*draws in breath away from microphone*
*draws in breath away from microphone*
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more like go my mom's husband
Time to donate again
Storm fags btfo
>stormfags bfto by FUCKING GODADDY
Fpbp as always.
in before fags whining about their freedom of speech, ignorant of how private companies and the free market works
what have they done
>Registering with CuckDaddy
They deserve it.
>using GoDaddy
I knew neonazis were stupid but not as much as not being able to use a proper registrar
They use whatever they can that doesn't get them shut down
What happens when right wingers start getting denied from web hosting companies?
Someone should start server farms for right wing websites
Then antifa would blow it up or something. Then be found innocent because of their hurt feelings.
It's not politicians that will take away your free speech.
It's companys.
I really don't have a problem with this other then the influx of real stormfags invading this board.
suck it up or gb2 Reddit, whiny faggot
taking l's all over the place XD
It's time to start killing.
Get off of my board faggot.
the only ones whining are the stormfags who had their safe space taken away. the rest of us are laughing at your tears
killing your vape pens?
Daily faggot btfo
>pirate flag
wtf I hate capitalism now
is Sup Forums communist now?
godaddy have always been shady
would not recommend to anyone
What registrars are good anyway? I've been using Crazydomains Australia and they've been alright. Used to use 1&1 but adding txt records and shit was a pain in the ass.
Like anyone actually reads that you stupid nigger
I use name.com, no problems, easy to do records.
They don't do .au.
They have 'happy hour' sales every Friday,
Don't forget to buy WHOIS and look the the renewal cost.
So the purge has finally begun eh? Dailystormer has been around for so long until this charlottsville shit. Seems like a coordinated plan from whatever shadowy jews behind this.
>censorship is okay when its done by multinational corporations
If you're too stupid to realise that stormfaggotry will never, ever, gain you political traction among normies you deserve to suffer 2bh
What have neo-nazis achieved since...well, then end of WW2? It certainly isn't an avowedly pro-WN nation
How is Stormer normie?
So when are they gonna take down Sup Forums and 8gag by going after their providers?
Well I went to their twitter page and I'm not seeing it.
who cares its only stormfags
Biggest problem is hosting desu
>tfw not enough resources to run a webserver from home
when will they learn
all statists are the same
Use a registrar in a country that doesn't give a shit like Iran or Armenia
>establishment shooting their own platforms in the foot and forcing people to create their own institutions
Who the fuck even goes there?
It's like reading infowars unironically
pretty much
they won't get far
Welcome to the brave new world if corporate communism. The founding fathers never seen that coming so built no prorections from it .
you know it's an australian post when it's completely wrong.
here's the whining post in case you missed it;
First its media then corporations follow. Simole really corporations dont want to look bad and they use the media as a source for what is good and what is bad. Media is the biggest factor in all of this.
So, the free market is working towards its own destruction, by supporting the welfare state and literal communists?
dailystormer is ass but infowars is okay
Sup Forums
Start Over.
Lets All Love Lain.
Corporations ARE media you dumb faggot
> infowars is ok
4-hour-long advertisements for Alex Jones' products.
What about my flag?
>infowars is okay
For a few laughs I guess
Kill yourself retarded nigger
apparently weev is handling it and they'll be back up within a day or so after the takedown. Anglin is still living under the radar in Lagos, Nigeria so I doubt they'll get things working in a timely manner
Andrew KANGlin
This is terrible.
I thought lol had too many fucking stockyards as is.
Wait till that shit beef of a site is shut down.
It's going to be full on cancer around here
Oh great. Increase the stormfag concentration everywhere else instead of keeping them in their containment site
What fucking retard would use GoDaddy as thei
>Daily Stormer
(((Amy Siskind))) how do kikes weasel their way into positions of control?
Would be a shame if there were a campaign to forward all distasteful websites to Godaddy.
That would be quite a bit of business lost.
This. Although I kind of want to see them invade reddit desu
What did anonymous mean by this?
>unironically visiting that Jew psy-op website
Is there a difference? In the end it's people who make the rules plain and simple.
You can be a company which respects freedom of speech. There's just no law against it.
But free speech and free expression are ideas. They don't suddenly disappear when it comes to companies.
t. i read buzzfeed
>It's not politicians that will take away your free speech.It's companys.
Companies, employers and banks are pushing a lot of the policies in the west.
They want mass amounts of cheap labour so they can bring the wages down.
They want more consumers so banks and companies have bigger profits and share holders have growth every year.
As Dick Smith (Australian millionaire who owned 100s Electronic stores in Aus and NZ)said in the last few days. "We have a system obsessed with growth and greed, there will be nothing left for our grand children"
"user e moose" is in control lul is this real?
lolbertarian cucks hamstring themselves with crap like this. The left doesn't give a shit and neither should you
>No-one bothers looking for the actual tweet.
t. "Dickie Spencer is the leader of the ALT RIGHT!"
B-But we don't need public opinion on our side! F-fuck the commies right /pol?
National socialist you newfag fucks
fuck godaddy playing god. I'll move my portfolio and 73 websites to a new place.
Literally this
>just because you have a right to speak, doesn't mean you have a right to be heard
Damn if you actually wrote out his name correctly it would gotten filtered out by my filters; and I would not have need to see this retarded post.
Based Wayne Lambright is with us.
This is awesome. Reminds me of the old chan days where sites would get dumped left and right, all day erry day.
Andrew is having some fun.
Fuck off Wayne
Why do they post about it on social media?
>Based Wayne Lambright is with us.
Godaddy is starting a war.
>Fuck off Wayne
I am fucking off. That's what Sup Forums is for.
>Why do they post about it on social media?
They think they are being cute. FUCKING idiots.
I hate godaddy now.
He's /ourguy/
pls no,
You'll give communism a worse name than it has already.
they left one recourse but its rather extreme
Guys you need to take a stand and let godaddy know what shits they are being.
Know for being shit for years
No. First of all, fuck Anglin. He's a plant.
Second, if godaddy goes SJW it does not harm anyone (thousands of registrars to pick from, and godaddy is shit btw) but it will drive more people to the right.
why are they posting this publicly? makes it seem like they have an agenda. hmmmmmm
So they didn't bother condemning the neo-Nazis until it got in the newspaper
Bravo godaddy
this is comedy goldmine on Sup Forums
I still remember when Sup Forums was full of Ron Paul supporting libertarians
But all along they only wanted freedom to be racists and nothing else
Can you recommend a good register.
Just as long as there is another company willing to fill that gap in the market, idgaf.