Can someone remake this to more accurately represent the truth?
Can someone remake this to more accurately represent the truth?
Other urls found in this thread:
Black panthers and Gang violence for black pride, asian kamakaze pilots for asian pride, and MS13 for latino pride.
no that person nailed it.
Except no one cares if white people celebrate their culture you retards are just tricking yourselves into thinking you're being the victims of something which is no different than what you claim SJWs do literal no one cares if a german person celebrates a german holiday or if an english person celebrates in an english festival or if an irish person celebrates st paddies day what they do complain about is when you act like white culture is somehow superior to every culture which you fags do on a regular basis on here
Use this one
And this one.
But you stupid faggots are LITERALLY not doing this.
Are you retarded?
Lithuania plz do something with your African flag already
waste of trips gas yourself
white people are on the defensive, so they appear offensive, because they are not allowed to celebrate their race
Has this person never been to a renaissance faire? or seen a Slavic woman in traditional dress?
Normally shit on, declared somehow racist, need to be abolished because we're all americans (except when minorities do similar events), look at how white people demand the spotlight, etc.
Almost always feature non-europeans, racist not to.
Ikr, their coat of arms is badass, but the flag looks bonobo
Oh hell, are those boys?
There it is.
>Suddenly the niggers and mexicans want to pretend to be nice people when the Whites start getting mad at their shit
>Try to rope in Asians into their shit just to exploit
I hate humans so much. What God allows a species to produce such underhanded yet somehow shameless psychopaths?
And what's so bad about the white pride picture? They're literally just walking with torches.
Text got cut off.
The alt right is a white political movement based around addressing issues with symptoms such as those mentioned in my previous post, among others.
>Can someone remake this to more accurately represent the truth?
white people never associate themselves with the color of their skin but rather the region they grew up in, other races do this also to an extent. The only white people who actually do celebrate their skin color also generally do so at the expense of another race, like jews or blacks.
African pride is the result of the slave trade and the disconnect from black people from their home country so they take pride in the color instead of their country. White people dont have this disconnect from their home countries so they really have no real incentive to celebrate their skin color apart from their regional pride.
I dont understand white pride since white people have literally never united together once except for the crusades and they had infighting and lost
the funny thing about latino pride is they're celebrating a culture forced on them by europeans
>not endangered in their home territory
>not endangered in their home territory
>not endangered in their home territory
>2017 endangered nearly everywhere including their home territory
yeah no actual latino pride looks anything like this
they're your typical spics complaining about land taken away from them and right to immigrate etc.
likewise black pride = BLM or twerking
Apparently it started in the 80s as an easier way to get hair in a style that became popular for irish dancers in the 60s. Why it has been transferred to males in that club, I really don't know. It's been thoroughly bastardized in any group that is thinking about competition or modeling their training on it.
>I dont understand white pride
Of course you don't cuck.
They absolutely do care if white people celebrate their culture. They hate white culture. What they want is the balkanization of whites into sub ethnicities whose numbers are less powerful. That's why shit like St. Patrick's Day or wearing liederhosen is permitted, but people freak out if the Irish and Germans get together with the Anglos and French on behalf of their shared Western culture. And if those smaller sub groups can be made out into caricatures instead of a genuine heritage, they can do even more damage. Something to laugh at rather than respect. Just look at how St. Patrick's Day or even Christmas are treated compared to the solemn respect given to Eastern and Muslim cultures.
respond to my points faggot
>Another strawman.
No such thing as African, Latino, Asian pride but white pride has a obviously bad connotation to it given y'know, history.
People take pride in their nationality or "heritage".
Top left - Random African country celebrating their culture.
Top right - Random South American country celebrating their culture.
Bottom left - Probably Chinese people celebrating their culture.
Bottom Right - White people taking pride in... being white?
White is not a culture, white is not a language, white is not a nationality. Same applies to African, Latino, and Asian pride that's why there's no such thing.
You have no points, just the usual cuck hypocrisy. Do Mexicans also experience a "disconnect from their home country" justifying "brown pride"? When exactly were Asians united together making Asian pride acceptable?
Your just another anti-white faggot and your day will come along with all the rest of the cucks.
