fucking hell, 40 beers? Is your stomach even human?

If you gonna be hung over may as well be paid for it

Present. You doublenigger.

what's your poison for the night?

Have you ever worked hungover? It's the worst fucking feeling...especially if you have to sell stuff

this is my first time on pol in months


what have you been doing for so long away from home?

I've worked hung over more than I should have it was ok when I had a desk job but I can't do it any more now that I do reallabors

A mix of several "not your father's ___". They were on sale at Publix last week.

Pick unrelated

downing a 6 pack of lone star

I'm going to an art museum with my mom tomorrow, i'm pretty psyched, haven't seen her since Christmas

Just spilled my beer
About to be fired from my job
gonna come up short on rent this month

I really do feel like a nigger.

been busy drinking alone and watching slice of life anime

Prolly ought not act like a nigger if you don't like feeling like one lol

When I was still in the Marine Infantry I ran a PFT. (3 mile run in 21 minutes, 16 pullups, 100 crunches). THEN did a full day of work (cleaning machineguns in the hot mojave desert sun)

I assure you, THAT was the worst thing ever.

that's a big vehicle

Suck my silky smooth asshole you drunkard
Only soft alcohol is ok

what do you do for a living?

so tsundere

nevermind, I thought I had it bad, fucking hell that's torture

Thanks dad

fpbp drinking is degenerate

What you watching? I've been going through my list of shows. Watched all through Crest of the Stars today.

deliver the hot and ready jew
i'm a wage cuck. For now anyways

I think you may need a drink.

Kys achmed muzzy scum

ahh gotchya. Are you ganna get fired soon because you are not delivering them so "hot and ready" ?

go suck off a scooter

Im on pet girl of sakurasou right now, also on my 4th rewatch of k-on.

It's okay to drink as long as it's not distilled those are just the rules ok

>doesn't drink

The good:
>finally immigrated my german waifu and son here
>got paid today
>got a bottle of brandy
>moved into new house and get paid $500 a month to l8ve there

The bad:
>got evicted from old place. Owe them $2500 (spent all my money immigrating my family, paycheck was late, landlord booted me out)

The ugly:
>parents divorcing (mom lied to cops to get a restraining order on my dad)

So, i guess things are bittersweet here at the moment. Well. Bottoms up lads.

>4th rewatch

how do people fucking do this?

It sucks dog, I was doing really well, lifting everyday, shot from 130 to 155lbs with tons of effort just force feeding myself. Had 1 beer. ONE. And it sent me into a tailspin and lost 100% of that progress I had made. And put my job in jeapordy


Nice. I've only been through the first season of K-on. Need to give it a rewatch and move on the other K-on stuff.

The only rule for humans is there are no fucking rules

read this label of this whiskey and tell me how much my drink is distilled right now and tell my why it's bad cuz this shit slaps me in all the right ways

don't drink.

how to find other people in 20s who dont drink locally?

>cinnamon roll

You know that's not true

This is degenerate. Stop encouraging alcohol consumption in a time of required vigilance. Everyone can get drunk once we've put the globalists out of business.

fucking kek /drunk/ threads are like rollercoasters. They start off slow and end up rocketing like a fucking jet. Guess booze is a man's best friend.


I know that I make the rules

I am a salesman, so yeah it is very hard and awkward selling and interacting with custies when im hungover. But I thank God everyday when I do wake up hungover that I'm not doing physical labor. Forget about it, I'd kill myself.

If it feels like your drinking fire and the smell makes you gag you shouldn't drink it.

Honey bun

Celebrate my friend. A fucking dodge just smashed a bunch of retards. You can't be stressed all the time otherwise you will lose the war.
That's why antifa loses. They are triggered 24/7.


but it makes me feel funny ;(

No you don't make the rules. The rules make you. There's no reason to drink anything stronger than a nice homemade wine.

Lol this guy thinks he can stop the globalists thanks for the laugh dreamer go spend some time with john Lennon

first bottle almost empty :(

I'm drinking. A good couple of days lads, despite what the shills say. Here's to all of you. You're my komeraden and I hope someday soon we can have each other's backs irl.

>there's no reason

literally whiskey is king. prove me wrong. wine makes me sleepy. whiskey makes me wild and freaky

Ok you can drink it but make sure you drink a lot of water too

No I'm actually a pro but my car got fucked and I'm consistently unable to make it in to my jew overlords.

Shit. Lemmie get you a refill, my nigga.

It really is the methyl Jew. Don't forget that. It destroys many good white folks

What if I am not a drinker but instead a pot head. Can I still hang out here?

Yeah, rookie mistake. In the marines if you are gonna drink the night before a CFT or PFT you dont stop to sober up, you keep drinking and do it drunk. Dunno if you can do that in retail tho.

Drunk PFTs and CFTs arent that bad. Hungover? Ffffuuuuuuuccccck. You just wish you were dead and vomit all over yourself.

>wild and freaky

fill me with water pls and take care of me

Stop blaming substances for the decisions of human animals you faking shitstain

Toast and checked

I drink once every month if not less, this is a special occasion. Alcohol is a part of our culture.

That stuff is the shit. All my memories of tullamore dew are good ones. I only ever had a good time with that stuff.

>not getting crunk because fuck it the world is ending

on to the second bottle

It's brain chemistry, I know you SHOULD be stronger than it but it's easy when you have abundant resources and money and tree time to become hooked to the stuff.

t. guy who's dad, dad's dad, dad's dad's dad all died from alcoholism

i just tried whiskey and rootbeer

It was fucking horrible, I had spirits so much. The only spirit I actually enjoy is Fireball whiskey


>Alcohol is a part of our culture.
Got that right.

No you dumb ass nigger i literally make all the rules for myself and I can break any of them at any time you retarded fascist faggot kys

Weed is the greatest I don't drink often because I'm not supposed to with my medicine.
drink deep lil birb

>TFW fucked my stomach up so bad I may never be able to drink again.

Am on a strict diet now to recover from it all. Turns out getting tired easily and not being able to drink as much as before without getting extremely tired are all bad signs.

Fuck alcohol, stick to getting high on lyfe.

I'm drinking it from this. It's good shit!

ANONS tell me when this thread is going to hit cap soon. The previous nights some anons were super good at reminding me. Had to make like 7 of them last night and 5 the night before

Keep that shit on peace, man. Way to easy to get fucked on it. It's the millennial's jagermeister

This is literally /leftypol/ shilling degeneracy here. Fucking faggots.

You know I'd like a stomach scientist to explain to me how our good bacteria don't all die from hard booze

You sound like you'd like our summer camps, they have no rules either.

I tired getting high on life but then I remembered I'm not a faggot lol I'm am fukin drunk

it's built into our fucking history that booze has helped us win wars and smiling in the after-hours of war. Look at antifa. They are probably screaming mad right now. We fight in the day hours and drink in the night hours. Cmon now.

Wow Hitler is with us my dudes
I know the damage it has done. Don't be a downer. Alcohol is fine in moderation. No need to press this.

Leave if you don't like degenerates this is still a fukin free country Mohammed ship your ass to Saudi Arabia where you can suk sand nigger dick all the live long day kys

do you like chik fil a?

Yeah I can't drink hard liquor at all I hate it. I make my own mead and that's pretty strong but not too strong I really like it.

kekked and checked

that looks like the thingy the priest washes his hands with after he touches little boys' weiners

Srsly. If you care enough about booze on the internet you have the gene you have a very strong possibility of becoming a drunk bum. Abstinence is the only answer. Not even any of that "ay on the weekends I enjoy a nice craft brew with the lads" shit

I would gas my self in an instant if I had to spend more than a minute with you in real life plz kys