TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Let President Trump Do His Job (Ad) 8/13/17
>Weekly Update #3 (Lara) 8/12/17
>Pres Trump/VA Sec Shulkin sign VA Choice/Qual Emp Act 8/12/17
>Pres Trump presser w/UN Amb Haley/SoS T-Rex 8/11/17
>Pres Trump @Workforce/Apprenticeship discussion 8/11/17
>State Dept - This week in State 8/11/17
>State Dept Foreign press brief on ASEAN trip (DAS Murphy) 8/11/17
>EdSec Devos/SecLabor Acosta press conf on Workforce 8/11/17
>VP Pence @10 Pt Coalition IN 8/11/17
>VP Pence @Official Governor's Portrait Unveiling 8/11/17
Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
This is the natural end stage of Communist-Marxism. This stage has resulted in the deaths of over 20 million Russian citizens, 10 million Ukranian citizens, and countless others who fell beneath Communist guerilla-perpetrated violence and terrorism. The jewish media will exhort these terrorist actions and decry any white who fights back.
Do not fear the path ahead.
Reminder to stigmatize the swastika and "nazi imagery" plays into their jewish tactics. The jew knows all they need to do to cause infighting is use a swastika, because enough of you are race traitor cuckolds who will see it as "bad PR". To cannibalize yourself over details is using Jewish tactics against your own allies.
Its that time of the night!
Traps aren't/ptg/ approved.
Reminder that only complete cucks supplant their own flag for nat-soc meme flag when talking about how proud they are "of their culture, of white identity".
>call both sides of this whole thing retarded
>get called a commie Jew anyway
>Traps aren't/ptg/ approved.
another shit show.
>at least we can count on some livestreams and potential happenings.
too bad it shits up the catalog so bad.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
>BLM chimps out
>people get tired of their shit
>they lose support
>Sup Forums laughs at their stupidity
>alt right chimps out
>people get tired of their shit
>they lose support
>wtf don't punch right bro!
Morons, morons everywhere.
I love Kellyanne.
Reminder that Dickie Spencer considers RAISE Act bad because it stops the flood of "low IQ browns" into the country.
When the britcuck posts about defending Kim from the Jews, remind him of Karl Marx's early history and the November Revolution.
>Hi I am Scot
>My ancestors are scottish
>I want to celebrate my heritage by waving a symbol of my heritage
>I am anti white for doing so because I didn't use a nazi germany iconology
>I am forced to have a flag I have no cultural significance to because nazi larpers say so
>suppress my heritage to support another for no defined reason
It's over.
>being gay
Please somebody kill him.
I am pro-white: you are anti-white.
user., did you come from an anti-white family or did you learn to hate white people at school?
The digits speak for themselves, Paco. It is time.
hnnnnnnnng on to its eye ball,.
I bet rich private owners have already tried that and been denied. No, the left has to be maximum asshole.
Checked, but yes they are silly!
Not a trap.
Go to Sup Forums or /soc/ to post your degeneracies.
Why does Trump want to use nuclear weapons against the DPRK? They haven't done anything harmful to the US. I wonder (((who))) is pulling Trump's strings.
We posting chinks?
You get the pleasure of being right. It admittedly only a small pleasure but take what you can get I say.
I have a question for you Anons. Are you anti-white or something? Serious quesion.
Nazi larpers are so incredibly fucking stupid.
I bet they have to go through heavy mental gymnastics to say out loud that a based jew did more for "whites" in America than any nazi larping shit ever.
Yeah there is an entire continent with white countries
shit half of Asian, North America, Australia, and NZ,
4 continents are white and you want to live on those 3.5 continents
You're intellectually dishonest and a complete joke of a person if you say otherwise ...
>The jew knows all they need to do to cause infighting is use a swastika, because enough of you are race traitor cuckolds who will see it as "bad PR". To cannibalize yourself over details is using Jewish tactics against your own allies.
which sounds like a better time to hold TRS rallies
after the 2018 election when the push to the right is so far gone that left literally can't even win local elections anymore
or during the first six months of Trump's presidency when it's still possible for the dems and GOPe to hold onto some of their power
notice how this poster never mentions Iran or many African countries
It looks like all you have to be to get in the CIA is be a giant idiot. Subtlety is the last thing that crosses their minds.
>the left is so desperate for a win that they'll claim it if Trump's guy doesn't win the primary
Trump doesn't want war in NK, just like he didn't want war in Syria but you also said he did. No party wants war in North Korea and there won't be a second Korean war, more than likely. Your defense of nonwhite communists over the west is still disgusting.
>trump's endorsement means nothing
Trump's base is eroding by the day.
>Hi I am Scot
>My ancestors are scottish
>I want to celebrate my heritage by waving a symbol of my heritage
>I am anti white for doing so because I didn't use a nazi germany iconology
>I am forced to have a flag I have no cultural significance to because nazi larpers say so
>suppress my heritage to support another for no defined reason
Why do you white identities faggot? Why are you suppressing my scottish heritage?
You make noise to stop people from talking about what you disagree with. It's only screaming and a bunch of noise.
it's media matters working on behalf of the deepstate etc.
Nope, just tired of dipshits like Spencer who have no idea how to win in politics.
As a prominent Trap poster I'll let you in on a secret, Paco.
[spoiler]They do it because people will keep replying.[/spoiler]
Trump will go after Iran and Syria once he's done with the DRPK.
this. we spend way too much time worrying about what others think and "muh PR" instead of focusing on the enemy.
