A message to all the niggers, spics, women, and other freaks that think they are welcomed in the alt-right political movement: pro-tip, we don't fucking want you. I don't give a rats ass how "based" you are, I don't give a fuck how "redpilled" you think you are, I don't give a flying fuck if you "aren't like the others". If you're not male, or if you're not white, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE ALT-RIGHT! We don't fucking want you, you are trash in our eyes, you aren't human. Yes we needed your vote during the 2016 campaign but now that Trumps in power, GET THE FUCK OUT OF FACE AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE MOVEMENT
Dear Alt-right Minorities, We don't want you
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Controlled opposition is a beutiful phenomena.
>divide and conquer shill
Fuck off, nazi.
Nobody likes you extremist faggots, and for good reason.
People like you who wave swastikas and talk about gassing jews are ruining it for everybody else
We need to focus on the fucking kikes.
if a few spics and nogs want to help, so be it.
the kikes are the ROOT of the worlds problems.
Agreed, fuck all of you subhuman filth.
No one likes Niggers either
>implying im a nazi
I'm a nazi since that's about as far right as this shitty spectrum gets. Nazis were fucking SJW cucks, they allowed """people""" with dark hair and eyes into their ranks such as *COUGH* pic related guy on the right *cough cough*
>nazi flag
>we don't want women
Bitch, hitler won the election on women votes. Shows how much LARPers actualy know about their own fucking movement.
Go white knight somewhere else you feminist cuck
Women should be allowed in the alt-right for the purpose of purpose of exalting motherhood NOT to be eye candy for basement dwellers who knows a few alt-right talking points.
>He actually cares about increasing "white birthrates" or whatever shit that is
You're literally a fucking autist with mommy issues. No one thinks the white race needs more birthrates and "promoting motherhood" is obviously autistic as fuck. I can't fucking wait until there are sexbots so i won't need useless women.
spic here, fuck you i do what i want
>t. divide and conquer shill
Whats the best way to stop something from spreading to the mainstream? Turn it into a nazi only zone
This is good pasta. I'm gonna post this daily now.
WTF I love women now!
t. obvious divide and conquer shill
Obvious libshill masquerading in order to divide and conquer.
Sage and hide.
No I'll bump it just to make you mad.
False flag thread by a retarded communist.
Anyone can be a National Socialist.
What about faggots?
But I thought you loved traps? And I literally am a white male so I guess you don't mean me?
Funny how you alt-right faggot are only posting here as Anonymous. You know how stupid and pathetic your ideals are.
I don't think you have a choice.
Hell the American nazis were seen as wop race mongrels by the actual Germans which was why there was almost no coordination during WW2.
Which they fucking are given how many times "Neo-nazi exposed as jew, half black" shows up on talk shows every now and then.
I mean for fucks sake if you can't even speak fucking german, then stop roleplaying as autistic krauts and take pride IN YOUR NATION.
Protip: stick with proper American movements.
Am nazi and not sure about this one at all. Black national socialists do exist and acknowledge the role of white people in the world.
pic related
You are either a shill or a NeoNazi.
A NatSoc isn't concerned with the fate of non-whites. He is concerned with the fate of his own people.
We aren't a group that wants the extermination of blacks or even jews. We WILL however return them to their ancestral lands and form our homeland here.
You cannot let your hatred consume you. Otherwise, you are no different than BLM, ISIS, or any other destructive terrorist.
That is why Neo-Nazis are not NatSoc. They have allowed their hatred to consume their judgment, and act in ways society would see as nothing more than violent and degenerate.
I'm an Arabic Christian with whiteish-pale skin, I support Assad and I hate kikes and degenerate judeobolshsvists.
I would never identify myself as part of the Jew-controlled (((altright))) but fuck you if you think you can stop me from standing besides my NatSoc comrades and wave Hitler's flag and hate Jews.
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson dead man.
Turn all your wrath against the media. Bring in the left. Bring in antifa.
Anyone who defends the corrupt kike MSM lugenpresse is the true enemy of the American
Trump fucking told us all this point blank
sage it
Look at your flag.
We'll never win if you talk like you did on OP.
