I love that vest he wears. I don't care if he is a bit chubby I'd totally suck him off.
>protip: "alt-right" is codeword for "left"
Well, about time we hit the hay. I'm tired. Aren't you guys tired yet? It's about time we all just took a break and went to sleep. It's not good to stay up so late.
Yeah, everyone just stop posting and take a rest. It's not good to be tired.
Is he suing the Mayor of Cville?
he should.
omg stacey don't be such a slut omg
ACLU is already doing that.
of course that "flag" exists
That dude will end being killed before 2018 arrives
I'm actually feeling sorry for him, because I know he will not stick around for much longer. some antifaggot will end offing him one of these days
RIP Spencer
Sup Forums
Start Over
Lets All Love Lain.
And he would let you. The guy is a fucking mincer.
Yes, and he will richly deserve it. Nobody will shed a tear.
its happening at my uni.. Texas A&M
thread is cancer and nothing of importance
A communications disruption can mean only one thing...
The city better have damn good insurance. All the injured lefty protestors from the car crash have good cases against C'ville.
so the alt-right is the 12th man?
I'm down for more assault dodge chargers
says the shill faggot.
then we start off people like you.
You're right. We should have another anti-white shill thread.
>he got meme'd by the shills into believing this
sucks to be you
i'll be there man, been waiting for a happening here
>All the injured lefty protestors from the car crash have good cases against C'ville.
>blaming the city and not the assaulter who literally killed a person
you are a special, special kind of faggot, faggot.
If it's not obvious at this point that Dicky Spencer is a narcissistic fag (redundant) and probably a paid FBI provocateur, I don't know what else to say.
If you don't believe me, look at the career of David "Now with only 50% plastic!" Duke - who coincidentally managed to escape multiple criminal charges AND has been accused by various sources of doxxing his followers to the Feds. Gee, what a lucky guy!
A&M is conservative and mostly white. I have been hearing no one wants that shit at our campus.
the alt-right or the baboons on the football team?
Dicky really does have a nice haircut. How do I go about getting it?
This is the one taking place on 9/11 right? There will be a happening, Kek wills it.
Spencer and Enoch tend to get out pretty soon once it gets violent. Somebody like Baked Alaska or Nathan Domingo is more likely to get killed first.
the alt-right stuff
you 8/pol/ schizos are hilarious. constantly calling everyone yet the night Ted turner, literal confirmed agent provocateur controlled opposition started doing livestreams again, you all tubed in and listened and made a thread
lmao @ her lyfe
Boys will be boys
as an offshoot of BLM, will they also be burning down black neighborhoods?
me, but I'm in Australia
What are the shitlibs gonna do?
Counter-protest with "all lives matter"?
Russia actually beat them, but keep playing pretend
I'm not an 8/pol/ schizo implying this was a false flag with the guy in the car being a Mossad commando, David Duke's been called out by various WN groups over the years for a bunch of dodgy shit, and it looks like Dicky Spencer is following the same path (if he hasn't already)
These people aren't your friends, and they'll happily throw you under the bus to get another interview on CNN
>That dude will end being killed before 2018 arrives
Make a martyr out of him. It will only quicken what's to come
Challenger on the left.
Charger on the right.
Learn the difference; it could save your life.
>$0.02 has been deposited in your account
Learn how liability works retard. The police were told not to intervene. The city could have contained the violence, but there was a choice not to do so. That makes the city liable for what happened.
Pro Publica - ACLU confirms Charlottesville police told to 'stand down', did nothing to stop the ensuing chaos archive.is
>Lets All Love
I can't.
First they took my video games, then they took my comics, then they took my comic book movies.
If they wouldn't have meddled with hobbies, they wouldn't be looking at a 4th Uprising.
>a challenger appears
buzzzzzz offff cia niggers, how many men do you have working on WN detail TRYING to sow discord?
In the 90s it was more than you had on communists
What's their agenda anyway? They seem to be run by kikes overall, so why this?
toppest off keks, this shit writes itself
this faggot is only good at sucking dicks and getting punched in a face. he neither look nor sound like a leader. added bonus alt-kike is a controlled opposition operation sponsored by the jew,used as a vehicle to fuck over the right by trying to cease power and kill the movement from inside.
Too bad for the jew this movement doesn't have just a a single face, as it is born from anonymous and it will stay anonymous. it's alive and will rise above faggots like spencer when they fail and sell out the ideas they were representing
>Learn how liability works retard.
Wrong (nice explanation btw: I'm right because I said this is how things work)
>The police were told not to intervene
Wrong again. Redneck nazis were told to leave.
You are a fucking idiot. Kill Yourself.
Let the fire rise.
He's a CIA agent. The person himself won't die, but the persona will.
>cia niggers
fbi* niggers
>how many men do you have working on WN detail TRYING to sow discord?
1. Half of the "WN" movement are probably on the FBI's payroll
2. The WN movement doesn't need Feds to sow discord (read the link)
fuck off kike shill
Spencer is a Fag LARPer.
He should learn how to be a real Man like Milo!
Thats right a Man who sucks Black Cock is more of a Man then Spencer!
Well they kind of look like faggots with that expression on their faces. Middle right is trying to suck a cock while dead center is imitating a chimp. Mustache guy isn't having it though.
