As a Millennial woman why should I side with Millennial men instead of being traitors to them?

Many of them want me back in the kitchen and don't want me to have a career. I worked very hard on my skills and career so I'm not about to let that happen I didn't work hard on my school work and gaining skills just so that my ability to make money can be taken away. You say the Boomers ruined the economy but you would ruin the economy even more for me by prohibiting me from my profession. You'd give me no choice but to protest all day, create nuisances, and get media attention. Criminal record? Won't matter in a land I have no future so I'll be completely unhinged and nothing would stop me.

Other urls found in this thread:

Tits or GTFO!

Just because most of us think there are biological differences between the two genders doesn't mean we want to force you back into the kitchen. Generally speaking I believe women would be happier home raising children. "Generally"

Is your career a B or C cup?

Don't forget too protest catcalling while not wearing anything.

In addition to that I'm not advocating government programs to stop you from choosing the path of your choice. Ending Legal discrimination vs white men/ asians is what I want.

Wrong. We dont want women to not have careers, we just dont want to hear them bitch about inequality when there is nothing stopping them from choosing those careers. Take STEM for example. There is nothing stopping women from going into STEM. Yet radical feminists try to create false narratives of rampant sexism within the STEM community. Also, there will always be some level of gender roles. I assume you wouldnt want a stay-at-home husband right? Why would you? A man sitting at home all day is unattractive to you, and theres not blame put on you for that. I dont care about women going to college, but i just dont want to hear that im oppressing them because of some bullshit gender pay gap study that doesnt go into detail about how much men make vs. how much women make in every specific profession. Nobody cares if you want a career, just stop acting like theres society is trying to hold you back. College is majority female enrollment now. You actually have privilege in that sense because you have the choice of making a career, or being a home-maker and its socially acceptable either way. Men either have to make money or die in a gutter.

Simple: Every other race offers you a deal far worse.


>137359456 (OP)
>make straw man
>threaten mental breakdown because things don't hypothetically go your way


Having a job sucks, kitchen and raising children is a much more pleasant job. you've been indoctrinated.


You can have all the career you want, the point is that both women and men should prioritize having children. If you don't want kids, you're a fucking disgrace and an underdeveloped, selfish person that's going to regret it when you're 40.

Find a decent man and raise a family. It doesn't matter who has the better job, what matters is you devote a healthy amount of time to your kids and you both share the parenting. You'd better have a career that allows you to do this, or you just become another millennial feminist cunt or chad douchebag.

Actually I've seen many men of my generation saying how they want to take women's ability to vote or have careers away.

I don't feel a herd or group instinct so social pressure doesn't do much for me.

>You'd give me no choice but to protest all day, create nuisances
you need more tasks then. lazyness looks like it's not much of a problem at first, but then this happens and you lose two times.

also the corpocracy leaves you no choice but to work all day. but that's good, work. just no man will value a woman who wont do him any service.

Having a low paying job sucks not having a career. I'm going into a 6 figure income profession. I like having more money, more stuff, and more freedom.

and when you turn 30 you will get baby crazy and beg your boss at your "career" to be moved to part time to stay and be home with your children. So yeah, have fun with your career, but it won't last long, that is why men dominate the 80hr plus high pressure jobs.
don't feel bad, you have an important job, you should own it and be happy. not pissed that men want you to do it, because they can't.

Are any of them competent in any way whatsoever? The men with any power have no intentions of doing that.

Because you'd be lying to yourself. Biology dictates that you're best fit for raising children and men are best for working. No one is gonna take away your right to having a hobby so you can practice your skills there.

Listen to me. You've been brought up to think that work is going to make you happy and that housework and child raising is useless. That is because they WANT you to be useless. The powers that be want us whites to fail, because this way we'll be more easily controllable. You're playing right into their hands with your short vision in the grand scheme of things.

They don't want you raising warriors. They don't want you raising good mother that might raise warriors. Because its easier that way for foreign powers to take us out.

Haven't you noticed how every time the white man fights back there is a huge backlash? The powers that be know we can beat them.

Fuck off you stupid cunt your time is over. I already have a 13 year old hitting me up and having laughs. I'm 22.

You're a human. I stupid human, but a human all the same.

the moment you started thinking of yourself as 'Woman', and the others as 'men' you allowed (((them))) to divide and conquer.

The reason the Chinese will win the Game of Thrones is because they are united as Humans.

lol look at this fuck proud of literally selling all of his free time to a corporation

You sound like a fucking masochist dude. How much corporate dick do you think you have to suck before you're part of the 'elite rich person' club?

Man up, support the 40 hour work week, and fucking take back your life you beta cuck. Being a corporate slave isn't a fucking virtue, and regularly punching more than 50/60 hours on anything more than a passion project is pathetic.

>Tits or GTFO!
Go to school.

