Why is it that despite us being literal nazis, this is probably the most open platform on the internet, in terms of free speech?
Why is it that despite us being literal nazis, this is probably the most open platform on the internet...
Because Nazis don't run Sup Forums. You run 8ch/pol/. come have a look.
yes the nazis were the good guys.
Don't mention that place user
Because it provides anonymity.
When we speak when we don't have anonymity we are constantly concerned about our own self image. This is especially true for liberals who are constantly ranting about how good they are and how much they care about other people, but on here you are just another user. This kind of instinctive virtue signalling doesn't actually follow back to you in real life. Nobody cares who you are, we care about what you say. Which results in actual truth being said and people not being scared of wrongthink and their self image being hurt for not supporting the right thing.
This allows people to actually question elephants in the room and talk about things that would be violently opposed and oppressed on other websites out of concern for self image.
Sup Forums has no self. That is our greatest strength and our greatest weakness.
People are most honest when there's no consequence
Anonymity=no consequences from speaking your opinion
>this is probably the most open platform on the internet, in terms of free speech?
Because Sup Forums isn't run by nazis or progressives. It's run by pedop...weeaboos.
It's not the most open platform for freedom of speech. Sup Forums and Sup Forums are just sparsely moderated to keep the borderline illegal stuff off the site but also to keep the tards away from the actual boards.
but thats what makes it so good its just people of different walks of life meeting in a free situation
So everyone one on here is not just larping?
no sweet summer leaf some of us just meme and drop little nuggets of what we believe behind
Sup Forums
Start Over.
Lets All Love Lain.
Because it turns out the Nazis were not against free speech as long as it wasn't degenerate, stupid, or anti-German/European.
Spend less time on Plebbit.
Cause Hitler did nothing wrong
For now, yes, because realy Nazis aren't in position of power here. Go over to 4x2 pol and you'll see something like pic related.
Because you guys are just teenage LARPers no mattter how much you think you aren't.
Fuck I forgot about that
>8 hours of posting later
That's an open platform m8, you don't like what happens from it but thus is what it looks like. We don't ban based on opinion and you don't even need an account
Sup Forums is a libertarian board. There's at lot of nazis simply because we believe in free speech unlike the collectivist statist cucks who run society, and allow everyone to post here.
It's funny how I change when going to different boards, not sure why either.
>Sup Forums = Fuck off you liberal turbocuck!!
>/out/ = I recommend the Appalachian trail, it's beautiful this time of year.
Anything can be declared degenerate, stupid, or anti-German. Its to vague.
Its all free speech or no free speech.
Whats sad is that many of the Nazi's who are here either don't support free speech, or see their world view as so perfect that criticizing it is absurd to them.
Do not recognize them as the bastions of free speech, they are no better than AntiFa or any other SJW.
To any radical, free speech is nothing but a useful tool.
you can't yell fire in a crowded theater, we don't have free speach, we have freedom to question, freedom to disagree, and freedom to hate.
So it is okay to further restrict our freedom of speech in the name of our people?
X is low, but we need X to be high, so lets make X lower because X is low.
no Sup Forums is a black nationalist board
That is the stupidest argument I've ever fucking heard.
For once I think the black nationalists are better than the retarded "Ban free speach in the name of our people, race war now, both communism and capitalism is jewish" Jargon coming from these brainwashed Nazi larpers.
>we don't have free speach
You're right. We have free speech.
Uderrated, solid post.
>free spech
Hahahahahahahhaahha. You can type what you want, yes, but if it s against the hivemind, you will get called shareblue leddit soros cuck or whatever.
Its the /poo/ equivalent of downvoting
fuck off reddit
Becouse when discussing nazism we all find out that it is the right way to go
This is not possible with a ban on free speech or hate speech
supreme court ruled on yelling fire in a crowded theater
its protected speech, but youre an asshole
Nazis are entry level redpilled adolescents.
>despite us being literal nazis
Because the smarter people among us aren't actually Nazis. You know you can be a white nationalist without being supporting a fascist socialist state? You should try it.
remember when Sup Forums was full of bots spammers shills and stuff like that?
the FBI remembers...
the NSA remembers...
Vladimir Putin remembers....