Not an argument.
does disagreeing with spencer make me antiwhite now?
I hope it doesn't.
if push comes to shove I follow trump's lead.
he is teaching us how to win.
Let's not be so anti-white in the future, user. After all, whites invented the smallpox vaccine. Whites also end starvation all around the planet with food aid. Being anti-white is so silly!
Calling someone CIA is the new version of calling someone T_D
and Europe
my drunken ass didn't include Europe
Who is the president of the united states, some random eceleb or Donald Trump?
>republican losing alabama
as retarded as the democrats are acting? i will give you everything i own if he loses.
>their own flag
I think a lot of these guys miss that point. If the Unite The Right marchers had all been covered in red white and blue and replaced every confederate and nazi flag with old glory the average normie would have had a VERY different reaction to footage of them involved in a street fight.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. White lives do matter.
Shills still raiding, I see.
>Shills still raiding, I see.
West coast kiddies shitposting before bed.
He's a plant. This is a wake up call for those who still believe he's /ourguy/
I sincerely wish someone would just ice this fucker already
Why the fuck isnt he arrested already, fucking CIA nigger
If the Alt Right just kept their Stormautism in their pants we'd have stuff like this to throw at the Democrats and the media. But nope, Spencer and his gang of retards just had to LARP.
oh look it's this guy again
>I'm gonna attack "Nazis"
>what's that you're FORCING me to be a Nazi? No way bruh!
No one is forcing you to do shit you fucking inbred mongrel. We're saying fly whatever flag speaks to you and leave other pro-white factions alone. You're really obssessed with infighting aren't you?
That's the joke.
There it is! So you like Marxism, huh? For the last three threads you avoided me when I called you out.
But keep protecting your oh so precious Kimmy.
Remember Sup Forums. Commie scum, not welcome!
Wasn't he arrested? Jogs the noggin he always seems to get out of it to agitate elsewhere.
Shills are really butthurt at the moment. It must be because nobody really cares about cville and leftists are still embarrassing corny retards.
>sees everything through race
>constantly blames all their problems on another race
>says there is a massive conspiracy of another race holding them down
>refuses to acknowledge IQ differences between their race and the race in charge
>hold the most extreme positions and associate themselves with politicians in such a manner that they often destroy any political leverage they once had
>hold public chimpouts when they don't get what they want
>sees everything through race
>constantly blames all their problems on another race
>says there is a massive conspiracy of another race holding them down
>refuses to acknowledge IQ differences between their race and the race in charge
>hold the most extreme positions and associate themselves with politicians in such a manner that they often destroy any political leverage they once had
>hold public chimpouts when they don't get what they want
I am scottish user, explain to me why I shouldn't adopt a flag representing scottish heritage and should instead adopt a German flag I have neither allegiance or cultural identification with.
I thought it'd be better around real awooo hours, guess not
I knew we'd be getting wave after wave after the rally mess.
>diluting your own message as the request of the jews and tailoring yourself according to their idea of "good PR"
Everything spencer touches turns to shit. No one can be that incompetent. Eather he is controlled opposition or truly the largest idiot known to time.
Carry on then.
>But Mr. Strange is wheezing into Tuesday’s Republican Senate primary here. He is grasping to secure a second-place finish and a slot in a September runoff with Roy S. Moore, the twice-deposed former State Supreme Court justice and evangelical-voter favorite
why do you shills think that we'd be upset with Roy Moore winning the primary?
Would you a Peter?
>Clinton email investigation still ongoing
>reopened by a judge appointed by Obama
Why exactly is Hilldawg coming out of the woods, again? If I were her I would be fleeing the country.
this could have been pushed all week long with nothing but silence from the left
goddamn how hard is it to understand optics, especially when you don't control the media
Hail Victory!
He is proven controlled opposition.
I don't understand why people are still unaware of this fact.
t. Feminine dick paco
whenever it's traps and gore that keeps the shills at bay, I'd say they're OK, but boy do I miss /mlpol/ sometimes
You're screaming to prevent discussions you don't like, user. That's against the freedom of speech. Instead, you'd like a "screamocracy," where those who scream the loudest make the rules.
You're screaming!
>I'm attacking nazis
Holy shit you've lost your fucking mind. Words are violent you queer. You're the fucking idiots who think I have to play along with your eceleb and not trust Donald Trump. Fuck you and fuck your disgusting erasure of other white heritages.
>We're saying fly whatever flag speaks to you
wow where did the ethno nationalism speak go lmao
fucking lel cletuses cant keep their goddamn "arguments" straight
felt like doing it
>wow goy why don't you tailor yourself to the jewish image they need you to present in a kosher manner without naming the manipulators at the very top?
Reminder this and posters like this are unironically CIA spooks and working for richard spcner's kosher nationalism to poison the well.
>tfw I missed that entire day
/mlpol/ and /spa/ looked really fun.
Pride comes before the fall.
King homo here
Give me all your Pence's
Or I'll blow you and not declare no homo
Like I said, this is why Richard Spencer and his alt-right fail every time, because they can't understand super simple things like public perception. They are more hated and reviled then ever before, and have no allies on the left or right. Nobody will be coming to their defense when the left finally loses their shit and starts killing them in retaliation.
These people think they're untouchable because they are.
In your opinion, anti-white. You are so silly...
"Diversity" = White Genocide.
Have fun with your sub 20 approvals now that Trump sided with the Nazis
It is coming