Why are they so confident?
Why are they so confident?
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Because we never let them fail. We have been proping up Africa for decades.
low IQ = lack of historical knowledge
Using their logic, secluded african tribes untouched by whitey have secretly developed ion cannons and particle transporters
hmm I wonder how the "playing field" got so one sided in the first place if minorities were so competent.
Compete with who and in what? What do American and all other Negroes have accomplished besides rapping and playing ball?
if if if if ififififif
>beginning of humanity
>playing field level
>white people living in straw huts
>black people living in straw huts
>fast forward thousands of years
>white people have massive countries and advanced technology
>black people living in straw huts
AKA How can white bois even compete?!
The playing field stopped being level once civilization sprang up between two rivers
>AKA How can white bois even compete?!
You forgot to put some ifs up there.
If the 'playing field' was level, as in no 'equal oppertunity' programs involved in Govn't hiring, or College applications and shit like that, nigger's would never work or get into college period...
They get the advantage now, as do women, disabled, native...all get ahead of white dude, just 'because diversity'...
I am for 'leveling the playing field' with the repeal of any and all diversity programs...
For the playing field to be level we will have to destroy it and play in the street.
Okie doke.
How can white bois even compete in a level playing field?
We know that their idea of a "level playing field" involves a whole lot of laws specifically aimed at white people.
And a plenty of dead white people too. South Africa is a lesson for us all.
Welp I guess I can't stand up to leftists anymore
non whites can never understand /comprehend the levels of goodness intelligence
sensitivity and ruthlessness whites
possess. they glimpse parts of these but never the whole we are the masters of the
earth and why humanity works, without us you will have africa with nobody tho bail
you out.
you're welcome sub humans.
>L I T E R A L L Y H I T L E R
that is a pretty big fucking IF.can we bring people together to kill all the niggers?
also 8 more days until final day *clock tower chimes*
Wait is that a self aware Jew? That's fake right? Or is he only hitting on the surface comparison and not self-aware enough to realize "punch Nazis" was always going to create more Nazis?
So i guess end affirmative action and all special treatment for blacks?
Being so clueless as the girl in the twitter is quite impressive.
No.. white people WISH that these people were just as competent.. and not dumb violent ignorant assholes.
I don't understand why they killed him. Sure he was increasing gas prices but he also made amazing country.
imagine thinking this is true
How can we possibly compete.
Good think communists didn't kill 100 million people for being right wingers or anything.
Oh, wait...
I'm sure that one island tribe that throws spears at airplanes has a stargate stashed somewhere, sneaky fuckers. It's almost as if they're projecting.... like the reality is that if blacks were forced to compete with whites without dibersity quotas they would be propper fucked.
>imagine thinking this is true
There's a reason these morons larp about wewuzkangz, that cats are witches and that lightning strikes can be summoned with "black" magic. They seem to be able to believe anything no matter how ridiculous as long as it makes them feel good about themselves.
Say it with me.
Systemic. Tribal. Racism. Those white cavemen kept the black cavemen down.
This, also lower IQ people tend to think everything is easy.
But he literally fucking was, they tried to overthrow the German Government, there was a fucking revolution!
Leftists and niggers are literally stupid and uniformed.
>This, also lower IQ people tend to think everything is easy.
Good point actually, have you seen africans trying to build airplanes and stuff like this, i mean first off how about they build basic infrastructure before they try to build something complicated as an airplane or helicopter.
But yeah by your point which might be plausible, to an african an airplane is just the shell and how it looks it what makes it go. Instead of all the technical stuff inside it etc.
A car would just be the shell aswell so it's "simple" to build, just kind of make something that looks like it and then it should go? right?
Concepts like engineering, aerodynamics, math and many other things don't even enter their minds till they realize that it doesn't "go" just by the outer shell looking like it.
Really must be frigthening to live your life being objectively that dumb, but i guess that thought never enters their mind either so i guess they're happy in their ignorance. So if something doesn't work and they do something stupid it's someone elses fault because they don't put two and two together and realize it's their own.