It's controlled opposition. They try to sue, then use positions that might be used, then rig it and lose intentionally to shut down and weaken future attempts. It's literally from the Jew playbook. There should be a different suit. Might need to bypass state courts as it may also be (((controlled))).
Mustache Matt is one of my favorite e celebs. He was my favorite HWNDU cast member.
(((alt right uprising)))
So would I
Oh shit didnt realize that at first.
You are a retard, the "nazis" had the right to assembly, a federal judge gave them promission as did the governor, the mayor stepped way out of line and revoked the right for no reason and called the national guard, the mayor shouldve actually protected the "nazis" right to assembly from antifa. Now this all comes down to some kike lawyer telling the victims all of this, why? Because the driver probably doesnt have more than few hundred dollaros in savings, and you cant get money from someone through the court if they dint have the money to give, but the city does.
> Implying Milo is a *real* man
Milo, Spencer, and yourself are actually fags, no where near being men.
>it's at A&M
I'll be there I guess. Hopefully I won't die.
I realize that Pol users have become cucked politically and have no interest in meme wars and standing up for what's right, but do yourself a favor and Google Image Search the following phrases:
White woman with children
White couple
White American Inventors
European history people
Happy American couple
European people art
White man and white woman
Stand with your people or have your history replaced with a black faces.
Your choice, bitches.
>the opinions of a judge and the governor outweight the safety of a city's citizens
You're the retard but keep on drinking that kool-aids user the payoff comes at some point.
>Mods deleted a Lain thread
Everyday these faggot lefty jannies expose themselves more and more
Seriously, guys, let's get some rest. Plenty of time tomorrow to talk, but right now we just need... some sleep... yeah, I can already feel it.
Take a breather and get some well needed rest. Being tired is no good.
I thought vests were Reviewbrah-tier. Am I wrong on this one?
Gotta play both sides
I'm going
Bring things that strike fear in the hearts of leftists
Do it. One of you will throw another fit, kill more people & tarnish the image. I need the entertainment.
That is what it must have felt like to be black. That is some fucked up shit. they trying to erase us
Strong will always prevail anyway
Richard Spencer is an incompetent leader. All he does is humiliate the Alt Right. Then he complains about "muh biased" this or that. It's a rigged game. You either play with that in mind or don't play at all.
I saw this on some old hippie douchbags fagbook page... such cringe he sells weed pipes and posts hindu iconography the rest of the time... also a jew..
When did they beat the alt-right before ?
Nazi flag Larpers are just one section of the alt-right.
Aktually I'm pretty sure that's a Dodge avenger on the right dumbass
Anyone who can go better go. I can't wait to see how Jew media will react to another white nationalist protest.
Too bad all those antifa shitheads were from out of town.
The pretension here is hilarious, how delusional do you have to be to think that you're winning this fight when there are now white supremacists openly marching in the streets, and every engagement they have with Leftists they win decisively?
can this faggot name the jew already? what is the hold up?
>bold claim
>no source
I am. Vid related:
You're a faggot, go kill yourself you loud mouthed bitch.
>tarnish the image
In reality, literally nothing has actually happened. We've emerged completely unscathed and with more visibility than ever before.
Sorry champ, but your game isn't working anymore.
>getting triggered over feedback
"redneck nazis" are better people than you, and more moral. Also, they had a permit which was wrongfully revoked.
There will be a lawsuit. Even the ACLU is in on it because it's easy money.
>"redneck nazis" are better people than you
my two undergrad degrees & masters says otherwise
my 90k a year job says otherwise
my wife says otherwise
my newborn would say otherwise if she could talk (she'll have a better life than any of you faggots could dream of)
my community says otherwise
Nazis judging other's character is hilarious; you have no leg to stand on.
How does my balls smell to you?
Do you want to suck on them?
spencer is a spook
>"redneck nazis" are better people than you
my two undergrad degrees & masters says otherwise
my 90k a year job says otherwise
my wife says otherwise
my newborn would say otherwise if she could talk (she'll have a better life than any of you faggots could dream of)
my community says otherwise
Nazis judging other's character is hilarious; you have no leg to stand on.
How does my balls smell to you?
Do you want to suck on them?
>Fuck you, fuck your shit job where everyone thinks you're the office faggot, fuck your fat bitch wife, fuck your stupid looking kid that will grow up to be weird, hate you and suck nigger dick before bearing half chimp mutts, No one gives a fuck about your community dick head, your balls smell like massengill since they're now the lining of your man gash.
you only make $90k/yr after obtaining 3 degrees, one of which is a post-graduate? what the fuk did you major in? that's at least--state school calc--100k in schooling along with 5+ years of opportunity cost. and you could only get 90k before entering into marriage and starting a family?
your opportunity to grow your nest-egg beyond normal, barely-beating-inflation rates is almost zero now. same for your opportunity to rapidly ascend the hierarchy in whatever career/industry you're in. someone who is a NEET and waiting to finish school until they're 30 could pass you up within a few years after graduating with an engineering degree and some dedication to entrepreneurship on the side.
if you're going to brag about education level and salary, then at least have something worth bragging about
Lmfao, what are you bragging about poorfag?
>make household income on a single job
What a fucking cuckfest this shithole is.