Sup Forums will never associate or defend your kind.
Anonymous posting is there for a reason.
If you make your identity known by doxing yourself and showing your face at LARP events please don't cry about it when you get fired from your TGIMcFunsters managerial position.
I for one encourage and applaud the SJWs for purging the LARPers from our ranks.
There is no place for the weak or retarded in the new world order.
If you're stupid enough to LARP you're out of the gang.
Just say you want Richard Spencer to suck your dick.
>divide and conquer shills
Just shut the fuck up already, don't have a trashcan to harass?
>spics, women
Not wanting the white ones to join you
Idk if you're dumb or you're really dumb
I recognize your posting style. Youre that same guy who was going off early about 'fuck the alt-right'.
You're a bad shill.
The alt-right is Nazis, we hate niggers and spics. Shut the fuck up you alt-lite hippys you are no better than SJWs
Spread the word nigger, you're like a slave like in the good old days, spreading the truth that the white man formulates
You have to go back.
>that pic
Who forces you to justify having a wife and kids, man? And do you leave the basement enough to meet a woman in the first place?
They still want you dead m8
no spics, niggers, slavshits or the niggermixed Mediterraneans. 1488
>says the fag posting with reddit spacing
Am well aware of that
am just here to shitpost
this board is not your safe space and I will express my freedom of speech however I desire
This thread was created by a Jewish liberal that wants to foment divide. If you believe what we believe you are welcome in our movement. 100
It's funny when you listen too real nazis from the 40's when interacting with blacks or other mixed up races, they were super friendly and decent human beings. On Olympia, Jesse Owens, is focused and treated as real champion. You edgy idiots fail to reach decency and normalcy on your ranks.
What is wrong with you? They affirmed their race in a honorable, proud and healthy way. All you do is act like the cliche of teenage faggots who want to be edgy and gay.
Daily reminder that germans are mixed with slavs and anglos aren't aryan. Swedes are only pure aryan stock in existence!
just a reminder that /leftypol/ tries to accuse those that accuse it of being a shill as being from t_d or new.
The movement is helped from other races realizing they need to improve themselves and their culture, and it definitely needs white women. It's not about "based other guy, he's one of us!" it's about "based other guy, he's one of them". When people every where have a right to a homeland and self determination racism will be unnecessary, for the time being it's a natural consequence of losing identity in multiculturalism.
go back to stormfront please
im filipino. y ou cant stop me from sucking your aryan cock
>if you aren't male, we don't want you
Gay detected
Oy vey! Shalom!
Literally oxymoron
White people are humans, and women aren't human, therefor women can't be white
>not aryan
Actually they were, read a fucking book.
Take down that polish proxy, Sven. We know its you.
>A tiki torch is a bamboo torch originating in Tiki culture, but increased in popularity and spread to other places where it is a popular party decoration and can create an island aesthetic to outdoor decorations.
>The common style is to have a bamboo stick with a container of flammable fluid at the top, and then a lit wick drawing from that container.[1]
>The popularity in America rose in the 1930s and further increased in the following decades.[2] The TIKI brand of torches, common in the U.S., was launched in the 1950s; since 2001, the brand's products are made by Lamplight Farms Incorporated, a W. C. Bradley Co. subsidiary based in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin.[3]
>Tiki torches are also used as festive decorations in some Southeast Asian festivals, such as Hari Raya Aidilfitri in Malaysia (alongside pelita oil lamps and ketupat) and Loi Krathong in Thailand (next to the floating krathongs along the river) and also Khuado in Chin State, Burma.
Ahhh. Look at the size of this bowel movement. OP is a faggot corn is sticking out of it.
Shut the fuck up nigger lover
OH wait, you're probably a nigger yourself, lol HIEL HITLER
Get off this thread chink
I don't know what Tiki is but it sounds like some nigger/chink bullshit.
Oh wow is this what you think of me? I'm a pajeet but I supported the alt-right...until now. You've made a terrible enemy today, Mr.Nazi. I shall rededicate my life to exterminating you and your ideology.
no faggot. make me
What's the alt-right?
Why don't you show your flag you larping faggot.
