If captain america does it, why can't we?
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You're not supersoldiers.
Right because some faggot Jew comic boom writer gets to decide what American values are
Are you from CNN? You sound a lot like Jim Acosta citing some gay poem as if it were US law
>muh Captain America wasn't a propaganda tool to stir Americans into fighting Germany
Good goy
A children's picture book has no impact on my political views. Grow up faggot.
Might as well post a Harry Potter reference you pinko cocksucking nigger.
Captain America represents white patriarchal ideals. He's so offensive to progressive society that he needed to be retconned by SJWs.
Why are you still supporting evil white males?
Punch a Nazi, Slap a Jap, Shitalian on Italians
because we haven't been genetically altered into supersoldiers and we don't have vibrandium shields, you fucking idiot.
even better, people are posting ww2 propaganda videos by the US and saying it should be "required viewing in schools"
Jack Kirby, his creator was a kike.
Fantasy self insert Jewboy, we all know Jews are physically weak and cowardly.
I wanna be an ultrasoldier.
but captan america WAS a nazy
Do you really think the US joined WW2 for the Jews? Fucking moron.
go ahead. try it.
Already did
go get him some milk
You degenerate nigger. Implying comic books stand for what America stands for.
>source related:
America for americans, not nazis