Leftist logic is brilliant

> Nazis are super dangerous and evil
> Lets get them fired from their jobs and try to ruin their lives and make them unemployable so they have nothing to lose

Gee what could go wrong?

It's called, "making an example of someone", and it is highly effective.

That's all fine and dandy until it's your turn.

Same can be said for the Challenger brah.

>and it is highly effective.

Is it really anymore?

The ban hammer is coming for you Nazis. I liked your memes but now the FBI is going to be far up your butthole if you're not doxxed and murdered by violent leftist mobs who will never be prosecuted for your murder.

You brought it upon yourselves desu. You could have been a normal rejected loser. But your small penis and feels of inadequacy sent you down this backwards hellhole and mental gymnastics convinced yourself that it's right to kill Jews and minorities. Your fate will be the same as the Nazis who came before you.

>Nazis are dangerous
>instead of getting them fired and making an example out of it, we should let them keep their place in society and let others know that what they're doing is a-okay

You know that Unite the Right had no calls for violence against anyone.

Yes you know that but you are a communist.

> Nazis are "dangerous"
> but have actually done nothing wrong
> lets persecute them and give them a reason to fight


The ideology of people like David Duke and the "alt-right" call for the murder of Jews and deportation of minorities. If you were a Jew and a large group of people were organizing saying you should be gassed and everyone should team up and kill you wouldn't the logical thing be to kill them first?

Sup Forums is satire, retard. Stop making death threats for one minute and take a look in the mirror.

Show me were Duke says to murder Jews.

Pro-tip: you cant.

Yeah, look at what happened to Europe after kicking Germany repeatedly in the dick after ww1.

Stfu bitch. Y'all advocate the fuck out of doxing when it's someone you don't agree with. You bitches arre enjoying the fruits of your labor. Some one hit me with the "Saul alansky" bullshit. Or how ever it's spelled.

Oh shit, better comply. I'm sure I'll be treated well if I just do as they wish.


Racial tension, divide between people, infighting, instability. REMEMBER EUROMAIDAN OR ARAB SPRING? SAME SHIT.

Car that hit the people was driven by a fucking spook. Patsy was swapped in at a remote location. Vehicle wasn't even the same that the Patsy owned. Clear differences between the two cars. You niggers are being played like a fiddle.

Report and ignore all

shills are easy to spot and ignore, ignore all threads that look like they were designed to cause shitposting and divide

like this one

He implies it over and over again. please hold I'm compiling his tweets where he advocates for it. Just one thing that comes to mind is him saying at jared taylors event that white's will never be free until they expel the semetic enemy forever.

the Versailles treaty was very lenient.

> dox a whitey
> shoot a leftie

Not seeing the problem, tbqh.

Yeah expelling them from white countries is not the same as killing them. Duke is literally a moderate white nationalist who wants all people to have a homeland.


Its obvious who you are aligned with.

let's be realistic, there's no winning move they can make against us anymore
we're destined to succeed