And the Scots actually invented rap.
How did I do user?
For an instance of my exact point, see:
>White people taking pride in... being white?
>White is not a culture, white is not a language, white is not a nationality.
>Do Mexicans also experience a "disconnect from their home country" justifying "brown pride"?
well i did say that other races do have more pride in their countries than their race, i've heard more mexicans have more pride in the fact that mexico exists rather than simply being hispanic. The same thing with Asians, there's more pride in countries than skin color. Both of these races have more pride in the individual countries than their entire race, because there's barely a disconnect from where they came from.
Im not saying whites cant be prideful of their skin but all this aryan brotherhood shit is unnecessary and that white pride isn't as significant as geographic pride
>day of the rope shit
dont fall for Sup Forums memes
That is not a fair comparison. If White Pride will be represented by the rally in Charlottesville, then nigger pride should have the nigger lives matter riot, latino pride should have the cartel, and the asian pride should have the Yulin Festival.
Divide and conquer shills gtfo
i dont identify myself with your "latino pride" picture, its not my culture , i am chilean first and foremost, why do you think LATAM is separated in different countries faggot?, i have more in common with my blue-eyed coworker than with someone of puerto rico.
>dat pic
kek, its true
We need some Roberts on this character subject is a leaf.
>i have more in common with my blue-eyed coworker than with someone of puerto rico
no one cares beaner
That whites find their inner bestial strength through treks in the Mountains?
We did originate from the Caucasus Mountains after all.
They tried to protest the removal of an American history artifact and a group which calls itself "antifascist" showed up with weapons to attack them for gathering while white. How the hell you convince yourself you're a libertarian or even an American is beyond me.
Since you hate White Culture so much steps have been taken to see you no longer benefit from our way of life, Also don't come onto White Community meeting places to complain about said culture.
Get out your mud and spit and scrawl that shit on some cave wall some where don't use MS-Paint hypocrites.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
top kek
sorry i just don't really care about some statue that glorifies an enemy of america
Nig pride
>ignores BLM
0.5 shekels have been deposited in your account.
also forgot to add that the people that you are implying were simply peacefully protesting were also attacking people so nice try trying to frame the white nationalists as entirely innocent and may i add that it was those people that were protesting that went the extra mile and killed someone not the other group so get out of here with your bullshit reasoning
Updated a little.
None of that's pride though. Those are just examples of culture. Try this one for "white pride"
even moar updates.
Shalom Mr.Goldstein
It's pretty true as is.
White people are the only group being meticously replaced by others.
Our anger is righteous.
those faggots are right to be scared. it won't save them.
some more updates.
sorry bro, but all those American inventions aren't 'White" it was groups of Americans from all backgrounds working together like we always have.
You didn't make any of them and if you did well now I did look at me I am the American Now.
And even if darky did help he doesn't count because the tone value of his skin.
the Minorities rewards have always been the same a 40 of Malt Liquor.
Is pic related so important to you you'd let your own nations fall into disrepair and hate upon your own real heros ?
Minorities can and will hate our existence involuntarily, it's a nature/nurture kind of thing. Plus they're get enraged by how awesome this is.
they just hate us cause they ain't us.
it's not white pride,
but white self-preservative defense in the picture.
There is no such thing as African Pride, Latino Pride and Asian Pride.
Those pictures are of local festivals.
Do you think that a Chinese will willingly join an Indian in "Asian Pride" festivities?
Here's the "white" equivalent.
So true, so sad. Better to be hated than the hater, I just would like to form a sovereign alliance with several racial ethnostates(and multicultural ones) that are all monitored by the same WASPS who built America(one solid army/intelligence force, one that doesn't include "minorities" b/c they'd be useless)
i got one
The United Sovereignty Alliance
Exactly, "Latino pride" doesn't exist. Fuck man, I hate chicanos.
the only true white people because swidish people are too cuck to be white
White (western) culture is objectively superior to almost every other culture on the planet, save for perhaps a few east asian cultures.
If that weren't true, then why is the entire world clamoring to get into our countries but not Bolivia or Togo or Kuwait?
Here's another difference
Because those countries are poor?
Because the culture is retarded, that is why the countries are poor you retard