I think will all the lefty shilling on our board going on tonight, we should have a comfy strawman meme thread. I'll start:
I think will all the lefty shilling on our board going on tonight, we should have a comfy strawman meme thread...
The majority of violent crimes are committed by men. We need to deport all men.
keep the smuggies coming, bump
fucking kek
this fallacy is called the NAXALT fallacy, fyi
someone post the centrist smuggy please
You mean lefty gloating
GOD DAMN this defense was right there starring us in the face, and we all let it run by us
I know people who think this unironically
Sup Forums
Start Over.
Lets All Love Lain
This one is pretty fucking stupid. I've never heard of an ancap complain about the usage of the word "free" outside of government services.
Where has this thread been all my life?
i've seen smuggie threads in the past but not very often
I really used to be like this, but thanks to Sup Forums I learned that not having an opinion and espousing your set of values makes you totally spineless and weak.
I'm guilty of this. I have to hide my power level at work
I kinda am a centrist but I DO pick a side to support, even with its flaws.
Am I this asshole?
no you are this asshole
Yeah kinda, but I'm racist-lite (facts are real but retarded criminal humans are still humans that should live somewhere else)
too on the nose desu
"horseshoe theory" is just a really gay way to call someone an authoritarian asshole.
This one is accurate.
retard you don't save the thumbnail
I like you, you really understand me.
I like you too user, you're a reasonable lad.
lost hard
I like this comic. It makes the point that you shouldn't use statistics about a large group to judge individual members of that group.
>It makes the point that you shouldn't use statistics about a large group to judge individual members of that group.
but you should
help i can't stop laughing
No you shouldn't.
yes you should. don't fall for the naxalt fallacy
They make that argument because they think you are saying it is okay to hate all black people because they commit more murder on average. The average person is a fucking idiot who gets his world view from tv shows and movies and thinks anyone who brings up crime statistics is a cartoon nazi. You can see this right now the way everyone is calling white nationalists white supremacists. People admit to being white nationalists, but they call them white supremacists anyway. Calling someone a white nationalists involves learning what a white nationalist is and these retards can't be bothered with that.
It's the nature of animals to reproduce in high numbers to ensure the genes pass on via the surviving offspring.
T. 3rd Gen American, italian/indian
Tell that to the pandas.
The Chinese?
Or do you mean the actual pandas?
Good one
It's not a fallacy it's the truth. Literally not all blacks are violent criminals and you shouldn't treat individual blacks as such unless they've proven to be.
fucking lmao
>What is an average
When you have a large group of individuals that appear to act and behave in a way that corresponds with the statistical average, I think it's safe to say we can make a collective judgement.
you go ahead and relax around blacks, then. please think of me when you get robbed and/or assaulted. pretend i'm laughing because i will be
Great one, I hate this "argument". Do Chinese or Saudis accept millions of 3rd world immigrants because they drive German cars?
From a Biological perspective it actually does make sense
Insects have hundreds of offspring since the vast majority of them wont make it to sexual maturity
same concept here but not as extreme. Europeans have less children because they're generally better at raising the ones they have. Africans have a lot of children because they're shit parents living in a shitty continent.
>Indian and Italian
Please kill yourself right now poopasta.
extremely overlooked post
This one needs pics from that racial IQ differences study in the book.
I think this picture misses the point if smuggies