>even taking the time to listen to wewuzkangs dogshit or trying to argue points with them
Sorry, I'm to busy being a successful person with a career and prospects to get involved in internet shitflinging over which of you degenerates are more unemployed, niggers or NEETs.
They are literally Orks from Warhammer 40k but without the racial psychic field that makes their ridiculous inventions and beliefs work.
>I don't understand why they killed him.
Something, something petro-shekkels.
HAHAHAHAAHAH I was just about to post that thought.
Because they're too stupid to realize the truth.
Pretty much yep,
Humans hate being ignorant. Or hate not knowing how things operate.
So when you're IQ deficient you make up for that deficiency by simplifying everything so that you can essentially trick yourself and hopefully others into thinking you aren't ignorant. Hence the obnoxiousness when they speak about complicated issues and the violent defense when their guise is challenged
Actually it wasn't a level playing field. Whites had the benefit of interacting with china and the middle east.
I don't get how lefties can talk with this atmosphere of superiority and antagonism while at the same time bitching that their opponents have an unfair advantage. Do they think that if a war happens, that unfair advantage will just disappear?
Suppose she was right about white people getting dominated on a level playing field. So what? No major conflict has ever been a fair fight. Even the fictional childrens' stories they worship should have taught them that by now.
The playing field was equal. The smart ones moved north and became smart enough to survive.
Blacks are too retarded to know just how retarded they are
It's basic Dunning-Kruger
>if the playing field ever becomes level they could never compete
here in Australia even if youre 1/32 abo you can claim youre aboriginal and basically get special abo exclusive welfare and they introduced this to "close the gap" between the number of whites going to uni and the number of abos going to uni
surprise surprise that even when abos are financially assisted with every aspect of their lives they are still useless, the only difference now is that they have no aspirations to become succcessful because if you receive enough welfare from the government to live a comfortable life then you dont even need to go to uni or get a job
the only thing that makes america not a level playing field for blacks is that their culture revolves around being a fucking retarded leech, atleast abos here KNOW that its their fault
if the playing field was even slightly not completely totaled to your favor white man would fuckin annihilate absolutely everything and everyone within tea time and have time for a quick read in the newspapers
>Whites had the benefit of bothering to leave the places they lived to explore the world
Really Challengers my Dodge
I'm not actually sure what they attribute to the playing field being unlevel
>when you become so powerful that you can make your enemies tell the truth
We built the fucking playing field kaing.
The playing field will never become level, you will always have an 85 average IQ sheboon. This is like saying if I had magic powers I could fight 20 ninjas. God niggers are dumb.
When the playing field was level, white men conquered the Earth.
This must be the power of a We Wuz education. Let history repeat itself I guess.
that makes no sense and im calling this complete bullshit
Hitlers party was called the German socialist peoples party he WAS a leftist and and socialist
this fuckin prick is well full of shit
>irish education
pick up a fucking book, hitler isn't left wing retard
"White privilege" Whatever the hell that's supposed to mean exactly. Something about being slightly wealthier on average and going to better schools and living in better neighborhoods. Of course, our schools and neighborhoods are better mostly because they have few if any niggers in them. Seriously, if the blacks weren't so prone to criminal behavior and acting out their schools and communities wouldn't be so bad. And if their schools and neighborhoods weren't so bad, their average income wouldn't be so atrocious. And they completely ignore affirmative action. Or rather, they pretend that affirmative action only partially makes up for "white privilege." It's just excuse making from stupid people.
Because they are uppity niggers. They don't think or plan, they talk shit.
but he was a socialist it makes no sense for these secret commie jew fucks to hide behind the ''his view is different from mine ergo evil'' bullshit
>white men created our entire first world civilization as we know it
>how can they ever compete?
Any kind of free help towards those people is actually extremely useful to us I believe.
When you give some miserable, lazy piece of shit money, he will get used to being alive for free from someone elses pocket and get even more lazy. Effectively, youre paying for them to stay helpless losers.
If you actually wanted them to get on their feet and become succesfull, you would have to do the opposite, cease with any kind of free donations, and force them to make a living in our society on their own. But do we really want them to be succesful ?
They have the media on their side.