That's because OP is a /leftypol/ shill trying to divide and conquer.
>inb4 only blue-eyed blonde whites can be nazis
We don't even want to hurt your movement or ethnoculture. We just want to help you in the fight against leftist degeneracy. Plus, most of us that assimilate with you have similar IQs, unlike the standard nignog that you see roaming the streets.
Now, if you're talking about peaceful exile, I wouldn't mind. We didn't move to America, the White Man wrongfully moved us to America. However, please give us the necessary backing to conquer parts of Africa and start a civilized, anti-degenerate black-nationalist state. You'll have to pull off an (((Israel))) on thisone, but they had it coming.
Also, I'm not moving to Zimbabwe because the black nationalists over there are so fucking degenerate.
this thread is shills talking to each other, sage
> but I supported the alt-right...until now
If all it takes is some bad troll too change your views on a movement you have been supporting up till now. Then i cannot truly say you are the smartest person.
Edgelord scum.
Very ironic coming from some anonymous commie...
Its funny that it was the 1930s and a huge state enforced PR stunt to look good in a global setting and whats funnier is that my country ALMOST sided with them and if we did then yours would have too.
My grandparents on both sides fought in ww2 and they did it for job opportunity, pussy and jap killing, you know... THE DRAFT. They didnt like blacks or jews or any dumb fuck thing that the movies and blogs would like you to believe.
They also didnt come home with nazi daggers and samurai swords because they were so disgusted with what they stood for. Men war, thats what we do.
Oh shit it's a D&C thread
i agree with these fagoots.
Who literally cares about assimilation/integration meme, you will still muddy the gene pool
>he supported the alt-right
HAHAHA stupid Indian, wouldn't expect more of a subhuman. The SJW cucks breaked their backs for you and you return the favour by sticking to us like the subhuman insecure peasant you are. HAHAHA but now your support is no longer needed so fuck off
It's true though
>wanting ugly shit-eyed mudheads in your ranks
I don't care if you support a white ethnostate, i don't care if you support white america, I DONT CARE IF YOU WANT TO MOVE BACK TO AFRICA!
You are a NIGGER and that's all you'll ever be, in my eyes you could have all the same beliefs as me and you'd still be a worthless NIGGER! Stop supporting what I support because what I support is for the ARYAN masterrace!
> (OP)
You sounds like leftist troll
Your grandfather was a beta male cuck
Yeah. Definitely leftist troll. Or really retarded dumbass in mama's basement. Ive never read such an emotionally driven rant. Are you on your fucking period?
So much D&C i wouldn't be surprised you're hiding an Israeli flag under that swastika.
Yeah we want you, the best ideologies are for everyone. Every country can have their own NatSoc, let's be above this OBVIOUS SHILL DIVIDE PUSH.
>he's unironically a niggerlover.
You just don't have what it takes to accomplish what you want because you don't have a fucking plan!
Get a plan asshat. If you could get a logical plan maybe you could get something done against those you hate.
Fake and gay
I wonder....
I don't know why minorities can't form their own movement, either. They can't be alt-right, because their fighting for someone elses' interests rather than their own, but they can form their own groups and form an alliance with the alt-right. Personally, I think most your movement are White Admixture-dominant mongrels who reaffirm their White Nationalism to prove themselves.
Also you're probably confusing many minorities who identify themselves with alt-right to those who merely sympathize with your movement
They are free to support us, but they can never be us
Ok, answer me this: How do you deport 40 million blacks out of the USA? You can't, but they could do it willingly if they believe in African nationalism. Nationalism is for everyone, but then everyone will choose to build it whereever they want.
you have to go back to >>>reddit
Daily reminder that laughing at LARPers is a respectable act.
Anyone who LARPs deserves the internet fame they get and any repercussions that stem from being a narcissistic IRL tripfaggot exposing your facecode for all to see.
Eat a dick. I'm NatSoc, and any man who respects the right of white people to have their own homelands, is a brother in arms. They help us win our homes back, and I'd gladly defend their homes should they ever be threatened.
niggerfucker*, get with the times retard
sup shlomo
go back to r/chapo