It's not about having a hobby it's about having the finances and having the security and freedom.

enjoy being a wage slave and dying alone

Can you buy me an online order of 2 large pizzas, some breadsticks, hot wings and a dessert?
Please.. it would make my week.

>why should I side with millennial men

The societies supported by all other groups will oppress and destroy you. Blacks will freely rape you and abuse you, they have no regard for family values and cannot look beyond sex(black culture is the gear turning modern sexism, the most overt sex crazed men are either black or white people pretending to be black but feminists never recognize this somehow). Liberals support the systematic destruction of white people, and since you're a feminist on Sup Forums I'm assuming you're probably a middle class white college student or something. "I will have a successful career", no you won't. Liberal policies will destroy the economy, and your skin color will come as a precedent over anything else. You will never be able to get into a decent college in a liberal America because all positions will be given to non-whites and other "unprivileged" demographics, who will grow to outnumber you. Nobody will hire your ass regardless of how much "girl power" you have because of your race. They legitimately believe you're propagating racism and sexism by existing because you're inevitably tied to the same demographic as white men. Let's not forget that these same liberals also support the importation of dozens of millions of third world mostly muslim migrants who will destroy every bastion of progressivism in the US to enforce sharia law and their primitive culture.

You either side with millennial men, support select reasonable elements of progressivism(egalitarianism, not everything-not-christian-white-male-ism) or every single accomplishment your sex has made to liberate themselves will be crushed under the tire sandal of black muslim with a gun to your head as they rape you.

Your pick.

>enjoy being a wage slave and dying alone

Summers almost over, comrade

are you drunk or something leaf?
You can't know how stupid your response was, reread and reflect without the liquor and weed Mr. Lahey

This, tbqh. I outearn most of the men I meet, and these childish little shits want me to submit to them? Ha!

Because when the West finally snaps as a collective and force correct the issue, women like you will be dragged by their hair and publicly shamed then executed as an example.

the man.


Russiabro you don't understand the toxic American feminist bitch.

Someone has to stand up for the rules.

I plan on not being raped. I plan to live in a very nice neighborhood with my 6 figure income and work overtime to keep it. Either that or live in a rural house in the middle of nowhere and have a long commute. It will be the stay at home moms that will have to live in the bad neighborhoods unfortunately.

But i am feminist

Observe the eternal thot. The cockslut jealous of men. Deep down you recognize your inferiority but cant reconcile it with your backwards, but comfortable, egalitarian beleifs.

Side with the (((women))) that have turned womanhood and manhood away from duty to each other and family to duty to money and whoredom. Enjoy being the downfall of society. Behold the eternal thot.

the cats will love the nice house

Executed? You just convinced me to be a traitor even more.

American feminist are worst and the women in this meme are actually not fat and vile enough to represent most of them...

I'm gonna fill you with so many babies, you will make your career change to "mother".

You're a sad capitalist slave bitch baby if you think working longer and longer hours at less and less pay is a good trend in the economy. Fuck bragging about working '80+ hr a week high-pressure jobs', and fuck you ball-gargling capitalists who think this is a virtue.

all feminist are horrible

I am good


Women have been sold a bill if goods. Alcoholism in young women is skyrocketing.
I'd advise other femanons here to lurk for awhile and read men's commitment to women in return for MUTUAL respect.

E-.. excuse me, miss. I know youre busy and all but they have $19.95 party deal. That would satisfy my hunger.

have fun sucking the bottom of tubgirl's socialist drain.
and not even the point of this thread or my post.
project much?
I'm done, go back to your weed or whatever

I won't get less pay because I plan to start my own business after a few years of career building. I don't trust males of my generation to hire me except for male feminists.

I swear this is a troll. No one can be this stupid.

mostly this

>I'll be completely unhinged and nothing would stop me
Most men, on average, would be able to stop you. The 'we are equal' meme ends as soon as it turns physical, which it will if your going to be a stupid bitch about it.

always needing a man to get money. weak

when will the sisters provide you a job? INDEPENDENCE, hello?

.72 cents have been deposited into your account for this post.

That's too bad. Women don't like to see other women achieve more than them, so chose your female bosses wisely.
Men, on the other hand, love it when a woman is competent. If you're going to be in business, don't attack the gatekeepers - Its just bad form.

Our job as women is to raise the next generation. That's how we contribute to society
DOnt expect to be treated like a woman by a man acting like a man.
Enjoy supporting yourself forever

Basically true (though I'm not sure I could blame a Saudi or Afghan woman for being one).

female genocide now, male utopia only MGTOW. prepare to be used as sexual toy in several rapes until you no longer be of entertainment use, and then get killed and maybe eaten, i wonder igf your boobs will have good taste after being coocked

>as a millennial woman...

noone fucking cares what you think.

tits or gtfo

>Very nice neighborhood
White neighborhood you mean?

Yes they are legion

yes this is a good idea, i like it

Ultimately women need to lose the vote if we are to ever get Western Civilization back on track

Not easy to get to that point though

Russia, are you telling him that it would be better to look for tits in high schools instead? You dog.