Compare the mainstream media coverage of yesterday or Dylann Roof to the murders done by Micah Xavier Johnson or Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley. Only when it's whites is it something for which the entire race is accountable.
Wow. Imagine if Sup Forums was this self-aware.
Wasn't there a civil war that killed millions? And lost Germany WWI? That was casued by communists?
They're just larping, don't even believe it
>But do we really want them to be succesful ?
well if abos became successful then their crime rates and retardation would go down and everyone wins, i dont want abos to be unsuccessful out of spite, id rather we give them the exact financial circumstances as everyone else and if they still remain on the bottom then its still their fault but atleast we arent forking out millions of dollars for them
[spoiler]The playing field has always been level because race is irrelevant[/spoiler]
Niggers, especially niggers, know deep deep down that if the playing field ever becomes level they could never ever compete.
The race as a whole seems to suffer from a civilizational napoleon complex, they can't stand being in a world where their culture is constantly overshadowed by an objectively better culture so they collectively create a parallel world where every historical figure and inventor is black and Sub-Saharan Africans crossed 3,000 miles of the world's largest desert to found a civilization that's about 500 miles from the Fertile Crescent and the Middle East.
Idiots tend to be vastly overconfident in their own abilities whereas intelligent people are more humble.
To put it plainly, most niggers are too stupid to even comprehend how little they know or how embarrassed they should be of their racial history.
They forget that at one point the playing field was level. We were all developing at some point, white countries didn't just magically appear developed they were built by white people whilst African countries remained stagnant.
>Israeli flag
OY VEY!!!!!!
For thousands of years the playing field was in favour of blacks and they have still achieved nothing. Do you know how much easier it is to survive in Africa than it is in Europe? Niggers were playing on easy mode but are still living in houses made of straw and donkey shit whereas whites figured out how to survive the harsh winters and build magnificent societies with rich histories.
Just look at how Rhodesia for example thrived under white rule, they called it the breadbasket of Africa and now everyone there is starving to death.
Ignorance and lack of knowledge.
The africans never had to deal with harsh climate/terrain. They are subhumans that evolved in an easy mode landscape.
This is why they will never overcome whites. We are literally superior to them in most everything except being outdated farm equipment.
They're not as well spoken as Orks
Wow. Imagine if Sup Forums is not one opinion.
That's literally the concept of the new Black Panther movie.
>Level playing field
naked with bone through nose
The negro thinks they have unity but in reality the negroid culture is very diverse and basically opposites and 99% savagery. A negro lead america would collapse within a year. The negro thinks aggressively and reacts violently due to low intelligence. Therefore a white america is the only way forward and if not the white male will have the last laugh. As for the white female she will realize that she betrayed her race and her own interests and will forever be ashamed of the negroid america.
>That fucking tweet
Hitler liked puppies and sweets should be ban those too?
The negro is the embodiment of impotent rage. They want what they can't have and commit violence to get it.
I'll tell you a story. When I was in the DNC, I visited a tribe that practiced a form of cargo cult Christianity. They in their hearts believed that Jesus was going to come back and make them rich like the white man. When I told them why not work for it they looked at me like a dog does when it tilts its head. Whatcha mean white man? Why not just go and work for your riches that way you don't have to wait for anyone to make you rich. He became angry and offended, accused me of blasphemy towards his religion. I quickly defused the situation and reworded it and asked; why not work now so when Jesus comes back you'll be richer than all the others? He said we will all be as rich as each other so there's no point in working at all. But right after mass I saw some blacks gang up on another black and take from him his valuables. I asked what he had done and I was told that the man simply had more than others and they forcibly took it alto give to others. And that's when I realized how entitled the black man is.
niggers can't balance a checkbook. how to they think they'll ever have a level playing field?
is this the latest? are they getting the money?
How come they dont realize that the playing field isnt levelled cause we competed and won?
why do non-whites spend all their time TAUNTING and acting smug? do they WANT nazis to come after them?
At this point if Trump founds out about what's happening to whites in Zimbabwe and South Africa. He should give them free citizenship just to piss off the anti-white niggers. I want to see these fuckers cry like babies. Blacks are the most hated ethnic group and rightfully so. They're literal subhumans at best.