Do it, user. You heard his endorsement.

Get on the floor imma bout to show you my punishment stick for not making me that sandwich

tits or gtfo.

We are evil.Fear us

I care about myself more than the next generation. I don't see why I should be forced to suffer just because of some hypothetical generation down the line and get nothing in return. Yes children are the future and all that but if I don't have a future why should I work towards the next generation's future above my own? I can't help anyone without a future anyways.

You wish. I'm fairly wealthy- not some glorified wage slave.

well. Even in Saudi - the feminists are the uppity cunts, absolutely full of themselves etc.

>As a Millennial woman
There are no girls on the internet.

We don't want you. Go away.

This.. there are rules

>short-term economic benefit vs national survival

which one is more important hmmmmmm

>I like having money
You need fiscal conservatism. Liberal socialistic policies destroy economies and your dreams of a 6 figure career will be destroyed, and more and more of your income will be taken away to compensate for the failures of the liberal administration.

>I like having more money, more stuff, and more freedom
Who doesn't. It is this sentiment that draws non-whites and the poor to socialistic policies. Ironically the actual failures of this kind of administration take away those exact things. The only way to preserve financial stability and functioning economies is to support the general libertarian capitalist policies espoused by conservative white men. Liberal white men, most women, and most minorities support socialization which does. not. function.

Your nice neighborhood won't be nice under fucking socialism is what I'm saying. You won't be making 6 figures, you'll be lucky you get by comfortably at all. Democrats and literal socialists which we millennial men are opposing are pushing for the country to become Brazil out of self destructive inclusiveness.

>start own businesses, few years of career building
You're obviously a capitalist at this point and want to be successful. There's nothing wrong with this. Most millennial men outside of edgelords don't mind this. But the people espousing feminism and all of this marxist privilege shit do not have your same economic beliefs.

You're fiscally conservative but socially liberal, to be honest that's what a lot millennial men support. Not every millennial man legitimately believes women are objects to be owned and raped, well I guess that applies to muslims but still.

By the way clicking on the post number allows you to hyperlink it in your reply.

holding the plastic covered part is for fags

desu you don't matter as much as you think you do. When the actual violence starts the men will fight, and you will go to whoever wins.

You'll change that tune when you're heavily pregnant.

When we enslave men, then we will show boobs.

>no kids
good goy

this is the most accurate

women will be punished, fembots and artificial incubators will replace them, we may use some women ass sexual toys and/or food for punishment, yes we will rape yyou and then eat your flesh when you die accidentally during the rape.

Are you at least pro-white?

we don't care about the effect of the job or the muh future stuff that much. It's what we gain now from it.

At some point there will probably be enough materialism and more of it doesn't really increase satisfaction. Having a lively family is a nice feel, no matter if it will continue your legacy (which it most likely will - children are very similar to their parents).

>women will be punished
You want this future for yourself?

I've got some money left on a gift card.. let's do this

Uncle Sam is the only parent we need, you are obsolete.

wrong! female vote and labor is amistake, women must be punished now, first they will get replaced by fembots and artificial incubators, the rest of them will be used as cattle for emtertainment and food , women are inferior i will eat inferior beings MGTOW for the male ONLY utopia FEMALE GENOCIDE NOW

lol look at this Conservative trying to convince poor people the reason they're poor is other poor people and liberals.

To anyone who believes this tripe, take it from someone who would benefit from conservative/republican leadership: They don't fucking care about the poor and working class. They could give less a shit about your economic mobility, and economic deregulation is empirically not linked to long-term economic growth. Half of these shitlords rely on Praexeology, a method of study that explicitly rejects empiricism, to prop up their garbage beliefs.

Here Watch this video:

>"The Virtuous Woman"

You can have kids and a career. It's better to be able to afford college for your kids, afford the pool, and afford the nice neighborhood to get away from the crime filled America that awaits us. To buy the non GMO food and real meat while in the future GMO and artificial meat are what the poor will eat. I'm opting out of the bad future and going into the good one.

Welp! Thats it. This person is just a troll I guess. I asked "her" numerous times now in this thread to order me a pizza. I thought it wouldnt be that big of a deal since she makes so much money.
I guess its two boxes of macaroni and cheese again tonight. Probably watch some little house on the prairie while farting myself to sleep afterwards

what future you are wants.choose wisely

Materialism is a sin. You place things above God or your future husband.

yeah just did a 180° on me lol


user go outside and get some friends they can buy you pizza

Have your job, but always remember: you cannot have everything in life. Either be a workslave or a homeslave. You will never be free nor cant you have the best of both without any disadvantages

Okay now this is confirmed b8

There is no such thing as security and freedom unless you are godly. You are called to sainthood and to suffer the cross for the glory of God. You are trusting yourself over God's plan for you and your salvation.